A 4 letter word that leads to bipolar success


What’s going on?

I was just sitting around and doing some planning.
What kind of planning? Well I was planning my workout
and meals for the next 7 days or so. I do that a lot.
Many of my friends think I am out of my mind
because I do so much planning.

But you know the old saying:

“People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.”

I was thinking about bipolar disorder as well
and how many things that people don’t plan

And with bipolar disorder you MUST plan.

First let me step back and say one thing
about myself.

The reason why I am so serious about health
and fitness is because I realized about…
hmmm…10 years ago how important it was.

Let me quickly tell you the story so you know

Okay, I was in my last year of football. I played
football for 14 years and a bunch of other
sports. But football was my focus. I was also
a power lifter at the time.

A power lifter is a person that lifts very
heavy weights. Usually in three major
exercises: bench, squat, and dead lift.

I was, I would say, really strong. I could
do 465 pounds on squat for 17 repetitions,
which is really pretty strong (not to brag).

I was also 282 pounds at the time. Some
of my really good friends were over 300 pounds.

We had no problem ever eating really late
at night. Actually it was common for us to
have a double from WAWA (like a convenience
store that sells food). A double is 2 foot
long subs with double cheese, double meat,
double lettuce, double everything with two
large drinks and two bags of potato chips.

We made up the term, but that’s what a double
was. We use to do this about 12:00 at night,
no problem. NO ONE ever thought about whether
it was healthy or not.

Anyway, we all did well in football and
we were in good football lineman shape.
I was NOT low in body fat but could run
really fast – I could sprint and I could
do what a lineman had to do. Could I run
5 miles? No way! I would fall over!

So anyway, all we were into was getting
bigger and stronger. We were what people
call “meatheads.” A meathead is a slang
term for a person who only focuses on
getting big and strong. A meathead is
like a caveman from back in the day.


So here’s what changed me. I remember
it just like it was the other day.
After our last football game, we had
like a get together. Old football players
from back in the day were going to be
coming to school to hang out. Some of
them were really, really good. Like legends.

I never met some but I saw them in films,
on the wall, or in pictures.

I will never forget this.

When they came it was scary. Most of the people
Looked – guess what? HORRIBLE!

They were big and fat. I mean like 350 pounds
fat. Some could barely move. I remember this
one guy that was super good and looked like
a machine in old pictures almost couldn’t
move he was so darn big!

I asked around in a nice way what the heck
happened to these people?

It was like they all caught a strange illness
that made them go from being super athletic
to really big and fat.

My coached laughed, and said, and I will
never forget this:

“That’s how you guys end up.”

I said, “Huh?” and he said, “You guys
get big and fat after you stop playing ball.”

Right then I said to myself, “This will NOT
be me. There is no way I am going to let that
happen to me.”

I felt like I had just gone through a sacred
straight problem–you know when they take
bad kids and bring them to jails and say, “Look
at these people, if you keep being bad, you’ll
be in here as well,” and the kids say, “Oh my God,
I don’t to be in jail, I will be good.”

Anyway, I decided I was going to stop the
power lifting and stop being a “meathead”
and get into super good shape, have abs,
have low body fat, etc.

I just didn’t know how to do it.

What did I need? I needed a clear cut

I went and like you can imagine because you
Know me pretty well now. I bought every
book on dieting, body building and losing
weight. I tried everything.

The books were not good enough. I could only
get so far.

One day I met a guy who became my mentor.
His name was Ismail. He taught me the real
little secrets to getting the results I
was looking for.

He was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, smart and
good at what he did.

He is the one who told me that quote, “People
don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.”

He gave me a plan.

Getting back to bipolar disorder, the problem
with bipolar disorder is 99% of people don’t
have a plan. Supporters don’t have a plan.
Most people just throw caution to the wind
and hope for the best.

In my courses/systems below:




I talk about all the different plans you’ll
need to have. I talk about the importance of planning
and most importantly, I give you the plans to
accomplish probably 95% of the goals you’ll
have–no matter what your situation.

Also, even more importantly, you get to learn
from not only me but real people who were really
dealing with bipolar disorder and what plans
they use.

Today take a minute and ask yourself the following

-do you believe in planning?

-do you have a plan to get to where you want
to go whether you are a bipolar supporter or a
bipolar survivor

-do you have a clear picture of what you’ll
be up against to accomplish your plans

I want to warn you, if you don’t know
the importance of planning and don’t know
what you’ll be up against, how are you
going to actually accomplish anything
with bipolar disorder?

Your Friend,


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different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

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you can’t learn anywhere else.

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