The Real Bipolar Conspiracy Revealed


How’s it going?

Hope you are doing well.

I wanted to tell you something that
happen to me yesterday.

I got a call from a woman who as crying
and saying that her husband was totally
out of control.

Here’s what happen.

Her husband has bipolar disorder
and is normally a super nice guy. But
when he goes manic, man does he go

Her husband punched her in the face
the night before.

And that same day he threatened to kill

She was really afraid.

I told her to call the police and to
get away and that he could do something
really bad because he is not in his right
mind. I warned her that until he was on
medication, her life was in danger.

She said she didn’t know how serious
bipolar disorder was. She told me it was
only my site that she found that suggested
it was really seriously. She didn’t know
the importance of medication.

When she asked someone in the hospital
how serious bipolar disorder was, she was
told not really that serious.

Imagine that.

Now that brings us to something…

You know, I have been asked over and
over and over again about some bipolar

Well, let me tell you about THE REAL

People ask me if drug companies are
trying to over medicate those people
with bipolar disorder. If it’s a sort of conspiracy.

I don’t believe this.

I think the real conspiracy (if there is any)
is that very few people tell people with
bipolar disorder how serious the disorder is.

All the people are told is that bipolar
disorder isn’t serious and you have to take
medication for the rest of your lives.
They aren’t told things like that you can
become homicidal or suicidal!

I have spoken to doctors and therapists
that will not take a firm stance on
medication. They tell me, “you can’t
force anyone to do something.” I agree
but you should be firm.

I will always tell people what they need
to hear not what they want to hear. Some
people with bipolar disorder want to hear
they don’t have to take medication but
they need to hear they have to take

In my courses/systems, too, I have been
told that I’m pretty straightforward, and
I don’t paint a pretty picture. Again,
that’s because I tell people what they
need to hear and not what they want
to hear:




So is it the drug companies that are
pushing people to take their medication?
Are they trying to over-medicate them?
Is there some kind of conspiracy?

I don’t think so.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers
(drug companies) are making
billions and billions of dollars a
year on selling bipolar medication
alone. Why would they want to
jeopardize that?

They have to answer to the FDA,
the watchtower groups such as
NIMH, NIH, consumer groups, etc.
who hold them accountable.

What do they need with a couple
billion dollars more if it means
losing what they already have?
They just aren’t going to do that
by some kind of bipolar medication
conspiracy – it just isn’t logical.

Medication companies are very
closely watched. They are always
in the news if they do even the
slightest thing wrong.
But the people who underestimate
bipolar disorder and how serious it
is, how it can make you homicidal or
suicidal, and who don’t tell people
who have it that information, there’s
no one watching those people!

Those are the people who we should
be watching, not the drug companies.
The truth about bipolar disorder and
how important it really is to take your
medication should be getting out more
than it is.

If more people knew the real truth
about the disorder, more people would
be more careful about taking care of
themselves and their loved ones, instead
of worrying about some non-existent
drug conspiracy.

Your friend,


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  1. My heart goes out to that woman. I truly hope she and others in similar positions are okay. My girlfriend had bipolar and refused to take medication, and it kept escalating. She became more and more abusive and violent, and it needed to stop. She still refuses to take any meds, and so I needed to step away to protect myself. I miss her, and hope from the bottom of my heart that she finds and accepts the help and support she desperately needs, but I couldn’t sacrifice my own life anymore.

    I wish there weren’t so many casualities in these kinds of situations. I wish so many people with the disorder, and those who love them didn’t have to suffer so much.

    Thank you David, for trying to be the voice of encouragement and experience in these times of need. Best to everyone out there in similar boats.

  2. Hey Dave,

    While I agree with you that there is no conspiracy out there regrading the drug companies, there are some drugs on the market that are prescribed ‘off label’ so to speak that were initially prescribed for schizophrenia. Without getting into too much detail, my pdoc is a Diplomate of the American Clinical Psychopharmacology Society. In deperation, I was taking one of these drugs before my appt. w/him out of desperation because I was getting way too manic too fast; (and even at a very low dose it felt like a lobotomy…) To make a long story short, some of the atypicals neuroleptics that are being prescribed are not mood stablizers like the companies suggest they are, but are classified as major tranquilzers. They do have some effect (the why? is unknown) on seratonin levels, but mostly deal with dopamine levels. (That would be why they were developed initially for schizo.)In a pinch, they can halt a big time manic episode from occuring. He told me it was a good thing I did take it, but that long term use is not recommended. The drug companies are recommending them as maintenance drugs, when in fact, like I stated before, which was paraphrased by my pdoc: they are not mood stabilizers. He said the reason behind pushing these drugs as ‘stability’ drugs is that they are looking for a ‘magic pill’ that can maintain all of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Now, as you have experienced yourself with your mother and with the many people who use your sight; bipolar disorder is tricky and complicated. Polypharmacy is the only way to go to beat it; a mood stabilizer must be used; and atypicals should be used only in the short term to halt potential episodes before they occur. There will be no magic pill in other words; treatment is highly indiviualized as each of us has a unique brain to take care of. The recent article about Zyprexa comes to mind in light of this subject.


    Lynnora G.


  4. Dear Mr. Oliver and Supporters and Survivors;
    To the supporters and survivors suffering because their loved one is struggling with the conspiracy going on within themselves I hope the following words of encouragement will help in some way! Take them to heart and keep on moving on with your heads held high and Bi-Polarism under your feet!
    I believe, as a “stable, disabled, student, wife, mother, sister, friend and Christian, “high-functioning severe Bi-Polar II survivor with other affective disorders” and supporter” for over 20 documented years, the real biporlar conspiracy happens within yourself!
    If you are diagnosed as bipolar and you allow yourself to be constantly hospitalized and take your supporters through those hurtful, often emotional changes within them regarding how they see you because you don’t want to take your meds – you have no one to blame but yourself!
    It’s not the doctors, the drug companies or society – it’s yourself!
    The medicine is there for you – whatever combination you need – and there is one for everyone! You have to want to find it, lust after it, pray for it – whatever belief system is going to get you what you need – just use it! Take responsibility for yourself and this illness and move on!
    Don’t let the illness claim those you love because of the conspiracy that you have fallen into regarding how you feel about yourself!
    Affirm yourself! I AM of worth – I AM loveable – I AM a good person -I AM treatable – I AM successful – I WON’T accept anything less for MYSELF!
    Stop living in shame – You can do this! No it’s not easy – but going to the hospital and being locked up and your supporters being drained of resources, time, and emotions isn’t either!
    Thanks Mr. Oliver for the e-mail and the opportunity to say what is on my heart and mind!

  5. Hi Dave, I canbe an expert on this one, I have had bipolar my whole life, found out at 42. At 20, I was four months pregnant, I went to hit my sons father with a gun and shot him in the shoulder, dam near in his head. I then stabbed sonme girl. I had countless fights where I used a varity of weapons from hot irons to boiling water, mase, when my daughter was one week old, 13 years ago I let her father into my house, smiled like we were all good, went straight to the butcher block grabbed the first knife I could which was the long skinny fish scale knife and stabbed him in his leg in and out it went completely through his leg over and over, he managed to get away from me and get to the hosipital, the police showed up I completely lied, said he attacked me, I just had a baby. He was sueing for full custody is what was going on and I was just going to dissappear him. That is when my son at 8 years old told me you are sick mommy, because ther was blood all over the apartment, down the stairs. My son brought me home a flier from a dojo. I joined soon I was teaching the kinder karate class. I would not take the black belt test because I new If I killed someone I would be in trouble because you have to register as a black belt, so I stayed a brown belt. The bipo stayed a brown belt, bipo was thinking ahead. My pill doctor, I went to about 5 years ago, but the theripists I would get I would just chew them up and spit them out. So I was being prescribed the meds I would not take them because they were for crazy people and my bipo self had Karen thinking hurting people was normal. My pill doc would even say dont read the literature just take the meds. I wouldnt he never told me I was bipolar. Finnally I found a thearapist I could tolerate, she told me they both diognosed me bipo, with complications of PTSD. When I came home I sat in front of the computer I was getting sites that said what is was tears running down my face, untill I foud Daves site. You know I do not know what I was typing I know I still wasnt going to take the meds shit bipo had control for so long, it was not very happy with all this education. I actually remember I felt like people were screaming at me every day take the meds. I finally did, even though I was allergic to the first one, for the first time in my life my brain started to hush, like things that would make me go off, which could be what someone was wearing, i was so out of control, I was like at piece with myself. Maybe this sounds wierd I did not believe I was sick, I was so sick my whole life the constant battles in my brain were so loud that is why I screamed all the time screaming trying to scream over this shit in my head. The first pill it was so so noticeable, Karen came back long enough to realize some how something bad had ahold of me and I needed to fight it, I was scared for a minute. I did not have a son like Dave, I soon realized I had Dave because his experience with his mom, he new others out there needed help and he has devoted money, time, energy, and no dought puts up with alot of shit, to fight bipo on a whole new level. Dave i am quite sure he decided this beast is really pissing me off and Dave went to war by himself, learned bipo inside and out, has a startagy for all its slick tricks, saved his mom, and will no dought go down in the history books for saving millions of people that have been takin over by this DANGEROUS beast. I think with the meds they are desparetly trying to find something to win the battle, trial and error. I am a violent bipo, if you love someone and they have bipo and they get start hitting you you must take action before they come across a weapon bipo can and will kill you and you wont have to worry about your sick loved one ever again, infact you wont be worring about any thing you will be dead. Please learn from me I am a Karen, but when I am bipo I am a violent bipo anything can be a weapon, anytime anywhere. I have sent people to the hospital, bipo so slick I only went to jail once. Remember, I did not know, since I have been with Dave I did have to burst into my doctors office one time and say lock me up or put me out I am about to kill someone. Karen knew to do that, the meds just quit working around Christmas, because of Daves books and emails Karen is back and bipo is no dought pissed off trying to come up with a stratagy Dave has not covered. I feel safe with the tools I have, I also know if my bipo came up wth some unbelievable attack I have someone to help me. I am so lucky I am not in jail. Thank you Dave, Karen

  6. Hi David:

    Thanks for all the info you provide for all of us. I do not hold much stock in the FDA (I have been involved in too many COPD drug studies) but there are a lot of other reliable “drug watchers and reporters” but we have to keep in mind that not everybody will react to the same med the same way. I.E.: My husband and I both take Lipitor for treatment of high cholesterol, he takes 10 mgs and I take 20 mgs every night. I can go for at least 2 years without a blood test for liver function and Cholesterol counts, etc. Nothing ever changes with me. My husband has blood work done every 3 months. Some (very few so far) people who take Lipitor for the first time, I have read this from a very reliable source, have a very bad adverse effect on people and that person can actually die before they can get medical help. Same goes for meds used for mood stabilizers. It’s a trial and error to find the right combination of drugs that will help keep someone with BPD somewhat stable. It can takes years of therapy and different prescriptions for the person with BPD to achieve a somewhat normal life and the truth of the matter is that some may never achieve a great success (but will feel a lot better than before) because I do know this for a fact: there is a margin of error in everything. And what works great for one can be devastating to another. I have experienced this with my daughter. I could not come close to counting the prescriptions my daughter has been on in the last 10 years and now, when she has no medical insurance and no money, her Psych found the right combination for her. And it seems to me that every month there is an ad on TV for a class action lawsuit against another medication which has caused harm or death to a person call such and such attorney. A lot of people do not trust drug companies to provide information regarding adverse effects that the medication you are about to take can have. I always talk to my DR/Psych and read the all info I can find and what is provided from my pharmacy so I know what I am in for whenever I start a new prescription. I do consider myself to be an “informed” drug user as I take about 20 scripts each month for various illnesses however most of my meds come from my Psych. Drug Companies spend large amounts of money testing their drugs and the testing continues even after they get the 2 positive studies that the FDA requires for the drug to be prescribed in the US. This is why I do not take the FDA too seriously. There was a drug study canceled not so long ago, I believe it was with hormone replacement therapy, can’t recall the hormone right now, but it was to be used for Menopausal women. Being menopausal, I was very interested. They (the drug company conducting the study) stopped the massive study because there were too many deaths while they were doing the drug study. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was the hormone, or just something altogether different, another drug they were using causing the adverse effects (women dying and incidence of breast cancer). And we all know where we eliminate the drugs we take, especially in any type of community or city water, we eliminate in the sewage process which in turn is processed back into drinking water but what happens to the eliminated drugs? They are still in the water that is going into our homes. Sorry but I guess you guys know where I have been this week: Reading! So now I have written enough for 2 books and I will get out of here before David bans me forever. (Pray not) Thanks for putting up with me:

  7. I am going through the same thing. My husband is trying to fight his case in court because I called the police on him and now he went to the Doctor and they did a MRI and a EEG on him now he is taking DEPAKOTE and KLONIPIN he seems to be doing much better but he still gets mad real easy. He is trying real hard. I know he has a illiness. I just wished his doctor would give him the right diganosise. I love him and know his mother has the same thing. They have her on zoloft. Can you inheriate this disorder?

  8. Spot on! The pDocs always ask if I’ve had suicidal thoughts but they’ve never expressed what are the risks, and they’ve NEVER mentioned the possibility of homicidal tendencies, although I now know this can arise since I’ve wanted to find a suitable victim, someone who deserved it. Fortunately, I didn’t find one! Even more fortunately, this period only lasted a few hours. It’s not occurred again since. I think it would have been a good idea to warn me about this!

  9. Dave – I agree that there IS the potential of bipolars going homicidal and/or suicidal. Normally, I am a sweet-natured, easy-going woman. But – you add to that a full-blown manic episode, and I am uncontrollable.

    I have been in two physical fights with guys; tried to push one down my 3-flight front stairs once! Only got him to stop when I tried to poke his eye out!

    I also tried to run my brother down with my car. Don’t tell me that ANY person with bipolar disorder CAN’T get violent, and be dangerous to himself or others. It is QUITE possible.

    I ask ANY supporter to take their bipolar survivor SERIOUSLY when they are angry, violent, or even THREATEN violence – GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. DON’T confront them – OR, call the Police. It is better to have a false alarm than to DIE.

    Being bipolar, I can tell you that we don’t KNOW when the rage/anger will be REAL against those whom we love. It just happens. We have no control over it – it’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I’m just glad calmer heads prevailed when I was manic, and I got the help I needed when I needed it. AND – make SURE we take our medications as prescribed; they are NOT a panacea, but they DO help in controlling the rage/anger, and keeping us “stable.”

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God hold you in the Palm of His Hand. AND – continue to take your medications; stranger things have happened…

  10. Dear Dave: Thank you for all the good work you do for those of us with Bipolar Disorder and the good people who support us. As for a conspiracy, I think not. I am reminded of the old saying, “Don’t attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity or ignorance.”

  11. Hi SuzanneWA:

    I just read what you said about the conspiracy and I wanted to tell you that you are very right and that today is the saddest day of my life because my daughter is so bad that she is suicidal and as soon as her Psych gets back to me I have to own up to the fact that “Momma” can’t always help her baby and I have to get her in an institution. This is the hardest thing I have had to do since I found out she has BPD and she will hate me for a while but it is the best for her and I do it crying because it hurts me so bad to see my baby so mentally unstable. Prayers and compassion for you all:

  12. I disagree with you that drug companies are okay.My daughter is bi-polar for 6 years and they still haven’t figured out her medication out properly.These medications have serious side effects.I have pleaded for more counselling but all they do is keep upping the medications.Pills do not solve problems.

  13. David, I agree about the med conspiracy. I don’t believe there is one. What keeps them going is the fact that some of the old meds don’t work for some patients so they bring out new one. What I don’t like is for those who don’t have insurance they are forced to try new ones bacause the are free at the clinics.
    But still I think the clent is responsible, you are not forced to take those if you don’t want and there are resources out there to cover meds only if the new ones don’t work for you. You can not be lazy and have bipolar disorder or you won’t get well.
    I ha ve been on everything possible, and I still say I have a great DR.!!!!!! But we have communication and that is #1 whether you are close to your Dr. or not. you know your body, he won’t know if you don’t tell him.
    I am also a recovering addict, alcoholic. So anyone trying to get the pills that will give you the buz, You will not get well on those. Don’t get me wrong I just am comming out of my first Bi-depression. I am more on the manic side. I am having a horrible time and am changing around meds again but it is ok because I know what it is like to be clean and sober and well. it’s great.
    Another thing I would say as far as conspiracy, I’d put it on the dope dealers that pray on us. I aslo would say the conspiracy is us against ourselves, 1. for not staying clean, you can’t do both. 2. for not learning about your illness, it is forever, but it can be managed forever. 3. for not loving yourself enough to educate your self and then you can have a better relationship with your Dr. You might talk him in to trying something you want, but he’s not gonna do that if you haven’t taking time to learn about it.
    I guess I would say my #2 at fault for conspiracy is the insuraance companies and ourselves against ourselves.

    Lorie Smith

  14. Lorie smith said…
    David, I agree about the med conspiracy. I don’t believe there is one. What keeps them going is the fact that some of the old meds don’t work for some patients so they bring out new one. What I don’t like is for those who don’t have insurance they are forced to try new ones bacause the are free at the clinics.
    But still I think the clent is responsible, you are not forced to take those if you don’t want and there are resources out there to cover meds only if the new ones don’t work for you. You can not be lazy and have bipolar disorder or you won’t get well.
    I ha ve been on everything possible, and I still say I have a great DR.!!!!!! But we have communication and that is #1 whether you are close to your Dr. or not. you know your body, he won’t know if you don’t tell him.
    I am also a recovering addict, alcoholic. So anyone trying to get the pills that will give you the buz, You will not get well on those. Don’t get me wrong I just am comming out of my first Bi-depression. I am more on the manic side. I am having a horrible time and am changing around meds again but it is ok because I know what it is like to be clean and sober and well. it’s great.
    Another thing I would say as far as conspiracy, I’d put it on the dope dealers that pray on us. I aslo would say the conspiracy is us against ourselves, 1. for not staying clean, you can’t do both. 2. for not learning about your illness, it is forever, but it can be managed forever. 3. for not loving yourself enough to educate your self and then you can have a better relationship with your Dr. You might talk him in to trying something you want, but he’s not gonna do that if you haven’t taking time to learn about it.
    I guess I would say my #2 at fault for conspiracy is the insuraance companies and ourselves against ourselves.

    Lorie Smith

    12:18 PM

    Posted to The Real Bipolar Conspiracy Revealed

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  15. I’m not so sure that the drug companies are worthy of our trust. It isn’t so long ago that some drug companies were selling antibiotics to some Third World countries as cures for headaches! They are only more “honest” with us because we have laws that serve to largely protect us from false claims. Would they lie about what their drugs can do if it weren’t for these laws? Probably! After all, the kind of people who run drug companies are the kinds of people who run any large corporations, and THEY are the kind of people who run/ran the tobacco companies, selling the stuff to us when they knew the links with cancer, when the knew tobacco was addictive and some of them sought to make it even MORE addictive to guarantee them sales well into the future in spite of the damage it would do to peoples’ health.

    The problems with big companies, especially those who have captive, almost monopolistic power, is that they are run by people! Tell me no one would ever be tempted to abuse their power, especially (not not only) if there is a significant benefit – financial or boosted self-image – and I’ll show you some fascinating psychological research. A bunch of students split into two. One lot are gold they are going to be prisoners, the others are put into uniforms and told they will be the jailers. Within days, the jailers are acting like little Nazis, abusing the “inmates” so much that the experiment was called off. Ordinary people warped by a sense of power. And THAT, I believe, is why powerful companies, being run by powerful people can never be trusted to do anything for your personal benefit, only if doing that wll, in some way, directly or indirectly, benefit them. For example, why do big companies give tons of money to charities? Because it gives them “positive” PR, because people will think they are “good guys”, the cowboys with white hats.

    So if you have no doubts about drug companies take a look at this piece conconerning psychiatric medicines ….

    Or try this one for size:

    This was published 27 Feb 2008, where in we find that, in the UK (and in EEU territories) that a soverign government – in this case the UK government – cannot force drug companies to publish negative trial reports because – you’re gonna love this – it’s against EU law!!!

    Drug companies have WITHHELD such information from the UK’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (also known as NICE, these are the people who approve which drugs can be used in the UK.) To get at some of this data (47 trials)this a UK university had to obtain its release from the US (yes, US) Food and Drug Administration under US freedom of information rules!

    So, what was this unpublished data?

    “The new generation of antidepressant drugs work no better than a placebo for the majority of patients with mild or even severe depression, comprehensive research of clinical trials has found.”

    These conclusions are, arguably, in error because, some argue, the data analysis did not take into account the long-term effects of how well a placebo prevents a depression from returning. The drug companies also say they did not concela the information, that they simply didn’t publish it! Presumably, they felt the negative trial results could muddy the clear waters if the postive trial results!

    And we’re supposed to trust these drug companies? I don’t think so.


  17. Hi, My daughter was in the Psych Ward for about 2 days, give or take an hour, and guess what meds they gave her: Good old Lithium! Added to her already dosage of Seroquel. Then they gave her Ambien for one night and then took it away from her because it can be an addicting drug and she has a reputation of drug abuse. So now she is taking Lithium, Seroquel, Trileptal regularly and a stand-by dosage of Clonazepam to give to her of she shows any signs of a Manic Episode. And to offset the sedative effects of the Seroquel she now takes Abilify and she is more stable than I have seen her since I 1st noticed she had mental problems. She was in the 1st grade and she got tired of a bigger kid (5th grader) always bullying his way to the front of the lunch line so she bit his arm so hard it brought blood. I didn’t know what it was then, but she was doing things that drove me away from her father. I got a call from school and decided to have a long talk with her about holding in her rage until she got home and taking her frustrations out on me. That worked for a long time and kept me from having to take off from work (which I could not afford to do) to visit with the principal every other day or so.

  18. No, telling people to get medicated is not “what they need to hear”. It is all a sham. I’m a rapid-cycling bipolar with BPD. I’ve been completely pill free for over four years without a single suicide attempt or psychotic episode.

    With the pills, I couldn’t go a few weeks without one or the other or both. The medication is a joke! The only thing it does is make you too high to actually work through your problems.

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