Shocking: Bipolar disorder & stability how long it takes

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How’s it going today?

What’s new?

What a day yesterday was. I had so many issues
and a number of threats from some really ill people
on my list.

BUT some good things happen as well. My friend
called and invited me to hang out on Friday so
I am going to take off work early for the first
time in a long time (But I will be working way late
on Thursday).

Anyway this friend of mine has a family member
who has borderline personality disorder and bipolar

Even though I have known this friend for a really
long time, neither of us ever told the other
about having a family member with a mental illness.

Pretty interesting. Anyway, we were on the subject
of bipolar episodes and how long it takes for
a person to become stable. She really doesn’t study
bipolar disorder like I do but she said to me
that it can take a long time.

I totally agree. If a person goes into a bipolar
episode it can take a long time for the person
to become fully stable again.

But on the other hand it can take a short period
of time.

I must say after talking to lots of people who
have been in episodes there seems to be no
way to predict how long an episode with take
to recover.

Michele who works for me who you may have
heard me mention before went into a really
big episode. One of the worst she said in
her life. When I spoke to her husband,
he said it was “really bad” and that he
had no idea when she would be back to work.

It was interesting because with less
than a month, she was back to work and 100%.

On the other hand, her mom has bipolar disorder
and she is in an episode and has been for a long
time and nothing seems to be really helping her.

Her mom’s episode is more like my mom’s episode
where it just takes a long time to get to

But then Michele knows someone else who went
into a bipolar episode and it was over fairly

But then there are people on my list that I speak
to who have teenagers or young adults who seem
to be in one giant long running episode for

Yesterday I was surfing the internet which
by the way become a huge way to waste a lot
of time. I saw a book that guaranteed
full recovery from a mental illness in
30 days.

I was amazed that someone would make such a claim.
It’s 100% impossible. There is no way on the earth
you can guarantee that someone will be out of
an episode for fully recovered on 30 days or less.

The ad for the book even talked about “cures”
as well.

This person obviously has no idea what they
are talking about.

I want to be clear with my stuff, especially
my foundational stuff here:




I nor no one else can tell you how look
it will take either you or your loved one
with bipolar disorder to get stable. It’s
impossible. It might take a few days. It might
take a few weeks. It might takes months. It might
take like a year (what happen with my mom).

Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. These are
very complex illnesses. You just don’t know.

What I can tell you this, especially since I have
been doing this for a long time now. You can
do things to help prevent episodes and you can
be 100% prepared as to what to do in the early
signs of an episode which ultimately leads to
recovering from an episode quicker.

Let me explain. You see with my mom, she started showing
signs like in May 2003 with her episode. No one did anything
until like November 2003 (that’s like 5 months). It just
got worse and worse and worse. I really believe when you
let the episodes just go along without any attempts in
treatment changes it become really hard to recover
fast from this. This is a theory of mine.

On the other hand if I would have done all the things
I now know to do when my mom goes into an episode, I think
she would have become stable again much quicker. But you
never know exactly. This is just a theory of mine but
it should make intuitive sense to you.

I wanted to write this email today for those that are
out there and want to know “how much longer until
it’s over.” One really can’t tell. But as a general
rule of thumb, the longer a person went without any change
to a treatment plan or without taking medication or seeing
a doctor the longer recovery takes. This is what I have

When Michele went into her big episode that I personally
thought would require months and months of time for
her to regain stability, it didn’t simply because
her husband stepped in right away and did many of the
things outlined in my bipolar supporter course.

As a result he kind of “caught the episode” before
it could get tremendous “traction” and get worse
and worse and worse.

Make sense? Hope so. Hey I am going to be having a
f.ree. teleseminar for everyone to answer any non
medical or non legal questions that you might have.
Actually it will be a f.ree teleseminar and f.ree
webinar. You will be able to talk to me live,
and hear other people ask questions as well.

I have to take off now, have a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. Dave I really appreciate your help with my experiences with bipolar disorder. I’ts only been 4 almost 5 months being involved in a bipolar relationship. Before i started dating my now ex i’d heard the term but never truly understood it. When i met my ex he was the sweetest guy in the world. Said the nicest things, bought me things, treated me like a princess! I was so grateful to find a guy like him. He told me he wanted to marry me and he loved me within 3 weeks of meeting me. I was hesitant, but he was so perfect I was just like go with the flow. Then out of no where his perfect personality turned to useless jealousy, anger, he would just go for days with out talking to me and i didn’t know what i did to deserve any of this so i called and called trying to find an answer. I didn’t know then that he was bipolar. One day after we started talking again he started to cry and say “I’m not right in the head.” (in so many words) I thought to myself who would say that about themselves? i found it odd. then it just popped into my head. I asked him if his mother was bipolar because he’d mentioned his mom taking meds for a “condition”. He got really defensive and said, “I’m not gonna be a pill popper like my mom!”. After that day I’d found your site and began to look for help. To make a super long story much shorter, we got into a discussion about three weeks ago about permanently breaking up. I didn’t want to break up w/ him b/c i want to help him. I know he’s bipolar, but hes in denial. Most people say, “If you know he’s bipolar why do you stay?” “Why do you want to help?”. I really care for this man and i know he doesn’t mean any of the things he does when he gets angry….its the disorder. Back to the discussion I mentioned. He was really mad, so I decided to leave him alone. I tried to say a few words to him, but ultimately i let him be because I didn’t want to argue. Then he storms past me and says hes going to go sleep at his office. I plead with him to stay and say lets not break up this way. He says he doesn’t care about me or us. Then heres where I made a mistake. I took back a hat i bought him b/c I was angry at what he was doing and saying to me. He calls the police on me and to sum it up (this isn’t all that happened, but an overview) he gets a restraining order on me and places assault charges. I got a lawyer, so the charges will be dismissed, but not the restraining order. I’m very hurt. He got it for nothing. We have court on the 28th and I want to ask for permission to speak with him…if he agrees to it. I can appeal the restraining order to get rid of that issue, but i’m not sure what to do. I want to help, but just want advice from some people who are more familiar with bipolar disorder than I am. Should i try to talk to him or just leave him be wishing i would’ve helped?….I don’t know how long this will take for him to get through this episode b/c hes had a few on me for a week or so but this has been 3 weeks. By the time the of the court date it will be a month. Advice/help please. I feel really bad about this and I still care so much. Thanks for reading 🙂

  2. Dave,

    I want to thank you for all of your help and reassuring letters during these very trying times. Until you experience a bipolar episode, you don’t know how much of a nightmare it truly is. You feel all alone, you don’t know where to turn. You can’t believe that it is happening to you and your family. Since reading and listening to your course, we have helped to get our (25 year old) son stable. He has a great doctor (and we went through quite a few before we found him). We are on the same page with him and we are no longer skipping from drug to drug. He has a plan and we are all pulling in the same direction.

    I have a question for you.

    Motivation! He seems to have zero motivation. He still spends quite a bit of time in bed. He’s not punching holes in the walls, and you can hold a nice conversation with him. But he does not have any ambition. Do you find this to be a symptom of bipolar? If so, what tactics (plans) could we use to draw him out?

  3. my husband went manic back in 04-06 he moved in with old girlfriend been going through a common law divorce with me ,but now i just found out he married that girl amonth ago he went from taking risperdal,wellbutrim and llamictal to just lamictal. in the past he was like on five meds the one that really helped was the depakote .he did not take depakote this time because he did not like the way he felt.he keeps calling my cell to speak to our son who is 6yrs old,but he calls 3 or 4 times aday i dont know what to do i have allready called the police and they have asked him not to call me but he calls blocking the number.therapist and new psychiatrist say he is well i dont think he is normal

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