WARNING! Are you making this big bipolar mistake?


What’s new? I feel so sick. I ate some
really bad stuff yesterday and I am not sure
what. Anyway too bad for me 🙂

Hey I have been working on a catalog site
with all my stuff. I didn’t realize I have
almost 20 resources for bipolar disorder.
Anyway, check it out:

Okay let get going.

I have to head out of my office
pretty fast today because I have a whole lot
of things to do but I wanted to write about
an important concept related to bipolar
disorder that you need to know.

Let me jump right into it. If you
are a supporter of someone with bipolar
disorder, and your loved one is not
stable, you can’t look to this person
to make good decisions.

Sounds like common sense, right? Well
it should anyway, if this isn’t common
sense then we really need to have a
serious talk. Anyway, even though this
should be common sense, many people
on my list make the huge and I mean
HUGE mistake of almost trying to rationalize,
talk to, look for answers to, wait for
a response from a person who is not
stable with bipolar disrorder.

This is absolutely positively amazing to

Let me give you a couple of examples so
you kwow what I mean. Okay first one
comes from my family. Back in the
day right after my mom went into
her “mother of all episodes” she was
in the hospital and then was released
into an outpatient program.

While she was in this program (which
by the way was a total joke and terrible
as I look back), she would come back
home and scream and yell. She was totally
not stable. Anyway, I had taken her
c.redit cards away from her. Why? Because
I am a mean abusive son? NO. She had
over $30,000 of d.ebt and it was growing
super fast.

Anyway, I took them away right after she
first went into the hospital. My dad, on
the other hand wanted her to have them?
Why? Is it because he is crazy? He was
at the time sort of :).

It was because she wanted them and demanded
them and he would listen to her while she
was in her episode. It was super odd to
me. I on the other hand would never listen
to anything she was saying when she was
in an episode. Meaning, I wouldn’t take
orders or ideas from her that were clearly
descrtructure and go along with her.

Okay it got even worse. So after I went
through and cataloged all her expenses,
it turned into about many pages of that
yellow paper with lines on it. You know
the one that I can’t remember the name
right now. I think it’s called a yellow
legal pad, (Duh, Dave…sorry I am tired).

Anyway I discovered that she not only owed
$30,000 in c.redit card debt. She owed tons
of other de.bts so I put a plan together.

After the outpatient program and when she
wasn’t stable, she demanded to get her
c.redit cards back. She screamed and yelled
at me on my cell phone. She called me
every name in the book. Relentelessly
she beat on me. I never thogught for one
second to give them back.

Then her bipolar kind of game up on me
and she then put tons of pressure on my dad.
I shouldn’t even say tons because she called
him a couple of times and he immediately
called me and said and I will never forget
this, “Shouldn’t we just give her one
c.redit card?” I said no and hung up.

Anyway fast forward two years and when
I make fun of my dad and ask my mom,
“Looking back mom, are you glad that
I took charge and took your c.redit
cards so you couldn’t spend yourself
into homelessesness?” She says “YES.
thank you.”

If you met my mom and asked her this
she would tell you how her de.bts almost
destroyed her and she wished that I
took them away ealier. She is puzzled
as to why my dad would go along with
her and giving them back.

My mom kind of gets mad that my dad allowed
her to make bad decisions and didn’t stop
her. My dad never stood up to her bipolar
disorder and I did. I am not trying to say
I am a super persn which I am not. I am just
trying to make a point.

Okay, I almost have to take off but one more
case study.

There’s a person on my list. She called. Her
mother has bipolar disorder. She was to me
my father doesn’t know what to do. I asked
even he went through my material which
he has access to (ton of stuff like
what’s here:

She said no. He hasn’t. He is waiting for
my mom to snap out of it. I said what?
She said yes he is waiting for my mom
to snap out of it. I said, she needs
to be put into the hospital. She says
well he (the father) agreed to never
put her into the hospital.

I was thinking, “who in the world
would make such an agreement with a person
who isn’t stable?” Do you see the problem
here? Anyway to make a long story short,
the mother has bipolar disorder and is totally
unstable but the father who is the supporter has decided
to let the her make all the decisions? It’s so strange.

I know your like “Dave that makes no sense.” BUT I know
for sure there are thousands of people on my list
doing the same thing. It’s not just them.




The bottomline is this. Don’t let someone who
has bipolar disorer control you and make decisions
that are destructive. Remember if the person
has bipolar disorder and is unstable he/she
can’t make good decisions that’s the entire problem
with the illness. If the person couldn’t it wouldn’t
be bipolar disorder.

If you have bipolar disorder, and you are stable,
you should do this immediatley. Have a talk with
your supporters and tell them that if you did
go into an episode not to listen to any descrtructive
things that you may say. Do yourself a favor and
set this up today. Don’t wait.

Well I have to run I have soooooooooo many
things to do today.

Have you ever let someone with bipolar disorder
and isn’t stable run the show and make decisions?
If so, please tell everyone your story. Don’t
be shy I told you mine 🙂

Your Friend,


P.S. Learn about all my resource for bipolar
disorder by visiting here:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. my daughter 21 year old found out she has bipolar illness in Feb. 2007. She is very unstable and makes wrong decisions and money issuses. I cant seem to get through to her anymore. She has been in the hospital once. The Dr.s and thearpist wont see her any more because of a medical bill she owes after insurance. I cant afford to pay for them. Any they dont seem to care. I dont know which way to turn as I dont have control. She has gone wild and makes moral mistakes and of course money ones.. Says I am 21 and I can do what I want. Are my hands tied or is there another way for me to help her. I just want her to be safe and happy.

    Sharon, from MO

  2. What do you do when they have blocked all contact with you from them ?
    If I mail a letter I get phone calls threatening me about slapping a harrasment order on me.
    We don’t even live in the same state! I have done nothing but been there for this person and she goes on a gay web site and makes me sound like a monster. I have supported her in every way, money,
    love,. I love her very much and it kills me knowing how she is just ignoring herself and messing up her life. I want to help and do not know how.
    AT A LOSS, from Orlando

  3. Dave, I’m on your mailing list and been wanting to write you for some time. I’m 36 years old, I have cerebral palsy and unfortunately, depression

    I’ve been thru hell. I’ve carried the cross of depression for all my life (records go back to age 5 when I was “isolating myself”.) There was a lot of yelling in my house when I was growing up, as my father was very emotionally abusive. I was the family scapegoat because I had problems. He yelled at me for constantly crying (How old are we again? That was his favorite question to me while yelling). I was thrown out of school in kindergarten and punished and yelled for what I know were medical problems. I’ve carried a HUGE burden of guilt and emotional pain for….well forever. I felt a lot of guilt and shame because my father was yelling at me every day. They “outsourced” me to a psychiatric hospital at the age of 5 (I didn’t know it was a psych hospital at the time, just some place where parents dumped their problem kids) I was there for one and a half years, and have spent my life living with the stigma of that, and trying to forget the whole thing. My parents are STILL ANGRY at me for the whole experience of that and more. They claim I was kicked out for refusing to be helped. I was yelled at everyday. Both parents were guilty of this, but dad was much worse. I’ve been afraid of him since I was nine years old. I was threatened with institutionalization on a regular basis and told what kind of a life I could expect as a person with cerebral palsy who made things difficult for them and it wasn’t a pretty picture. All of this was going on when I was dealing with my physical handicaps. None of us were allowed to tell anyone about the yelling and I learned this the hard way. I finally left when Dad was yelling because I was still in severe pain from surgery after 4 months…the surgery in question causes incredible pain for the patient for at least a year afterwards, or so I learned later elsewhere. I now live 500 miles from my family and to this day, am scared to be in the same room as my father. I learned from another family member that my mom, an uncle, a brother and sister all have depression. I don’t know if I have bipolar, I do know I am depressed, have high prolactin levels and in severe physical pain, and because of that pain I am even more depressed and suffer from the longing to commit suicide. (And it is not like me to want to die, Dave) I see images in my head of my death many times a day and have to fight the urge to use any handheld item as a gun so I can do what I call “mimicking.” I live in near complete isolation from my depression and the only contacts I have are with nurses, personal support workers and my psychiatrist, and my psychiatrist can only be seen every two months and then just long enough to exchange plesantries and book the next appointment. There are very few wheelchair accessible psychiatrists in Canada’s capital…I have had no luck with medication for my symptoms and I am getting worse. I have no real “supporters” as you would call them, save a friend in Toronto who I write to every day (he rarely writes back, but he reads everything I write. He visits me when he can, but he lives too far away.) All my attendants and nurses can do for my depression is take notes and put me on more waiting lists. I have come to the realization that I have no hope of ever being freed of my depression and am slowly coming to the realization that I would be better off dead. I am too terrified to check into the hospital (I would have to go by ambulance and leave my chair at home. I have serious “issues” concerning hospitals, I wouldn’t last an hour in there. The last time I was in the psych hospital, when I was in the ER I got panicked and tried to leave, it took six people from security to restrain me, five to immobilize my 200 pound wheelchair and a threat to take that chair away and strap me down before I would give up the fight I haven’t been back since, but would rather die than go there.) I pray that someone will commit me before things get too bad, but this will never happen…and I have been begging for help for two years or at least trying to. And one specialist said my depression has reached a dangerous level. They are waiting for me to admit myself to the hospital, Dave…and I know I can’t do it.

    I may have depression, but many of the things that happen to people with bipolar disorder have happened to me, including alienation from my family, not having friends or holding down a job, not talking about the illness in my family (My mother’s way of dealing with depression is “fake it till you make it. I suspect my dad is worst off of all for mental illness, but he would never admit it if he was sick, just yell about us talking about “private family matters.) My cerebral palsy need not have caused the isolation, joblessness and the alienation, I know people with handicaps who lead fruitful lives. But I will not be one of them, and this is NOT an issue of self-pity. I am so terrified of people turning vicious on me like my dad that I have virtually locked myself away, my fear of people has ruined my life, Dave. (The fact I have cerebral palsy was not mentioned to my siblings, so there was stigma just around that too, and in our day and age.) I rarely have contact with my family and we almost never talk to each other. My dad’s e-mails to me are two lines long usually and he comes down twice a year, to set up the air-conditioner in my place and do housecleaned, and then they leave. My dad told me what a disappointment I was to him. I do not have a whole lot of hope here and expect to be dead soon, or at least greatly desire it, and yet, I am the one making the decision to go to the hospital…and I have good reason not to go. I am on a pension and your course is out of financial reach for me, but I am an AVID reader…I am now doing extensive research on mental illness, because I had warning signs for years and no one ever knew. My mother and father would not know what full-blown depression looks like if it bit them and my mom is depressed and likely my dad! I have recently realized just how affected I am from this and I have taken far too much flak from it. I have no hope of reconciliation with my family or much else…and many people are trying to make suicide kosher for handicapped, sick and mentally ill people. I do not want to get into a firestorm here, but that issue means that my chances of getting good help for my depression, the way things are now, is zero. I do not wish to live now and think of death all the time. Many would praise the “rational” decision I would make if I kill myself. I have little hope that this letter would be read…but I am taking a chance…for the sake of my friend in Toronto and a great deal more, but I badly want to die or at least wheel away and disappear from all this. I have developped more medical problems and a burned out attendant is coming back soon after two weeks on vacation. She has two depressed family members at home and says it’s not fair she has to deal with me too. I also have overheard her say “I wish you would disappear” And whenever she makes a comment like that, I want to tell her: “I can end the problem for you real fast. Just give me a gun and walk out.” I have tried to tell my shrink about what is happening, but there is just no time. I wish you had a course for depression, I really do. I am desperate to end my misery, but have given up nearly all hope for relief. And my parents cannot be trusted to help or to even tell the truth, I had to pull my files to find out I wasn’t kicked out for refusing help. Why would they lie? Or say horrible things to their daughter? They don’t even want me to move to live closer to them. I don’t want to fight anymore. I’m sorry I’ve bothered you with this.

  4. I am losing my marriage because of bipolar. He thinks that I can control the decisions I make, I can’t. I know I constantly do things that normal people wouldn’t. We went to the therapist on wednesday and have an appointment set up with the psychiatrist on sept. 18 to recieve the drugs for this problem. I don’t know what to do I am at a complete loss.

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