With Bipolar, The Small Things Make A Huge Difference


How’s it going? I hope you are doing well.
I wanted to drop you a quick email today about
something really important about bipolar disorder.
I call it the small things make the difference.

Now, you know that I am a HUGE believer in medication
for bipolar disorder but there are other things
that I have seen with the people who work for me
and my own mother that make a huge difference as well–
it’s the small things people might take for granted.

Bipolar supporters and also people with bipolar
disorder need to realize this. I don’t even think
most doctors fully appreciate how impactful the
small things are on bipolar disorder.

You might be wondering, “Dave, what are the
small things?”

Here’s are just some of them (for people with
bipolar disorder):

-Keeping stress low
-Eating well and avoiding trigger foods (sugar is a
trigger food for my mom…meaning too much of it
can significantly contribute to her going into a bipolar
-Having a routine if you have bipolar disorder
-Not watching TV late at night (several people I know with
bipolar disorder report too much TV at night can contribute
to a bipolar episode)
-doing positive self talk
-Taking medication at the right time that your doctor recommends
-Taking medication consistently
-Getting so many hours of sleep

Now if you are a bipolar supporter, you should be helping
your loved one with bipolar disorder accomplish the small
things and you should not be creating problems for them.

Let me explain. Okay if you are a bipolar supporter and
you and your loved one make a list of all the small things
that must be done for your loved one to manage his/her
bipolar disorder then you should help to make sure that
list is accomplished each day.

I find that many supporters are not helpful. Some by accident
others just really don’t try to be helpful. Let me give
you an example so you are clear. Okay, so if you know
your loved one should not be around lots of stress, has
to take medication later in the evening and needs to get
at least 8 hours of sleep, if you decided to constantly
recommend going to late night parties each weekend,
you would be part of the problem not part of the solution.

Does that make sense? Even my own dad comes up with
some ideas and I am like, “Dad, how is that going
to work for mom?” He says “Oh, yea you’re right.”
But then I think in my head, I wonder why he doesn’t
think of this before I say something.

What you should do now. You should make a list
of all the small things that you feel will lead
to either your or your loved one’s stability with
bipolar disorder.

Then you should work to make sure these small things
happen on a daily basis.

It sounds really simple but it’s powerful. I have
seen time and time again, even people taking medication
find that if they don’t do many of the small things right,
it negates the effectiveness of the medication.

For example, if my mom doesn’t get any sleep for many days
in a row, and watches tv late at night, her bipolar medication
doesn’t work right and she becomes unstable. I have no
idea but this is the case with her.

In my courses/systems, most of the successful people
who are interviewed talk about the importance of
the small things and it was through these interviews
I began to focus on them.




Well I have to run now. Can you believe this? As
a side note, it’s taken me about 45 minutes to think
about and type this email up. I have been on hold
with Sprint customer service trying to undo a bill
that I got from them for a cell phone I do not
own and know nothing about. I must say, sprint has
horrible customer service. Last week I waited more than
55 minutes and never spoke to someone. It’s a total

Anyway, there is a good lesson to be learned with
this which is persistence. When you are supporting
a loved one with bipolar disorder, many times you will
be faced with people, places and things that almost
seem impossible to deal with. They will lie to you,
stall, try to block you, etc. when you are trying to
help yourself or your loved one.

Make sure you take great notes on who you talk to. And
here is another tip that I am using right now with
sprint, you go into these things knowing they are going
to take a long time to deal with. You have something
else to do so that you can occupy your time as you
wait to get through the system.

Anyway, I have to run. Remember this tip because I GUARANTEE
if you are dealing with a mental illness you will be faced
with people that are like the sprint people I am dealing
with now.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Yep right on the ball there David

    I’ve recieved great news about exchanging to Wales a more peaceful way to live I lived there years ago and finally I am going back which feels going home again. I cannot wait and I think this will help my bipolar partner who says he will join me after. I hope the move will not stress him too much. I hope we shall stay together but it was something I had to do and been waiting a long time to do. Any advice for moving house with bipolar partner being present? Let me know guys as I will read this blooger again!!

    Take care bipolic networks!

  2. David,
    good point! my friend seams to live his life on a scedual, but at the same time he is crazy about sugar, and i never put the to together but usually if he has a episode hes just gobbled down sweets,and the stress level is high at that time and he starts breaking things.and if you ask him why when he calms down he says they made him mad and brushes it off like its no big deal.it gets irritating like he dont care what hes done or who hes hurt!

  3. I have had bipolar for many years. I am lucky enough to have a husband that can usually tell when the bipolar starts to set in. That way we watch it together and stop the triggers, or if it getting out of hand, get to the doctors. Stess is for sure a trigger. And holidays are a really bad time for me. I stay on my medications and take them on time faithfully. It has taken years to get to where I am now. So anyone who has problems with bipolar, keep your head up…it DOES get easier.

  4. The small things do count in triggering an episode.

    My bpII H insists on driving the entire 11 hrs each way on our bi-annual visits to see his father. He has no issues until the drive home. As soon as we are within an hour or two from being home he becomes irritable and says things to try to get me to argue with him. By the time we reach home he is sullen, irritable and angry. This mood normally lasts three days to a week after we are home.

    We just returned from one of these trips and he has no idea what he is angry about. Last night he threw a pillow at one of our cats because he walked into our bedroom meowing. When I asked him what he is angry about he accused me of playing games. That’s one of his key phrases when he is in an episode. Everyone is playing games with him.

  5. what do you do when youve basically been told by you l/o that if he needs your help hell ask for it? i dont know really what to do… i try to read him and deal accordingly.always with honesty and calm even voice…..still need more help or techniques i can use…ill read later if anyone can help….thanks

  6. I-really-admire-your-concern-for-your-mom-which-seems-to-have-become-your-life’s-mission.-How-old-are-you?-your-mom?-just-curious.-Bipolar-runs-in-my-family.-Two-of-my-aunts-on-my-mothers-side-have-it.I-am-a-female-age-33.-I-have-never-been-diagnosed-with-bipolar-but-I-have-had-depression-since-childhood.-In-the-last-5-or-so-years-i-became-manic.-I-am-trying-to-get-help-,seeing-a-therapist-and-taking-my-antidepressants.-i-have’t-become-manic-but-I-wish-I-would.-a-friend-gave-us-a-cake-and-I-ate-5-pieces-yesterday.-I-have-been-in-mixed-states-as-far-as-being-extremely-depressed-barely-able-to-function-and-get-my-daily-activities-done-.I-have-been-getting-up-late-and-still-not-dressed-its-almost-noon-where-I-live.-No-one-really-understands-my-illness-in-my-family-I-belive-my-daughter-maybe-bipolar-as-well.-Anyhow,-I-just-want-to-say-thank-you-4-all-your-supporters-who-have-so-much-genuine-love-and-concern,-for-your-loved-ones-that-you-are-willing-to-help-them-in-so-many-ways.-We-really-cannot-do-it-on-our-own.-Thank-you-for-your-publications-Dave-sorry-for-the-wierd-format-my-keyboard-is-messed-up.

  7. I-really-admire-your-concern-for-your-mom-which-seems-to-have-become-your-life’s-mission.-How-old-are-you?-your-mom?-just-curious.-Bipolar-runs-in-my-family.-Two-of-my-aunts-on-my-mothers-side-have-it.I-am-a-female-age-33.-I-have-never-been-diagnosed-with-bipolar-but-I-have-had-depression-since-childhood.-In-the-last-5-or-so-years-i-became-manic.-I-am-trying-to-get-help-,seeing-a-therapist-and-taking-my-antidepressants.-i-have’t-become-manic-but-I-wish-I-would.-a-friend-gave-us-a-cake-and-I-ate-5-pieces-yesterday.-I-have-been-in-mixed-states-as-far-as-being-extremely-depressed-barely-able-to-function-and-get-my-daily-activities-done-.I-have-been-getting-up-late-and-still-not-dressed-its-almost-noon-where-I-live.-No-one-really-understands-my-illness-in-my-family-I-belive-my-daughter-maybe-bipolar-as-well.-Anyhow,-I-just-want-to-say-thank-you-4-all-your-supporters-who-have-so-much-genuine-love-and-concern,-for-your-loved-ones-that-you-are-willing-to-help-them-in-so-many-ways.-We-really-cannot-do-it-on-our-own.-Thank-you-for-your-publications-Dave-sorry-for-the-wierd-format-my-keyboard-is-messed-up.

  8. hi David,I just started with your course..thanks you brought to light a lot of staff that for years I couldn’t name..I’m Italian and Italy is light years behind..and I’ve got a question about” Mirroring someone bipolar”,but it’s long to be written in here…I was wondering if there is a way to get in touch with you..I’m working on myself well I try to rebuilt a life after dealing with a man that,now I can see,was really sick he never wanted help..but he took me at the hedge, at the point I tried suicide few times and I end up to be the sick one…He runs off and he’s pretending a normal life..the point is that he took our little doughter with him and his family(quite importan family in Venice)are covering him for the past 5 years..in short this is about but I’m still dealing with quite few issue..I saw doctors and noone never mention this in Europe..thanks again sincerly Erika

  9. I don’t know about SPRINT, but T-Mobile has fantastic customer service! I don’t work for, own stock in, or otherwise benefit from this comment. It’s just TRUE!

    Thanks David, for the encouragement.

  10. I have found that with both myself and my son, it is a good idea to have a routine set everyday. We walk every evening, and this makes us happy and we can talk about the day and everything that happened. Sometimes my son and I feed off each other, and 2 bipolar people, (especially who live together) tend to do that. When my son starts to act in a bad way or upset me, I ignore him. That way he is not getting the feedback from me. We are doing the best we can. Keep fighting the demons and keeping ourselves on our medication helps a great deal.

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