Info on Bipolar Medications and Side Effects


I wanted to send out an email about an issue that keeps popping up on my blog.

It’s in response to:

“Everything You Need To Know About Bipolar Medications (That Your Doctor May Not Have Told You).”

Located at:

I sent this out the other day and a number of people wrote me concerning this.

Their argument is that bipolar medications cause side effects.

And the these side effects are really, really bad and that medication should not be taken because of this.


Let me explain.

Look at this post on my blog from Suzanne. I know Suzanne and she is SUPER SMART and intelligent.

Anyway when she was not on medication,

When I was so “high” and euphoric with the full-blown manic episodes (I had 3), I did some pretty abnormal and aberrant behaviors. I slept around indiscriminately (thus maybe getting an STD); I believed I was Jesus as
a woman (preaching, etc.); I was psychic and could predict the future (something I have no ability for when I’m NOT manic); and I spent money like a drunken sailor.

NOW – can you tell me I was unstable at the time I was manic, and DIDN’T need medication? “Better living through chemistry.” I was on a destructive path, mowing down everything that got in the way. Once, I even tried running my brother down with my car! Good Heavens, man, do you SEE where your argument fails??

Without the meds, the ultimate “crash” after a manic episode results in suicide, either physically OR mentally.”

The thing is, without medications for bipolar disorder, the person with the disorder is doomed. I am serious.

I know people will say that I am being an alarmist but it’s true. Someone has to say this stuff.

Also, keep in mind that when you have a side effect, you report it to the doctor and you work to find a set of medications that will work to have the least amount of side effects.

Many people do not do this. They take one medication and then say, “oh I am not taking any more, I can’t handle the side effects. I hate this and that.”

Now the person goes into a manic episode, runs someone over, hurts a family member or kills themselves. What’s worse?

So many smart people with bipolar disorder simply don’t have all the facts when it comes to bipolar disorder and medications.

I don’t know why. It’s like people just don’t want to learn it and are simply against medications no matter what.

I put together a report for supporters and bipolar survivors you can get a lot of info on medications.

It’s called:

“Everything You Need To Know About Bipolar Medications (That Your Doctor May Not Have Told You).”

Located at:

Hey, I have to take off.

Catch you tomorrow. Think about what I said.


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. I just read an article from the bi-polar news last night that tore me up. They were bad mouthing the use of some “untested” meds on children. 31 whole children died “because” of this medication. That’s only 29 more than I almost lost this past summer when my bi-polar daughter’s lithium levels got too low. On Father’s day she tried to drown my biological daughter, her older sister, then tried to drown herself. Bless her heart, in addition to having bi-polar disorder, she also has borderline intellectual functioning. (The new term for borderline retardation) Her biological mom just did too many drugs and drank too much and had too many suicide attempts while she was pregnant. Had my daughter with bipolar disorder been a little smarter and a little better co-ordinated,… I might just be saying that’s 29 more than what we lost.

    The side affects stink. There’s no doubt about it. We see our beautiful girl slowly gaining weight, having tremors, burning if she’s in the sun for more than 10 minutes without sun screen,… the list goes on. It stinks, it stinks for her. But what if she had succeeded in her drowning attempt. I think side affects are a much better choice than juvie hall or whatever happens to children who murder someone.

    This was what happened, not when she was off meds, but when her levels were too low. What if she had gone after one of the other kids? She was 11 at the time, our youngest was about to turn 4. What if she had attacked the baby instead?

    AS much as I hate the fact that she went after my daughter, it was a relief. Her biological brother and sister have no coping skills thanks to a court system that puts the desires of a destructive self serving woman who is mentally ill and refuses to help herself before the needs of these kids. What would have happened if she had attacked one of them,…

    OK, I can go on this for pages, I’m sure you get the idea. This is just from med levels being too low. Too low on only one of her meds. How can anyone say the side affects are too much? My girl is the sweetest kid on the face of the earth, when she’s not in an episode. If she’s capable of homicide, let’s not even pretend that anyone with bipolar disorder left untreated isn’t.

    Dave, you do good work here. Not all of us can afford your systems, but we sure do get a lot out of your e-mails and I thank you.

    God Bless You

  2. My husband is on lithium but he’s dead against it. He takes only the minimum (2 every alternate day) and takes it only for my sake. He says it affects his creativity (he is a man of books) and also his eyesight which his optician supports this by penning a long letter, which was supposedly given to his psychiatrist.

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