New bipolar lesson from my mom’s current situation

I hope you are doing well.

I wanted to email you something really
important concerning my other email
that I sent yesterday about my mom.

Let me sum up yesterday’s email.

Basically I said that my mom sent me
an email saying she was feeling signs
of a manic episode coming on. As a result
she immediately called her therapist and
doctor and let them know.

I told you how in the hold days, this would
never happen. Her manic signs would eventually
get worse and worse and worse. Eventually she
would go into a full scale manic episode.

Then I told you how my mom emailed me back
and told me that her doctor changed her
bipolar medication.

After that, I was flooded with emails from
people that said how excited they were that

a) my mom is handling her bipolar disorder

b) that my system/courses really work.

A person even posted:

“Karen said…
Hi Dave,
You did it, your systems are so complete, you
really do have strategies for all the bipo brings.
I think I have been here like 6 months now and
one time it tricked you- I remember you were
kinda upset- it was a time for a tune up but you
were upset that it snuck up on your mom and you
did not catch it.

When you figured out what was trying to happen
it seemed that bipo insulted you for even tryen.
Your system is that damn good. I was so relieved
when I first received the books I could tell just
by flippen through them that I would be able to
take control, educate myself through your hard work
and the bipo cling on that wanted your mom and
through your wars you did effectively learn how
to kick its ass.

You are one of a kind, I would be most likely in
jail now, by the time they told me, iwas a extreemly
dangerous pissed-off bipo. Karen was gone, I
disasosiated and watched from above, I was
premeditating, playen with guns, had a mark,
target, someone the bipo was stalking, waiting
for the perfect time.

The bipo refused to take meds. I think you emailed
me not sure for how many days- take the meds,
you were like a broken record, finally I did had
an allergic reaction thought i was going to
die but for the first time in my life my brain
started to quite down, wierd, I knew then I
was sick.
Thank you Dave, Karen”


Karen’s post on my blog below brings
up several important points.

1. Sometime ago, my mom was stable and
then went unstable and bipolar did get
the best of us.

Here’s is how I stopped that. After
EVERY episode, I did what I call a
PEA. What the heck is a PEA? I call
it a Post episode analysis. I told
my mom these were required and not optional.
She can either work with me or I do
them myself.

I simply sit down with her bipolar
stability equation variables and look
to see which ones were “violated”
or “weak.”

Then I can figure out what potentially
led to the episode. I also look to figure
out what systems broke down or which
ones didn’t exist.

2. Overtime I figured out how to improve
incrementally. Then I took this information
and rebuilt it back into my main courses/
systems below:




Or in some cases, I built them into a
separate course.

Anyway, I wanted to say something else.

Many people were excited that my mom picked
up the phone and called her therapist and
doctor. The fact the therapist and doctor
acted fast and changed my mom’s treatment

People were excited. Amazed like me.

Want to know the one thing that I have
learned about this situation? Let me
ask you a question. What could go

I want you to think long and hard. This is
a test. Don’t worry I can’t grade you and
send a report card home to you.

Anyway, what’s the one thing that I MUST
watch out for now? What’s the danger?

Think about it and then scroll down…

NO CHEATING. Think then scroll…

Did you think of something? Scroll down….

My mom’s medication and treatment was changed. SO,
even though it was from her doctor and therapist.
It’s possible that this change could, and I repeat
could make things worse. It’s not probable but
it’s possible.

Also, my mom could have a new side effect. My mom
AND dad (I already called and quizzed him, he hates
when I do that especially when I email the results
out to all you guys) are prepared for problems
in this area. My mom is going to report any additional
problems right away in her worksheet that we
have (same on in the bipolar success course above)
and my dad is on standby to monitor any signs
or symptoms or side effects.

He has instructions what to do in the worst
case scenario.

I am out of the picture and only would step
in under an extreme circumstance. In my mom
own mind I run “the worst case scenario.”
Which would be, my mom gets way worse goes
into a totally out of control manic episode
and bipolar just overwhelms my dad. This is
not probable but is possible.

I have a plan if it happens. I am 100%
convinced that I could easily handle the situation
if it did get this bad. I doubt it will but
I have a plan.

Hey, I have to run. Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


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  1. This is all good, David. My only problem is that I have read your materials, and educated myself ad infinitum about bipolar. Now my husband needs to take charge of his own health and wellness. Any systems I put into place will be to protect me from his financial blunders. And his poor decisions that affect me and the children. I don’t exactly have the focus that I need to “help him” anymore. I think that’s too tall an order.

  2. I would like to know why you are only really posting success storys. There are so many people out here including me who aren’t success storys, and get sick and tired of hearing how well others who have help are doing. Some of us can’t get help and don’t like to hear only success storys. Sometimes it helps to show people what can happen when you don’t do the things you need to to gain control over bipolar disorder. Which brings me to my next question. Is there anyone out there who can give me advice on how to deal with bipolar disorder during pregnancy? I can’t really take meds, and if I could I wouldn’t be able to get them anyway. I anyone can help e-mail me at

  3. Hi Dave
    What i have realised with bipolar ist o be ever on the alert. My husband is bipolar, and although he is nearing the year-mark for being stable, ie no episodes, we are both always vigilant. obviously with medication, but also with sleep, exercise, and his visiting an excellent psychiatrist once a month. Since we married, he has settled down considerably, as his bipolar meant frequent hospitalisations (around 4 a year) over the last 10 years. a lot of this was from a lack of family support. the structure and love has turned a lot of this around. i value your newsletter, because it reminds me every day what my husband and i are dealing with on a day to day basis. several times since our marriage in december, there have been close calls, but in both instances we decided to increas his dose of the anti psychotic he is on, and then i would stay with him him until he had calmed down enough, and was asleep. both times after he woke up he was rested and settled. i never underestimate the power of this disease to catch one unawares though, as before our marriage, i experienced his psychosis three times, and it was terrible. we are still working on things like money management etc, but i now insist that he gives me his bank card, so i am effectively the minster of finance in the house. the wonderful thing was that he was very willing to do this. i realise there are baby steps to follow here, but it is a journey that i have found truly amazing. he is joyous, beautiful person, and actually has a lot of insight into his illness, so i learn all the time from him. thanks for the newsletter, and greetings from Cape Town, South Africa!

  4. Dave! You must be so encouraged by your Mom’s actions to show the bipolar who’s “boss!” Your strategies must have worked, because she’s taking a proactive stance in her own recovery.

    As you know, I have no supporters aside from my absent boyfriend and the Community Mental Health clinic. Although my shrink and my therapist know me so well they can see when my moods go to the extreme, and do their best to counteract them. However, in a bipolar episode, the manipulation occurs, and we end up saying what the supporters want to hear. I know I have done this before myself.

    As to the side effects of increased or changed medications, just keep a close eye on your Mom, and I’m sure she’s going to be OK.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. My prayers are with you.

  5. Hi Dave, Everyone, I am not doing great, I said I have the tools to educate myself. I have not killed any one. I am a human guini pig, can not get hired anywhere, losing my home. However, I know I will get through it because I am way better than I was, due to Daves books. I do not cry and give up because I am mentally ill. If I had not have Dave pushing the med thing I would never have believed I was sick. When I took that medicine, my brain calmed, profoundly, I new I was one sick bitch. I have no one my husband hung himself. I like to fight and I understand I have to fight the rest of my life. I use to use knifes, guns, even hot iron on someone once. Now I fight with the tools in Daves books. I do not like the shampoo in jail it is watered down. In fact today I just brought my daughter home from a doctor appt. I was prepared her actions were bipo. The doctor just told me that my loving beautiful model daughter needs to be medicated. She was crying, I feeling like the guy that molested her woke up the beast she got from me. I said this is not you, separate my Trina from this beast because we are going to war. My Trina has the most loving sole, with Daves educational materials i WILL HAVE HER BACK, I WILL NOT GO KILL THE MAN WHO WOKE UP THE BEAST EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO! I have a fight to concentrate on getting my daughter back. I have peace of mind knowing I am armed with the tools to kick bipo ass. So I quess I am a sucess story, I have not given up I understand I can coprehend, It does not happen over night. I am new at this, not new at being sick, new at knowing I am sick, this beast is slick, Dave knows the beast, like better than any doctor or therapist I have to deal with. I did not get to go to school due to the fact my mom left me me in a hospital when I was 11, I did do some college work through the job I use to have, GPA 3.15. Are we all reading the same books here, and staying positive in a cruel place, and remembering the harder we fight the harder it is to surrender! My grandfather hung me when I was 4, I am alive because my sister told on me for shitting myself, raped so many times by him I overdosed at age 11, where I was left to go survive on the streets. I was successfull, and there is no dought in my mind I will be successful again.I would be in jail with out Dave, thanks for my sucess. Thank you Dave, Karen

  6. Hi Dave, I know sometimes I am blunt, and people get offended, I do not like the word cant, things at least for me are not easy. It seems like people are looking in the mirror everyday and saying I will never get better over and over. I look in the mirror, I say come on get it together there is a glass ceiling you need to break through, you know you can do it.Your emails alone without the books teach me so much. For 42 years shame on the beast, now that I know, with all you do for us, having the books, if the beast won it would be shame on me. It is like an open book test you get because everyone failed the test the first time. There is no excuse for failing an open book test, infact you should get an A. I would not have started the turn around so quickly had you not said I think of my mom and there is this thing almost another entity, i know there is not two personalities- you know separate. That was a big hugh stragy that the beast did not like at all, the beast is slick, Karen is strong, if I was not strong even though I am not suicidal, killing myself to go be with my husband would have happened a long time ago. Thank you Dave, Karen

  7. Dave,
    I look forward to your e-mails each day. I only wish I had this info. when I was still with my friend Dave. I think I may have been able to be a more stable supporter had I been armed with the proper info. Dave has found a new girlfriend. Wonder how long this one will last?? I doubt that she knows he’s Bipolar. Oh well. I thought all his problems were from cocaine & alcohol, but they weren’t. I think he used both of them as a result of or to mask the Bipolar. For several years I tried to read up on Bipolar, but you already know the kind of “clinical info.” out there that really tells the general public NOTHING. You are the first person who can put the material in laymen’s terms with real lessons attached to everyday life. Keep up the great work. Carol

  8. Hi,I was worry about my boyfriend …his counseling find out that he have Biplar Disorder and theu gave him new medical name is Risperdals..before he was not take medical that he hit and anger to me no reason then counseling find out that he have Bipolar ..I wonder his new medical is Risperdals will help him better ..he told me that medical help him alot ..he want work out with me ..I wonder medical will help him better and will not hit me again ?? please let me know asap ..I alway care ,support ,there for him …

  9. Hi,I am worry about my boyfriend ..he was sober for 1 year and 3 month ,control ,bossy,different moods,anger,hit to me and someday..he was see counseling every week and they find out that he have Bipolar and moods..they gave him new medical is Risperdal..he told me that medical help him clam and better moods..I wonder he will stop hit me and medical will help him and he keep go see his counseling every week ..please let me know as soon ..

  10. Like I said before, I’m new to this whole experience. But this article is filled with hope and that is what I need and am looking for right now. Thank you.

  11. Yay, I like what you wrote about your mom. Yay, wonderful, kudos!!! Keep up the good work, all three of you! It is working. There is an important lesson here, Keep trying!!!! Just like a baby learning to walk, they do not get discouraged, they keep trying.

    Thanks to what I have been reading things are getting better for me. I have made some med changes, my husband and I have a plan for dealing with a major episode, and we continue to work on our marriage, and we continue to be the best parents we can.

  12. Having been reading around here and elsewhere I appreciate how lucky I am that I have BP in such a ‘small’ way – I was only diagnosed last year and saw a therapist and it was decided I am ok to carry on without meds (VERY lucky I know) but the therapy was my turning point – for years and years I would stumble from one crisis to another

    The biggest thing that therapy has done for me is enable me to recognise a potential manic episode looming and I am able (so far) to ward it off – something that before therapy I would not have thought possible as I thought there were no warning signs and that the first I would know was when I was sitting in the aftermath of a ‘high’. Now I am alert to certain signs and feelings

    In the UK everyone is entitled to 6 sessions with a therapist via their GP – the waiting list is long, but I would urge anyone who is, or thinks they are BP to get this help – even if they need meds it really does help to talk to someone not only non-judgmental but outside your own sphere as I found that having to fully explain my feelings and history made me think about it very deeply… with friends and family it natural to use ‘shorthand’ but explaining to a total stranger you have to pick things apart and look at them properly

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