Supporting a child or teen with bipolar disorder? Warning inside


How’s it going?

Over the last week or so, I have been talking about my new resource titled:

“7 Secrets To Supporting A Child Or Adolescent With Bipolar Disorder.”

It’s located at:

This is primarily written for you, the person supporting the child or adolescent with bipolar disorder.

The reason why I wrote this guide was because there is so little practical and useful information on how to support a child or teen with bipolar disorder.

I see soooooo much bad information out in society when it comes to bipolar disorder and children it’s scary.

For example, if you are supporting a teen or child with bipolar disorder, I am totally 100% opposed to using too much labeling for them.

For example, I would never say there was a bipolar child or bipolar teen.

Think about that for a second. That means the child or teen is bipolar? You wouldn’t say that a teen or child is cancer would you?

Seriously. Would you say, he’s a cancer child? Of course not. Think about that for a second.

I firmly believe you have to be really careful with your language and what you say to your child or teen.

Use has bipolar disorder or have bipolar disorder.

So say, “John you have bipolar disorder.”

See the difference?

Also, make sure that you stress that lots of other people have bipolar disorder and your child can be a success and do anything else other kids without the disorder can.

Many people who work for me report that the HATED when people would say they were broken or mentally ill as a child. To this day, my mom takes great offense to how she was treated as a child and teen by some people.

That’s another one, be really careful saying a child is mentally ill. Think about what that sounds like. If you keep saying that over and over again it start to seriously impact a child, teen or adult for that matter really negatively.

They start to think, “am I normal? Can I have a job? Will I survive? Am I dumb?”

Remember that how you treat a child and teen will manifest itself years and decades later. Make sure you are mindful of the things I talked about today.

With my new resource, there may also be parts that you will want to go over with your child, or even some that you will want your teenager to read for themselves.

For more information on how you can support a child or teen with bipolar disorder, please visit:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. Child with Health problems Mental or otherwise.
    See a Dietition, Naturapath psychologist (NO Drugs).
    PLEASE don’t destroy their Minds.
    World wide studies: Layer, Champie of Switzerland, & Carpenter to name a few.These ALL have PROVEN NO Drugs just PROPER therapy provides FAR superior Results, and LESS readmition.
    Drugs, the ECT, The Lobotomy: Specilists in the Brain/Mind field tell us all these “treatments” are Proven to CAUSE Brain Damage to specific areas. Such Damage to these areas WILL give the Behavior which is listed in the DSM.
    QED: S/he who makes the “diagnosis.” Oh & the Drug Cartels.
    Dave I thought I asked for Meditation & yoga?
    Not psych. chants. Hyms etc.

  2. NO Rebuttal yet?
    Can any tell me how Damaging/Removing the Frontal Lobes is better than Death? (As in Lobotomy, done with ice picks, or scalpel).
    How is Damaging the Cerebrium, The Left Frontal— lobe, the hipocampi, or Campus, and so on as in Drug therapy, & or Electroconvulsive “therapy.” (ECT is Against The Geneva Convention, Hence More rights In Guantanamo Bay, etc).
    Please explain how any of this is HELPFUL to ANYBODY World Wide?
    It is PROVEN the Brain Damage causes the behaviours listed in the dsm.
    Helpful only to psych. & Drug Cartels.
    psych. “treatment” is ment to cause Mindless Sedation, Shure does, however this NO Mind thing enrages ALL, well me anyway.
    Hence Violent Crime….. ALL on the Rise, World Wide.
    GREAT job FOOLS.
    Lower drugs slowly. Or their is likly to be an episode of Whithdrawal, thus Admittence.
    Saddest thing is I find my Mind is yey to come back.
    How much in $$$$$$ is a Mind worth?
    Check out the HUGE ROle psychiatry has had in War.

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