Warning About The Police And Bipolar Disorder


How’s it going?

I hope you’re doing ok today.

I’ve been reading in the news a lot about people with mental illness, not just bipolar disorder, getting killed by the police because the police misunderstand the situation, or they just don’t know that the person has bipolar disorder (or some other mental illness).

I read the headlines. I read a lot of headlines from all across the headlines. I stay informed.

I post them on my website, so that you can stay informed, too.

This is really important to me, because when I started bipolarcentral.com, one of the most important things to me (and it still is) was to educate people about bipolar disorder. So I put up the bipolar news on the website as one of the ways to do that.

Anyway, sometimes I’m accused of posting only bad news, and some people really, really don’t like that, and they tell me so.

But I tell them that even if you were to read just your own paper, or turn on the news on your local TV station, you would see all this bad news, too. It’s just all around us, unfortunately.

I just pick out the stories that apply to bipolar disorder, because those are the ones that you are interested in reading about.

In my defense against those people who accuse me of only printing bad news, well, I don’t. I print all the news I can find that has to do with bipolar disorder. My intent, just like it always was, is just to inform.

Unfortunately, I guess these people are kind of right. I wish there were more positive news about bipolar disorder.

That’s what one of the things is about my mission is. I want people to learn more about bipolar disorder so that they will become more educated and not be so afraid of people who have the disorder.

If people are more educated, they won’t be so afraid. Then, maybe, we won’t see so many tragic headlines.

Speaking of sad stories, one of those headlines found in New Jersey, hit home recently. Yea, it was really sad.

But it has a bipolar lesson to it, so I have to share it with you.

Michele who works for me, her cousin’s 23-year-old son was shot and killed by the police. He had a knife, and was surrounded by a squad of police, and they just shot first.

Unfortunately, what the headlines didn’t say was that Jake had bipolar disorder and was in a manic episode at the time, because he hadn’t been taking his medication.

Now, you’re familiar with bipolar disorder. You do understand that, in a manic episode, your loved one is not in their right mind. They aren’t thinking rationally.

Who knows if Jake even understood what was happening to him?

The point was, here was this young man, surrounded by all these police, all these guns pointed at him, and he probably didn’t even know what was happening.

And there was no one there to intervene on his behalf.

In my courses/systems, I talk about what to do if your loved one does become violent during a bipolar episode:




In some types of bipolar disorder, the person can become violent during an episode.

They may have hallucinations or delusions during an episode and not know what they’re doing, and it may lead to some type of violence.

Even if they don’t have this type of bipolar disorder, their disorder may change somewhere down the line, and they may become violent.

So whether your loved one has ever been violent before or not, you need to be aware of what to do if they ever do become that way.

Even if they don’t become actually violent, there may come a time when they are so out of control and you are so afraid that you have to involve the police.

Or maybe you’re not even so afraid for yourself, but for your loved one.

Sometimes, in an episode, a person with bipolar disorder will threaten suicide.

And you may not be able to handle it by yourself.

So, in any of the cases, like I’ve mentioned, the police may need to be involved.

This is the bipolar lesson I talked about earlier. There are some things you should know before you involve the police.

Especially for your loved one’s sake.

Because there still hasn’t been enough education in the community and in police departments to necessarily keep them from killing a person in a bipolar episode rather than just subduing them first and getting them the help they need.

Probably the most important thing you need to know is this:

Should you have to call the police on your loved one, STAY (if at all possible) until the police arrive, so that you can explain to them that your loved one has bipolar disorder.

In many states, it will make the difference between your loved one going to the hospital or going to jail.

If there is some reason you cannot stay, then make sure when you do call the police, that you tell them that they will be dealing with someone who has bipolar disorder.

Again, it may mean the difference between your loved one going to the hospital or going to jail.

As a supporter, I’m sure you would rather see your loved one get the help they need rather than go to jail just for  being in a bipolar episode.

Many times, the police will bring with them a mental health professional who will help them assess the situation and /or your loved one’s condition.

Unfortunately, Jake did not have this luxury.

Had there been a mental health professional on the site, he may have stood a better chance of living.

So what do YOU think.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. I can relate to your article about involving the police when someone with Bipolar Disorder becomes suicidal. For a long time I thought my husband had Bipolar Disorder, but then a nurse friend of mine told me if it’s really bipolar then he wouldn’t be able to turn it on and off when he wants to. Regardless, my husband has some mental issues and was threatening suicide a couple of weeks ago, I called a couple of his friends to the house to help me prevent him from getting into the car and carrying out his threat. They told me over and over not to call the police,so I didn’t. Now, I wish I had.He needs help and that’s probably the only way I could’ve gotten him help. I was instructed by the Suicide crisis hotline to ask for a CIT officer when I call and they will send a certified intervention trained police officer. So, there are people in uniform who are getting the training they need to help people with mental issues,just so you know.

  2. Dave I so feel bad for the family you talked about today! I see what your saying due to the fact that it took my daughter putting a knife to her lil bros throat to get a doctor to listen to me when I said she is bipolar! Ive known it for years since she was in 2nd grade! Im asked why didnt you call the police but where I live the chances of them listen to me is too slim to risk my daughters life! Im always home with her and I step in and get involved with her doctors! So far so good! She is now stabilizing on her meds! she reads about her disorder so she is trying to educate herself on it! So again thank you for your work helping to inform the rest of the people!

  3. For the last few months I have read your emails and newletters with great interest. Your efforts are very positive and I would like to offer any any of your readers my experience as a bipolar person. You may be familiar with my two books, “Monster In My Mind” and “Thoughts of a Madman”, both published by Publish America. They both offer a unique view of one who has the bipolar disorder as well as my wife who I put through “heck”. If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.
    Rick Wilson

  4. Hi Dave and All,

    Sometimes the police need to be involved, especially in those cases in point.

    They came and took me to the hospital where I was diagnosed bipolar. One of the emt guys taped on the window and said to me, “The space ship will be here for you soon”. That was pretty shitty a thing to say. I may have been out of my mind, but not so out of it that I didn’t know what snidisms were. It was very upsetting for me, for many reasons, but I needed transport, help for something I could not identify at the time. I didn’t know what was happening. I did not know I was bipolar so didn’t know what to say although I wanted to tell them, I know you are not the police (I thought they were terrorists posing as cops). I was really off the deep end there.

    So, yes, there may be critical times we will need to involve the police. All I can say, is have the strength to call them if need be. This is another coping mechanism we have to become familiar with. Because lets face it, when its bad, it’s really bad. So, take the necessary steps for precautions sake.

  5. Dave, Thank you for your email today. My family had a tragic police call on the 1st of Feb. Not only was my son taken to jail but my husband and myself were also taken. We called 911 for medical assistance my son was in manic phase. We told them there was no danger just wanted him to get medical atten. We wanted him to go to the hospital. We do have mental hot line in our state md. but the police refused to call it. My son was just sitting in the car with girlfriend returning from church. He had done nothing wrong. The police arrived my husband stopped them in the driveway and said we do not need you just medical help. The were aggressive and would not listen to him and ran toward my son who knew nothing about them being called. His girlfriend tried to tell them he was manic they told her he knew just what he was doing. I tried to plead with them not to arrest him he just needed medical help, they just kept beating my son. Two were holding him down while another sat on his chest and beat his head against large rocks in my garden. My husband was so upset when yet another came running up the drive with his hand on his gun, my husband who had been in the herb garden cutting rosemary for our breakfast pulled his paring knife from his jacket and said do not hurt my son. They pulled the guns on my husband and he threw the knife right down. It was wrong for him to do that and he said he was sorry and but he thought they were going to kill our son right in our dirveway. I was making another call in the house of 911 medical help by the time I got out a matter of no more than 3 or 4 min. my husband was lying on the ground not moving my son was still being beat, I bent down to see if my husband was breathing and I heard a police office say get the knife. I did not even know there was a knife, as I turned my head to look a office grabbed me up by my arm, I was in total shock as to why he would put his hands on me. I told him to take his hands off me and pulled away, at this time my opened hand touched his shoulder and he threw me down and arressted me. I saw the medical units arrive finally and called out for assistance but the police would not let them enter our poperty. My husband and I have never been in trouble in 57 years, not even traffic. These officers has ruined our life we have lived in our county for over 40 years. To this date my son is still in the detention center in annapolis, and our legal fees will bankrupt us. The trama that his been done to all of us is unreal. We were only asking for help. My son did not get into the medical unit at the detention center till the 25th of Feb. and this only happened after my letters to the county executive were read and he called the warden. The lack of training or care of these officers has destroyed our family. Thanks for listening. I have order some of your material but not received it yet. I just wanted to thank you for all your emails that are so helpful to us.

  6. HI….
    WELL….if some one is going to be going round with a knife now we dont want that there must
    be some action took. This guy must be “CRAZY” .Now i understand about bipolar but i all so fear he is in danger ing other peoples lives. I don,t think he should be shot i think the cops should compromise with him then get him the
    the help needs don,t you.All though your country have diffrent rules to owers.
    Take Care Linda x

  7. Thank you for all you information. I am the mother of a dual diagnoses bipolar son, who has suffered so much in ths life time due to my own misunderstanding of what’s happening, as well as society. He just recently had a familiar incident, and we, forunately, were there and able to get him transported to a hospital. Again, thank you.

  8. Yes Dave…I can wholeheartedly agree with you, because
    a dear friend of mine’s very loving husband is bipolar, and he all of a sudden went into a violent episode. She had to call the police,( and I’m sure she told them he was bipolar), but they wound up taking him to jail (without any meds!)…and he didn’t get any medical help for several days. She was so distraught over how he was being treated. But that ‘eventually’ got corrected, and he got the needed help, and he is home and doing fine now. But the fact is, he should NOT HAVE BEEN TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL!
    It was a heart-wrenching situation that surely could have been avoided. She said she will never call the police again! I just hope it’s never needed…I don’t know what I would do in that situation.

  9. My daughter has always been very verbally abusive and many times violent during an eposode. The police have been called many times as a last resort. It always scares me. One time she was mased when she was already handcuffed. It’s hard to know the right thing to do.

  10. First, I appreciate theservice you provide to me through the emails. I have leared so much from you. After 23 yrs of struggling w my husbands undiagnosed or misdiagnosed bipolar dis. He was diagnosed and put on the right meds a year ago. Praise God for the relief this has given our family!!
    I can’t understand why people moan and complain about things you write. Its is free, you don’t have to do this and more importantly anyone who doesn’t care for it can unsubscribe. Negativity can change a persons life whether you have bipolar or not, just choosining to live in gratitude and be positive makes the difference between surviving and really living.
    Thank you for the time you invest in educating me.

  11. I can sympathize with the family who lost Jack during his bipolar episode. Educating the police is very important . . . but educating the public about police work is equally as important. I worked for a small town police department and know that most officers are caring and dedicated individuals. They are faced with countless situations every day where people are at their worst – as in the case of a bipolar episode.

    It is easy for someone to say that the police should have tried to subdue him first – but were they there? Did they see the behavior of the individual? A person with a knife is far more dangerous to a law enforcement officer than a man with a gun. Most people do not realize that. It is easier to face a gun with a bullet proof vest as it is more difficult than you realize to hit a moving target. A knife however is far more difficult to defend oneself against (no matter how easy Hollywood and TV may make it seem). Most officers are trained to defend the public and themselves rather than commit to hand-to-hand combat.

    It is good to see less lethal means of defense being developed and used by police departments such as bean-bag guns and tasers. yet even with these less lethal defensive weapons, individuals can still be killed.

    It is never an easy situation for the police when they arrive at a scene of a reported violent person. And most departments will try to disfuse the situation first. Sometimes the first officer on the scene is left with no choices and doesn’t have time to wait for backup. Its easy to judge from the outside and say what the police should have done – it is quite another to arrive on the scene, be faced with a violent individual with a knife and not have time to stop and assess the situation before you have to defence yourself or someone else.

    I wasn’t there when Jack died – I don’t know all of the details, but I do know that its far easier to sit back and judge after the fact than to be in the middle of the situation and have to make a split second decision. It’s never easy for an officer who ends up shooting a suspect and then finding out that suspect had a mental illness. Contrary to what many people believe, most police officers care – that is why they do what they do.

    Sticking around (if possible) to let the police know what is happening is a good idea. Just remember not all police departments have the manpower or the alternative defensive weapons to make the outcome of the situation what everyone would like it to be.

    My heart goes out to this family – and to the officers who were involved. It is a heartbreaking situation for ALL involved.


  12. Dear Dave,

    We see tragic killings from all sides of mental illness, not just bipolar disorder. The bottom lin for us as suppporters is to get our loved ones the appropriate help. If your loved one is a danger to themself or others and you do not have the skills to handle the situation in a calm and safe manner the appropriate thing to do is to call 911 and ask for a CIT (Crisis Intervention Team)police officer.
    These officers have been trained by NAMI on how to approach and handle those with a mental illness. You as a supporter have to tell the 911 operator the situation, that your loved one is mentally ill and you only want a CIT trained officer….This may not be available in all areas, but here in Wake County, NC all police officers are going through the training and we are seeing a decrease in thoswe with menatl illness being killed unnecessarily and taken to the appropriate facilities other than jail to get treatment. I suggest if you want further information on how this program works contact the wake county chapter of NAMI, NC.

  13. Hi Dave,
    Biy does this sure hits home. I have bi polar and my grown son (36) has mental health issues and won’t get help. He was here visiting me the other day and he was telling me of his problems so as a good mother I was giving him suggestions on what to do. He got verbably abusive and was throwing things and threating sucicide. I took him home and went over to Community Services ( our mental health for the county) where I get my help and spoke to my theripist. It was decided that a pick up order be sent out and the state police responded along with the head of community services. What they found was my son cool calm and collected. BEcause of his stat of mind at the time they did not transport. Since then I have been in a major episode and afraid. I feel like I am the one who they tink needs help instead of the victim. I am seriously afraid that he will do something drastic and can’t get the help he needs. When I suggest him going for help he says that they don’t want to help him just drug him.

  14. My son is 27 years old and is bipolar. Last week he was arrested for the 3rd time that week. In the past they have taken him to mental health, but this particular episode they keep takin him to jail. With no medication he is unruly and out of control. I told the police he was bipolar and they said they knew it from his record, but they had to take him to jail. He resisted arrest and they kicked him, hit him, pepper sprayed him and tazed him. He was screaming and crying and there was nothing I could do. The police kept telling me to get back and be quiet. I felt so helpless. He has now been in jail for 15 days and will be arraigned tomorrow. I took his meds to the jail, but they said there was no one there that could dispense the meds, but they would look into it. I know this is a long email, but I feel at the end of my rope with all of this. Any suggestions out there?

  15. Dear Dave

    I have read a lot of your emails and I wonder if we all appreciate your work which is free instead of being negative. I am a South African, how I wish in our country we could have awareness raising platforms and informed key stakeholders, including police regarding this matter.

    I am trying to learn and understand bipolar. My loved one disclosed to me that he has bipolar, when i asked him what does it entails, he responded by saying he will do things that tomorrow he will regret having done them. I never believed him initially, however as time goes by I am beginning to pick up some truth to what he has told me. What is sad is that he knows about it and is doing nothing to deal with it. I am trying to approach him such that he is able to do something about it. YOur emails are just what I need to empower him about doing something.

    Keep up your good work. Turn the negative comments to positive strength. Not all of us will understand where you come from with this. Some of us do appreciate your work sincerely.

    Kind regards


  16. This story is very disturbing and what astounds me the most is that people are tormented by this illness and many officers must be quite familiar with seeing manic behaviors yet feel compelled to use unnecessary force in these particular situations just because they can or feel like that is the easiest approach. I’m not sure what the answer is but this simply can’t continue; there needs to be a universal action plan regarding what officers do when handling known manic states, (unlike this case scenario where they didn’t obviously know)to prevent unnecessary trauma and violence.If any situation seems to an officer like a potential mental illness or manic state, the benefit of the doubt should somehow be applied.
    I am also frustrated with this website as I was tricked into getting “free bipolar info” which ended up being after many pages rambling on and on with offering hope of helpful info for free. When it ended up being just a “Long” advertisement for his books that weren’t free of charge; this was a huge waste of my time. I am getting 5-10 emails a day from this site and am sick of not being able to opt out. When I called the contact number, I was instructed that they, whoever they are, could not help drop me from receiving this unwanted junk mail.
    If anyone has dealt with this please post a notice.
    thanks. My heart goes out to all of you who struggle with this most unfortunate illness.

  17. Dave;

    OMG… This one hit home. Friday afternoon my son (17) with Bipolar was out with his friends, long story short one of his friends got into a fight with another boy, beat him and stole his phone, my son witnessed this and did not know what to do. I was at work when I get a call from someone that knows my son that the police are looking for him, my hear sank. I live in Floral Park, N.Y which is a very small tight community, We have our own private police department who is very aware that my son has Bioplar, But where this situation happened was in the next town, who is policed by Nassau county, who has no idea of my son. As a Mother of two childen, both with Bipolar, I can only live my life one day at a time. But with a teenager, it scares me to my core. Friday night my son went the the precent, give a statement, was hand cuffed, yelled at ect. A part of me wanted him to somewhat expieriance that, so it would shake him up a little bit when I tell him not to associate with certian kids, and all I get back is “what do you know about my friends” . At the same time I want to protect him. Well It did shake him up, he got mad at me, and went to his Grandmothers for the weekend. My Mom is very well known for spoiling and telling him whatever he want to hear. Oh God please help me. The weekend that I had was horriable thank you for letting me somewhat vent out. We need to figure out some how to get through to these kids that we know what we are talking about, we don’t talk to hear ourselves, I don’t need to hear myself speak……urrgggg.


  18. I can relate. Yet being bipolar myself, is it even possible to separate the person from the disorder they are living eith? You mnetioned this in your 7 Secrets to Biplor that being able to differentiate between the person as s/he normally is is important, not only for them, but for when the disorder overhwlems.

  19. Dave hi again.

    I am very engrossed in the last few newletter that you sent me. I am pleased to let you know that the topics that you are addressing are compulsory.
    Police, and bypolar violence, is very real, of course the lives who are destroyed and affected by this is horrendous.

    This is a war on the mind, but wicked people has abuse thes people for their own advancement. The mental fraternity is not concerned with you and me, just the percentage of the cut from the pharmaceutical companies
    the $ is now more valauble than human lives so having a
    America hooked on drugs, and its legal too.

    I grew up in a enviroment, where my mother was ill, now I know it was bypolar disorder. My father and My sibling live under the firing squad. and I spent my young years hiding knives, razors, hatchets and any other cutting instrument. That can injured and maimed us, even murder.

    The violence was so profound, she went into episode after episode. and had to be secretely isolated for long
    period of time. But I never knew why.

    Today I know that the human heart cannot live without GOD. and embracing the power of forgivness, is the begining of the end. Man is desperately dieased and is seperated from GOD.

    You must bring GOD into your ministry to the people, for their total healing and deiliverance.

    As you are drawn closer to the human desperation. Fear of GOD is the only answer to all our problem, we need your answers, but keep in mind that the root to all problem, lies in our need to have new hearts

    We all want love and acception, but our conscience is the greatest tormentor. You wil find that there is a open door,that has to be closed in our mind and spirits

    bye dave
    servant of GOD

  20. i live in a small midwestern city …over the yrs i have been repeatedley attacked by local law enforcement …i never once hurt anyone else or myself …or did i threaten to do so …not the same for my attackers…i suffered outright police brutality in just about every incident(6-7 times over a 30 yr period)…offering no resisitance on any occassion…
    i was a college athlete on 3 levels …
    i attained a B.A. degree completely on my own doing all my own work …as a nontraditional student
    i raised a daughter alone from 3rd grade on …
    i have yet to ever be arrested for anything …
    have never used drugs or do i drink …no OWI’S…
    i survived the brutality on intelligence alone!
    brutal out of control law enforcement people usually have some serious issues in their personal lifes…
    but let me tell you they can and do get away with it all …
    you just have to be disciplined enough to deal with it and ride it all out, to survive …
    if a hollywood producer would hear my story it would be a best-selling novel or movie …
    cause guess what? i’m still here living my life.
    i never had the finances to challenge things in a court room …and sue…
    i take 2 mil g. of medicine a day, thats it …
    i’ve been repeatedley diagnosed as mild this or that …MILD!
    so yes dave, ty for this email today …
    by the way that same police chief(throughout all the incidents) is now retired…since his departure ,they seemed to have lost interest in bothering me …but one never really knows…
    i drive in this city …i refuse to be alone walking or riding a bike, anyplace …and this america?

  21. Hey, I am bipolar and the police have been called on me twice. I am glad the person who called was NOT there. The first time was when they came and I and my friends knew something was wrong, BUT I had not been diagnosed with a mental illness. At that time a friend had told me if I did not sleep with her son she was going to call the police on me. I did not know about bipolar episodes at that time and had been trying to go to friends for help not knowing or understanding what was going on in my life. All at that time I knew was that I was not getting very much sleep and seemed to be staying awake for 6 or more months every single night. I felt I was not getting enough or much sleep. I realized that something was wrong; and I did not know or understand what was wrong with me. Now after reading, learning about bipolar through the mental health agencies by going to groups and individual therapy and reading everything I could that talked about bipolar, I realize I was in a clasical bipolar disorder episode. I went to the hospital by a policeman who had me handcuffed and had put me in a backseat of a police car sitting on my hands. I was REALLY angry at my friend who had called the cops. I am not angry now at her but I was for a long, long time.
    The second time I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, because I had called my sister and told her that I was like a computer that was broken down. She came over and called the police and left. She left the scene. But she called the police who brought a whole bunch of police and an ambulance. Only one policeman came in and talked to me. I was willing to go with him originally, but he said something that DID not suit me, so I told him I had to get my shoes from my bedroom. And then I locked myself in there. Well he talked me into opening the door or he said he would break it down. And as I said I went to the hospital in an ambulance and the ambulance guy said if I wanted him to he would testify that I was sane when they took me away.
    After that when I felt myself in an awkward situation I would go the hospital and get checked out. Except once I asked my boss for time off; and I took a week off from work and stayed home and rested and took my medicines. And after a week I felt good enough to go back to work. And now that is probably what I would like to do the next time. It has been about 8 years now since I have been in a mental hospital.

  22. Very sad story!! The sad part is this more than likely happens more often than we know!! i’ve had to call the police on my son when he was in an episode, as he was becoming abusive to me. i didn’t even think to tell them that he was bipolar i don’t think, as i was too focused on what had happend and what was going on at the time. Things were not going well with the police being there either, the police were very wishy washy when they were here!!! Thank You for this reminder Dave!!!!! Not sure how much good it will do for my son as he refuses to take his meds, refuses to go to any groups, refuses counciling, also refuses to go to the psychitrist. When we went to the shrink the last time we agreed that there was no point any longer in fighting with him because he refuses. He is almost 17 and too old for us to force the meds down his throat, and also can’t force him to want to be helped. The only way that all this will work is if they want to be helped!! i also am bipolar and i do everything i can to stay stable!!! i have no desire to go back to the way i was before i got on meds, groups, counciling and all that jazz. i believe it’s extremely important and vital to do so!!

  23. #5 I’d sue these idiots to the max. They apparently did not want to help. They just wanted to be macho. Now they have a very dangerous job and I’m grateful for the police. But a competent officer will determine the situation before using physical force. And a cop has NO right to grab another person who has not violated the law. I’d file assault charges against him. My wife is very bipolar and when she is manic she likes to drink and get loud. Now in all fairness the getting loud is partially because she is almost deaf in one ear from Meniere’s disease. One night when she was in this state at a friends apartment complex some one called the law on her. When the cops arrived her friend told them that she was bipolar and in an episode. The cop told her if she said one more word as she was trying to explain herself,he would arrest her. He then said something else to her and she said,”what”. Well she spent the next 7 days in jail. All he had to do was have medical personnel take her to the BMU at our local hospital. She has been there before to get stabilized. She was not a threat to anyone because she was in the passengers side of her friends car and her friend was going to give her a ride home, but she never made it. Her friend told me that she was not being violent. Is jail better than treatment? I’m totally disgusted with law enforcements lack of knowledge and with society’s lack of understanding about mental illness. At least Memphis,TN has a good start on their law enforcement becoming educated about mental illness .
    Anyway, Dave you do a great service for us supporters. I’m not making excuses for people with bipolar disorder
    and I’m not trying to trash the police. But,they often try to be too extreme. Remember, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  24. I read with dismay your tale of Michele’s cousin’s son being outright MURDERED. Unfortunately, there are tooo many occasions of “suicide by cop” to be ignored. But if the boy ONLY had a knife – what could he DO against all the cops that surrounded him? Someone SHOULD have stepped in and informed the cops that the boy had bipolar disorder, and did NOT know what he was doing. Ignorance in the part of law enforcement leads to more tragedies than it helps.

    I agree there should be a MEDIATOR-TYPE officer when domestic violent situations are reported to 911. Perhaps it would diffuse the situation, and the one with the illness taken to a hospital, or, at the very least, be given his meds in jail.

    I am APPALLED at the actions of these particular cops; it was an unnecessary “shooting” of an innocent boy. They should ALL be taken before the courts and let justice prevail.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. I pray for my country. When will I see a “stimulus” package??!!

  25. First to let Joan in Anapolis. You can call the Attorney General in your state of Maryland. Or call a Senator or Congressman or woman – like in my state of NC- Sue Myrick is trying to help the mentally ill. Ther is NO excuse for treating your family that way. Do not delay. Let them know you expect respect. We have had to call the police on our son. We live in a small town and the first time it was a disaster. If he “goes off” on me I will call each time. I stay with him [distancing myself] and explain while on the phone what he is doing. We make sure they take him to get assessed. We tried to commit him 7 or 8 times before someone finally helped us. By that time he had been in jail for a few months. Many phone calls and persistence is important. If the first person does not listen- go to the next. And call back to follow up. Do not assume anything. Also Do NOT give up. This country has a poor way of handling mental illness. Before the drug companies thought about $$$$ so much we had vitamin therapy. My sister took a certain regiment for 7 years and did fine. It is called Orthomolecular. They still use it in Canada and Australia. Even Europe is more open to this. Please check to make sure your loved one is not deficient or sleeping insufficiently.
    As a nursing student in 1974 we used both techniques. Vitamin therapy can work on most people. It is important not to just “throw” medicine or vitamins at people. Please just check it out. It is like the Bible- do not take my word for it- go see the proof.

  26. Dave, I receive your emails regarding bipolar disorder, because I have it. My wife and I are disabled, and would like to take your programs, but cannot afford them. Is there any way we could get some sort of discounts on them, or otherwise get them?

    Thanks for all the information you given. IT REALLY HELPS!!! We appreciate all of your wisdom and ALL OF YOUR HARD WORK TO GET THE INFORMATION TO ALL OF US WITH THE DISORDER, AND OUR LOVED ONES. Please let us know if you can help.

    Thanks, and God Bless. Give our best to your mom.

    Bryan and Judy Penney

  27. Read your article and i have one word to say ” WOW ” it is awesome and refreshing to see someone trying to get the information out there in a nonjudgemental way, my hat goes off to you! My mother was diagnosed with manic depresant when i was a child and i really thought it was like that in every household, needless to say i ended up in foster care system, and had babies of my own, not realizing it can be hereditary. My youngest daughter is bipolar to the extreme and i love her so very much. It is very frustrating to me that when people hear bipolar they assume “crazy, mental” she is now booted off the cheerleading squad that she has been on since elementary and it is due to ignorance of mental condition. I do not like to lable my daughter the best thing i ever did was get involved with NAMI national assosiation of mental illness to learn about the dieseae myself and learn ways to better deal with the ups and downs! I suggest anyone who is dealing with this to please seek help, you are not alone and believe it or not MANY people deal with this issue daily and you CAN MAKE IT! Educate yourself , your kids and you will be better equipt to handle things. I am a single mom, everyone rolls when it gets tough, not me i’ll always be here for my kids and my mom and it is not easy BUT WELL WORTH IT. Thanking god everyday for your site have a great day Kimberly

  28. The good news about bipolar is out there, so is the good news about anything you could think of. So you have a choice to blog about what you “will”. Balance is a good thing and especially bipolar people could use more of it. So if anyone is reading this and you’ve complained about bipolarcentral always posting bad news, do you own research and post your comments on bipolarcentral. Duh! 🙂 Check ItCheck ItCheck ItCheck It

  29. I am finding a lot people go through quite a bit of trouble with loved ones that have Bipolar.
    I have just found that my wife might be Bipolar(she has all of the symptoms for type I except for insomnia she has hypersomnia).
    My wife had an episode where I felt that I had no choice but to call the Police (she was assaulting me physically and verbally ) When the Police arrived they arrested me because she claimed that I assaulted her. Have to deal with all the court stuff, it is no big deal, but I am getting evicted because of my arrest is there anyone out there that has been in the same situation? If so how do you deal with someone having an episode and lying to have you arrested and them not remembering what they told the Police? How do you fight this? I love my wife but I also have two little girls that I need to take care of and can’t be homeless.

  30. DAVE, sorry to hear about this tragedy. In the British Isles the police is not quite so trigger happy, but tragic mistakes have been made, too. I believe that anyone wanting to join the police force should have to do a course in psychology to learn to understand different people. Sadly many police officers know nothing at all about mental illness.

    Last year when my boyfriend was going into an episode, we went to a pub, where the manager doesn’t like me for reasons only known to himself. I hadn’t been there for ages because that manager is very unfriendly. That night we thought enough time had passed and we sat down listening to music. The manager immediately asked me to leave. My boyfriend asked him why and started talking to him about God and saints (which he does when in an episode). The manager went paranoid, yelling something about a knife and got 2 security guards taking my man outside until the police arrived and arrested him. They told me to go home, but I walked up to the station. Of course neither of us had a knife, as this was purely in the crazy manager’s imagination. One of the officers said that my boyfriend was very drunk and disorderly, when he had not had a drink at all! Then they thought if it wasn’t drink it must be drugs and found some bipolar meds in his pockets. To them he seemed like drunk or drugged when he was going on about being God’s special ambassador sent to save the world. Eventually they sent him home. If they had known anything about psychology or mental illness they would have handled the situation differently. They never questioned the crazy pub manager. If you ask me, he was the one who was paranoid and “mental”. If he had just let us sit there enjoying the music, nothing would have happened. We have thought of putting him to the challenge and getting legal advice. Unfortunately we would not stand a chance to win a court case, as the general public (including the police) tend to believe a pub manager rather than a man with bipolar who believes he is God’s ambassador.

    By the next day my boyfriend plunged deeper into the episode and a week later was taken to the psych ward. Again the police was involved. As he would not go voluntarily with the hospital staff he was handcuffed and put into a police van. This was witnessed by a number of people including children. I later had the task to explain to the whole neighbourhood that my boyfriend was not a criminal who had been taken to jail. He has bipolar disorder and needed help and had been taken into treatment.

  31. YOU WILL never HAVE A CLUE.
    ALL you have done is study psych. PROPAGANDA!
    Good thing I get your Propaganda reports. Saved me buying a WORTHLESS what is it over $300 course. How can one, whithout ANY experience in the matter be a SELF PROFESSED EXPERT? SAME AS PSYCHIATRISTS. THOUGH THEY KNOW THEY & THEIR “TREATMENTS” CAUSE THE DISPRDER.

  32. Hello Dave, I do understand and have experienced this
    with my daughter. When they don’t take their
    meds, or skip and on regular basis they will go into
    a manic stage. It got so bad, yes I was afraid because they can become angry get out of control. They get so
    strong too…, Yes it is
    better to stay with your child, and get them to hospital before they harm themselves or in danger to
    other people. We as Guardians have to protect our love ones from others who mistreat or don’t understand.

    I am thankful for this website, that I can comment
    on. I learn a little everyday. I think support
    groups could help families to learn more about
    bypolar also. I did not know that they had CIT Police
    officers. I thought that ALL police officers were
    trained for people with mental illness.(CERTIFIED INTEVENED TRAINED POILCE OFFICERS.)

  33. Hi Dave, I belong to a group called NAMI(National Alliance on Mental Illness)which is located all over the U.S. but sadly so many reletives, parents, siblings, etc do not know about the support meetings available for them through this group. We advocate to spread the word that there is help in dealing with our loved ones that have a mental illness. I also help with the training of CIT officers(Crises Intervention Team). This also is a wonderful help to all. These CIT officers are trained to know how to treat the mentally ill when a crises begins in the home or on the streets. They are taught how to talk down and de-escolate a situation instead of it ending in shooting the mental perpetrator. This is a wonderful program, and many people do not know to ask for a CIT officer when faced with the need for the police. Also sad, because many times this may have prevented their loved ones being killed or thrown in jail instead of getting them to a hospital for evaluation. Maybe you could help spread the word to others. My husband and I who have a bipolar son, have found great peace of mind with attending these NAMI support meetings. These meetings are a must for anyone having to deal with a family member having any type of mental illness. We have learned how to deal with so much with trainning from the class “Family to Family” that is provided through NAMI. They have also formed meetings for the consumer(person with mentally illness) to attend for their support called “Connections”. People should check to see if there are any programs in their vicinity and get involved. What a difference it will make in their lives

  34. i have a friend a lady friend who is is Bipolar.I have tried to support her repeatedly.We both come from entirely different backgrounds..she is african american and I am European.There is also an age difference..I am older by 20 years.I try to support her in her work enviroment but repeatedly feel like a punch bag.The lies , deceit and manipulation and the sexual provacation sometimes to much to handle.Can anyone explain the behavior and how I can cope?

  35. I’ve been bipolar as long as I can remember but after my Dad’s death I became extremely Ill , suicidal and said and did things that were completely opposite of who I am . I was mouthy and verbally vulgar at times but never violent to anyone . As I became well on a combination of meds , cognitive therapy , yoga , prayer , vitamin B3 , omega 3s and an assortment of other vit. I was embarrassed and saddened that my Family had been thru ME , so I came out of the bipolar closet so to speak to explain to my Husband , Children and extended family , employer and community about my illness so that no one would feel any blame or confusion for my actions . That was 6 yrs. Ago , I was threatened with bodily harm and harassed daily at work by a number of key employees and the Gen. Manager ( specifically with being raped , having my face cut off and being left in the wilderness ) I had my Daughter pick me up at work early , had such a stress related attack later that evening went to the E.R by ambulance with what I thought was a heart attack , stayed all night on vicodin and could not stop crying or shaking . For the longest time everything that has gone awry on our country road had to be of my doing until another longtime neighbor came out of the closet about being Borderline Personality and admitted to a lot of mischief on our Rd. she is in therapy and on meds for many yrs. But does become unwell from time to time . Many people in my community do seem to be coming around and becoming more educated about ALL forms of mental illness , that is why I didn’t sue my employer , I would have had to sign a Gag order . During this period I too was hauled off to jail in leather shackles on my wrists , waist and ankles all of which was chained together and spent time in jail because the neighboor heard me yelling at my Husband about my flowerbed over the noise of his lawn tractor ( she is a young women on heavy meds for fibromyalgia but after all the scary rumors about me she freaked out and called the sheriffs department . We were stunned but because of my admitting to being bipolar I was taken in anyway , the district attorney and the judge I spoke with were angry this happened . Interesingly her husband died of a drug over dose two yrs. Later right after christmas . My Mother in law and sister in law ( husbands youngest bro.) finds every chance they can to make comments about those CRAZY BIPOLARS and then go’s into the details of the most gory off the wall stories they can come up with but I ignore them and pretend that I have swimmers ear and will even wear earplugs around persons who are particularly cruel . Some of my point is this that DO BE CAREFUL but if you can , help to inform others about this illness . I lost Family and both of my best friends of 25yrs . They didn’t want to be associated with such an embarrassment . My own Mother has almost disowned me as well , she has a severe form of OCD and my other point is this EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has their own issues that is why those who are the most aggressive against anyone in a vulnerable state are not to be trusted with Any living thing . Thanks for this site P.S. I have a Wonderful Husband and kids but it does take communication , patients , forgineness and hard work by all parties .

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