The Bipolar Rumor


Today I want to talk to you about something that is hurting a lot of people with bipolar disorder and even their families. Something I call: THE BIPOLAR RUMOR.

The bipolar rumor is when one person hears about someone they know claiming to have heard about someone they know being cured of bipolar disorder. Then they tell someone else they know about someone they know who knows someone they know who was cured of bipolar

disorder. Then they tell someone else who tells someone else who tells someone else…

Get the picture?

It reminds me of that commercial on TV awhile back for some shampoo that said (and showed), “And they’ll tell 2 people…and they’ll tell 2 people…and they’ll tell 2 people…” and on and on

and on…

And all this telling people is all based upon a RUMOR to begin with!!!

It’s important to me for you to know that there really is NOT a cure for bipolar disorder

at this time. That is a sad fact, but at least there is treatment for the disorder. It is NOT a death sentence! But for people to claim some miraculous cure should be illegal!

In fact, it is unethical, if not illegal, when some company tries to sell you some product that claims to cure bipolar disorder, you should KNOW that it is bogus! It will never be able to say that it is backed by the FDA, and that is what you should look for. But this is SO dangerous!

I know of one woman who believed in this rumor. She believed in it so much that she stopped

taking her medication, believing that she was cured of bipolar disorder. 8 months later, she took a gun and killed herself. What was worse was that she not only claimed this “cure” for herself, she told MANY other people about it. They, too, went off THEIR medication! And they, too, went into bipolar episodes! Luckily, they didn’t kill themselves, because they had good supporters, and they realized they really weren’t “cured,” but just think about what could have happened to them!

There really is NO CURE for bipolar disorder at this time. And anyone who claims that there is, is NOT telling the truth – they are only spreading A RUMOR. A potentially deadly RUMOR.

If you have found yourself in this situation, I BEG YOU NOT TO LISTEN TO THIS RUMOR!

Please, please, DO NOT GO OFF YOUR MEDICATION, no matter what you hear!

If you are a supporter to a loved one with bipolar disorder, you need to encourage them not to fall for this RUMOR either! Encourage them to stay on their medication at all times. That’s one of the best things you can do as a supporter.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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