The Shocking Truth About M.oney & Bipolar Disorder


I have to get going today because I am moving. It’s
sure is a pain to move.

Anyway, I was checking my email really quick and got a
bunch of responses from people excited about my new resource
that can help you get some m.oney if you have bipolar
related expenses.

Some people have written me and said they are excited
because they feel that m.oney winds up standing in
the way of either their own or their loved one’s

I must say, I really find that m.oney is so important
with bipolar disorder. This is why I have an entire
cd in my courses/systems on how to protect m.oney
from bipolar disorder episodes. I must say at
this point, I have an IRON clad system to protect
one’s money from bipolar disorder.

If you are interested it’s in these:




Hey on a side note, I just checked my mom’s c.redit
card balances and guess what? She only has ONE card
to pay off down from I think 19 c.ards when she

How did my mom get so much Well I am
not sure exactly but over the years, my mom
went into a lot of manic episodes and poor
buying decisions added up year after year
and eventually my mom had massive d.ebt. Over
$30,000+ Here int.erest rates were 29% and
and her d.ebt was growing more than she was
making a month.

This massive d.ebt caused my mom and dad to
skimp on treatment for bipolar disorder. For
example my mom cut therapy years ago
because she could not afford it. It was
because she had so many m.oney problems.

Anyway, now we have an incredible system, that my mom
has followed exactly.

I think I am going to take her to dinner to celebrate
after she is all paid off. She has less than $4,000
down from more than $30,000+. Amazing. I have to
give her c.redit that she stuck with the program
and system. I can honestly say there were only
two times that my mom wasted m.oney since the new
system and the total waste was less than $200.

Anyway, let me get back to my point money is VERY important
with bipolar disorder. If I were you, I would not
let it stand in the way of treatment. If you are
cheap with treatment today, you will wind up
paying for it tomorrow. My dad use to think therapy
cost money. Also he thought my mom’s doctor
was “expensive.” Now he sees how my mom’s old doctor
was way cheaper but my mom had problems all the
time. The problems cost way more than the savings
from the “cheap” doctor.

Actually I was talking to someone I know yesterday
who’s sister has had decades of problems with
bipolar disorder. This person told me now she
is doing well because of her new doctor. He costs
$500 an hour. You might think that’s really expensive
and don’t get me wrong it is. But, here’s the thing,
$500 a hour and stable is better than $50 a hour
and unstable for decades.

I am not saying run out and find doctors that
charge tons of money. But you have to realize
treatment will cost money. But it’s not a
cost it’s an investment.

Now my mom’s doctor is not cheap but my mom doesn’t
go into HUGE gigantic episodes any more. Plus
my mom’s doctor knows what she is doing and is
already. You really get what you pay for in mental
health. I have seen and found the f.ree clinics and
f.ree services are terrible and they simply
can’t spend too much time with any one person.

Here’s the thing. When something in mental health
opens up and it’s f.ree or very cheap it’s normally
flooded and I mean flooded with people. Generally
the huge demand cripples the service. I have seen
it time and time again so be careful.

This concept has taken me sooooooooooo long to get through
to my dad. But now he sees the value of investing in
my mom’s bipolar disorder treatment.
Also, he know looks at therapy as an investment which
he never did. He has seen my mom with therapy and without
therapy and he finds that she is way more stable with

One last thing. I am not sure how to best say this.
But in my opinion you have to go ALL OUT to figure
out a way to afford proper treatment for bipolar disorder.
I mean all out. Whatever it takes that’s legal. This is
not an area that I would skimp.

If given two choices for me cutting back on eating
versus cutting back on my mom’s bipolar disoder treatment
I would personally cut back on eating not her treatment–
if I had a choice on an area to save money.

I am not kidding around. The treatment is so important.

Well I have to take off and move some boxes. I will
write more tomorrow.




Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Hi Dave

    As a person who lives with a chronic condition and a background in counseling, I understand the concept of free as far as treament isn’t the best choice. I also see that good treatment is an investment in one’s future. But let’s say you are starting at the very beginning with no money because you’ve spent so much that you’ve depleted your bank account. Where are you supposed to start to get your feet back on the ground? It’s a bit of a chicken and egg concept, don’t you think?

    I know I’m fussing just a tad here but why do i have to get a cd that tells me this. Why can’t readers at least be given a starting place of where to start to create funds to get treatment. I understand you’ve gone through a lot of pain and frustration to garner the information you are sharing and compensation is only proper at some point.

    I am supporting a supporter of a loved one with bipolar and we are just starting out.


  2. I hope caring people reading this will agree,that this situation is totally unacceptable, and somehow, we must find an intelligent, reasonable, and peaceful, means to change this outrage.
    This is about my adult daughter, who was diagnosed with bipolar illness at age 15. It is a tragic story: I wrote to a Florida staff member as follows:
    Dear Mr X:
    Your pledge to aid Governor Crist in establishing an open,
    accountable,and transparent administration,is very
    I hope you will be effective in doing something about the militant and predatory posture of various Florida Law Enforcement Agencies, and the Florida Department of Corrections. I have sent a similar message to Governor Crist. I pray
    that you and Governor Crist, will begin a movement to release all, non-violent inmates from Florida prisons. The choice for the mentally ill, as well as drug
    addicts, in an intelligent, and humane system,should be treatment, not incarceration. (Saving Florida tax-payers millions of dollars.) Abusing the mentally ill, and the addict, only serves to drive them deeper into their illness, and addictions, according to General Barry McCaffery.(sp?)Those inmates
    who were once non-violent
    offenders, are soon indoctrinated to become violent; prisons being what they are! Poorly operated prison systems, also risk the danger to become a breeding ground for terrorists! This a matter of national security. If we ever want to live free of terrorist attacks, our federal, state,county and city
    law enforcement administrations, must stop practicing terrorism!
    My daughter, DOC#000000, suffers from mental/emotional illness; she has issues, to be certain. However, the terrifying situation which landed her in prison for five years; I must take exception to. Nancy is the victim of three males, two that she trusted,(Nancy never met a stranger,as it’s said)
    and considered as her friends; the third, a Mxxx deputy. Long story short, the two criminals conspired with an unethical Mxxx deputy; whereas they arranged to secretly videotape Nancy, (always anxious to please),as she agreed to run an errand downstairs, for her new friends. (To another predator, waiting in an unmarked Sheriff’s car, with video camera rolling). For committing this unspeakably heinous act of betrayal,the criminals received high praise; rewards of reduced prison
    sentences, for their real, and actual crimes. All the while, my mentally disabled daughter become tangled, and eventually, tightly wrapped up within the treacherous web of corruption,false illusions,
    and deceit. This is NOT what law enforcement is about! Who did that deputy really Serve and Protect? I’m told that this is a common and widely accepted law enforcement practice!The “ANYTHING
    GOES, CONCEPT! So terribly, very un-American, I’d say!
    Nancy was adjusting to prison life, and doing so well, she was moved to xxx. Within a very brief time, her life sustaining
    medications were abruptly withdrawn! This is a dangerous, illegal, and life threatening act. By legal definition, the act falls under methods of “torture!” The xxx staff, although gainfully employed as Florida Inmate caregivers, they demonstrated indifference, detachment, and a complete lack of responsibility, to provide adequate services. That failure as a rule,would be grounds
    for dismissal. However, what I heard was a lame, “This is prison, what do you expect?” mentality. That failure caused Nancy to lose touch with reality, and she suffered a full blown breakdown. Nancy changed so dramatically, and had aged by twenty years, that I didn’t recognize her when I visited her, two weeks later. Her punishment,for xxx staff’s medical
    negligence, was to be thrown into solitary confinement (lock), for several (8)months! There, she was punched in her face, blackening her eyes, severely kicked, and beaten all over her body,including
    on her injured back. The latest abuse, delivered at the hands of DOC’s xxx staff; Nancy is denied medical treatment!After sustaining
    injuries to her back, when she fell off of a top bunk, over two weeks ago. Even with pre-existing serious back injuries, (from two car-accidents) and resulted in a curvature of her spine, she had been ordered to sleep on the top bunk! Now she is in constant agony, with excruciating pain! Nancy doesn’t deserve this nightmare of an existence, mainly because she has the capacity of an eight year old child. She still remains a human being!
    As Nancy’s mother, I’ve protected her, and have had to fight off many sick predators, since her early childhood. Unfortunately, because she is “different”, Nancy remains a target for those possessed by a ruthless, cruel, and sadistic nature. Enough is enough! This is the 21st century, after all.
    Improving psychological testing and screening methods for police, and prison personnel is definitely in order! That will assist to weed out deranged power junkies, who are currently enabled through their employment, to earn a decent living, and gain access to their victims!
    Won’t someone in charge, please do what can be done, to stop this horror? Our entire family is being ruined by this debacle. This is a severe case of miscarriage of justice, to say the least.
    I pray, as we prepare to observe the anniversary of our nation’s birth; as Americans, Floridians, and as human beings, we’ll begin to evolve, and move upward, avoiding the downward spiral; and a slippery slope,that leads
    nations, leaders, (and those in positions of power) to adopt hateful, communistic, and fascist regime ideologies. I’ve addressed many of our Federal and State elected officials, regarding this ongoing problem, to no avail.
    While I’m alive, (I’m a senior) I hope to connect with someone, in a position of power, who values the significance of common decency. One who will demand those who so brazenly, missrepresent the great and beautiful State of Florida, to either cease, or lose their jobs. Florida has a State Constitution; it should be revered, respected, and upheld! If it were, my daughter would not be in a Florida prison! Thank you for your prompt attention to this heartbreaking situation.

    Sincerely yours,
    To Bloggers: Am I still spinning my wheels?

  3. hi ya dave, i believe my husband has bipolar. he,as far as i know hasnt been diognosed.i have studied the symptoms and the effects and he in my opinion definately has it.although i have signed up to receive info from yourself i cant help my see after starting uni on a degree course he began to have far worse episodes than i had ever seen before and this time included violence and after his devotion to me for thirtytwo years he left me.this was three months ago now.he said he never wants to see me again when only a couple of days before he told me how much he loved me and would never leave me.there still hasnt been any contact from him although i have heard he is safe.i still feel my life ended when he went.i cant seem to stop crying.i have made an appointment to speak to his doctor as in the past he has mentioned bipolar in regards to my husband.i will be taking along wth me info from your site,i am hoping that this will convince his doctor to have a closer look at my husbands mental health condition.i know this wouldnt make any difference to how my husband thinks of me but he is still my husband,my love.

  4. Dave, I heartily DISAGREE with your assessment of community and low-cost mental health departments. My last hospitalization for mania was in 1977, and through the local mental health clinic, I have been treated as an outpatient ever since, through both one depressive episode, and several manic episodes, without hospitalization.

    I must say I married a man in the mid-80s, who died five years later, but who left me with Federal Government BC/BS health insurance. This has been a godsend to me, as I continue to this day to suffer from bipolar disorder.

    I have a psychotherapist who I met as a nurse on the University psychiatric ward in 1970, who is still treating me on a biweekly basis for $30/session as co-pay. I get my medication box for $1/wk. However, I do have to pay over $200/month for the medications. I only receive $1200/month from Social Security Disability, out of which comes $1,000 for my mortgage and condo fee. As you can see, I can’t POSSIBLY afford $500/month for my care.

    I see a nurse practitioner as my shrink every three months, at a $45 per 20 min session. As I have been such a long-term “patient” of this clinic, my treatment is top-notch. I can’t say enough GOOD things about my treatment. If I have a complaint, or things aren’t feeling right, they regulate my medications like the more expensive psychiatrists do.

    I only wish more states had as comprehensive and caring community mental health center. So – I am hereby recommending such care to anybody who wants consistent and professional therapy at a reduced rate. They have “sliding-scale” fees, and I feel I get the most for my money with them.

  5. I can relate to this issue!!! I had more than $30,000 in credit cards. I was seeking therapy & had to put other expenses on the cards. I had a nervous breakdown & had to quit my career. I used my deferred comp savings to pay off the credit cards in 1998 but built it back up! I finally paid them off last year & have made only a few purchases that total less than $100.

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