The Bipolar Disorder Dance

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re doing good today.

I read a saying the other day that I thought was really interesting. And of course, when I find something interesting, I usually pass it along to you.

So here it is: “Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance.” Now I don’t know who wrote that, but I like it. I can see how it applies to bipolar disorder.

You could re-word it like:

“Bipolar disorder may not be what you counted on, but while you are facing it, you may as well deal with it.”

Life holds a lot of surprises. Some people start off on one path, and then find themselves on a totally different path. It’s happening right now with jobs in our economy – People who were in a certain career that they had trained for are now finding themselves having to look for a job in another area. Some people are having to learn a trade. Some people are having to go back to college at a later age. Some people are having to take lesser jobs, or jobs that they are overqualified for. Some people are having to take on a second job to provide for their family.

Some people are having to give up their homes and move into a smaller place. But they all do what they have to do to deal with the curves that life has thrown their way because of our economy.

It’s the same thing with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is probably one of the curves that life has thrown your way. You certainly didn’t ask for it. It wasn’t something you wanted to happen. But since you do have it, things will

go much better if you just accept it and learn how to deal with it.

Bipolar disorder is not your fault. You didn’t do anything to cause it, and you couldn’t have done anything to prevent it. But now that you do have it, you “might as well dance,” as the expression goes. You might as well do what you have to do to attain and maintain stability. You need to learn how to manage your disorder.

Just like if you really were dancing, you’d have to know the steps, with bipolar disorder you have to know the “dance of bipolar disorder.” That means you have to get as educated about the disorder as you can. The more knowledge you have about the disorder, the better equipped you will be to deal with it.

You don’t have to “dance this dance” alone, either. You should develop a strong support system that can help you.

You can make certain lifestyle changes to manage the disorder. For example, you need to take care of your physical body – Eat a healthy diet and exercise. Sleep is real important, too. You need to take care of yourself emotionally, because of the mood swings of bipolar disorder. That’s why you need to take medication and see a psychiatrist and therapist.

There is a way to master the “dance of bipolar disorder,” and you CAN learn the “steps.” You CAN achieve stability.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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