How to get Free Training On How To Avoid Bipolar Episodes


Today I am going to teach you about getting
F^REE training on how to avoid episodes from
bipolar disorder.

First, I wanted to tell you a few things.

1. I am going to be starting a kind of mentorship program
in several areas. I am not 100% sure how this is going
to work exactly. So far we have one person who is
probably going to be in the program for 20 year olds.
The program will consist of working with someone who
has bipolar disorder and knows how to manage it well.
She will be working with this person to provide guidance
in many areas.

Also, I will be paying for some doctor and therapy visits
as well.

In about the next month, I am going to be looking for
someone who is supporting one or more children with
bipolar disorder around the age of 10 years old. Right
now, this program will be offering for F^REE a lot of
support, paid doctor and therapist visits, contact
with various people throughout the country that are
experts in supporting children with bipolar disorder
and several other things.

Keep your eyes open if you are interested and this
will be coming out over the next month or so.

Okay on to today’s topic. I have been writing
about bipolar disorder and the episodes that
come from them over the last 10 days or so.

If you missed these daily emails, you can get
them by clicking on my blog at the end of this

Today in this final installment of this email
series on bipolar disorder and episodes, I am
going to tell you how to get F^REE training
on how to avoid episodes from bipolar disorder.

Am I crazy? No. There is a way. I teach it in
my courses/systems. It’s really simple.

Here’s what you do, you look at the past episodes
that have occurred and then you overlap what
took place against the bipolar stability equation
that I wrote about last week in my daily email
and the same one I talk about in my courses/systems.

Remember the bipolar stability equation is all the
things that make someone stable. It’s different
for everyone and as you may remember, I pointed
out it consists of a number of things. These “things”,
which right now I am dead tired and can’t think of
another word besides things, combine together to
keep a person stable and doing well.

In my mom’s case, it took over almost 40 years
to figure out there was such a thing as a bipolar
stability equation. ALL the doctors and therapists
she had worked with never told her any of this. It
was actually me who did.

Anyway, with my mom and bipolar disorder, here are
some things her stability equation includes:
medication, therapy, sleep, exercise, NOT eating
fast foods or food with sugar, listening to calming
music before bed, church, NOT talking to friends with
problems, working, NOT watching mindless TV programs
and there are several other things.

She MUST do all these things. MUST. MUST. MUST. It’s
not an option.

Okay, so back to how to get the F^REE training. In
the case of my mom’s last episode which occurred like
a month or so again and lasted about 10 to 14 days,
here’s what I did.

I went back in history and I looked at her stability
equation and decided if she had been following it.
I was shocked what I found. Guess what I found?

Guess first then scroll down….

Don’t cheat. Guess. Scroll then…

Did you guess??? Keep scrolling…


I was really kind of annoyed at her. She knew
better. At first my mom was like, “I have no
idea why I got into this episode.” She actually
convinced her doctor AND therapist that this
was one of those episodes that just happened
even though she was doing everything right.

SIDE NOTE: It’s true that if you have bipolar disorder
and do EVERYTHING right, you follow your stability
equation, you can go into an episode. This is a sad
fact. BUT, I must say, every time someone goes
into an episode and I am called to talk about it
and figure things out through one of my F^REE consultation
certificates for NON medical and NON legal questions
(because I am NOT a doctor or lawyer), I find people
violated 90% of the basics to maintaining stability.
EVERY TIME I found this.

I have never personally found someone who went into
a major bipolar disorder episode that did everything
right followed his/her bipolar stability equation.

Anyway back to that last point. So my mom’s doctor
and therapist actually thought she did do everything
right until I stepped in and got them the facts.

Then after a few days of trying to “pull one over
on me”, my mom finally admitted that she didn’t
follow everything and was sorry.

I told my mom about if she would have taken her
episodes from 35 and 40 years ago and figured
out what went wrong, she would have prevented
future episodes.

You may think this is simple and be disappointed
with my F^REE training concept but it works. I have
taught it in tons of other things in my
courses/systems to thousands of people now.

If you want more information on my courses,
visit the links below:




There’s a good quote:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned
to repeat it.”

I will tell you something about me. People get really
annoyed at me because they say I dwell on the past. I
don’t but when you do consulting and run different
businesses, you find people make the same mistakes
over and over and over and over and over and over again.

I have seen companies I have consulted with, increase
in sales, then decrease in sales and then increase,
then decrease all by making the same mistakes over
and over in 10 year time period. It’s amazing to
me. And when you point it out to them, they get
all mad and say things like “I don’t look back
you have to move forward.” I roll my eyes in
my head and laugh inside.

When I started helping my mom, I saw the same thing.
I personally believe that studying history is very
important to avoid repeating past mistakes made.

The quote above comes from the writings of George
Santayana, a Spanish-born
American author from a long time ago. I forget when

You see what happen with our family, really my dad
and mom is they kept making the same exact mistakes
with bipolar disorder year after year for 38 years.
They never ever learned from anything. It was strange.
If you asked them today, they would both agree this
was a huge, gigantic mistake that basically destroyed
many parts of our family, my finances, their finances
and a whole bunch of relationships.

Well I have to take off for today. Have a good
day. Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I have a friend that was recently diagnoised with bi polar. They were in in patient treatment for a month and did not want any visitors. They were a very social person before. Now they are out in an 8 week out patient program and will not answer their phone when friends call and will not return calls. Is this normal?

  2. From what I have observed with my own bipolar family member, and have learned in a NAMI class, coming out of recent psychiatric inpatient care is traumatic. It takes time to heal. I imagine that it must be something like recovering from a major train wreck. It also takes time for the medicine to really work. Therapy will help, so don’t give up on your friend.

  3. My Dear Friend, David,

    Altho I don’t write back to you, I “NEED” your emails !!! Today, I found a paragraph:

    ( stability equation includes:
    medication, therapy, sleep, exercise, NOT eating
    fast foods or food with sugar, listening to calming
    music before bed, church, NOT talking to friends with
    problems, working, NOT watching mindless TV programs
    and there are several other things.

    She MUST do all these things. MUST. MUST. MUST. It’s
    not an option.)

    This is a blessing from “above” and one I intend to read, and do my best to follow, or near to it.

    I have NOT had any MAJOR episodes in, I’ll say, Years. So, David, just KNOW that you ARE doing a GREAT ALL your work.
    God has Blessed you, David, and all that are helping you now, that you have OHH WOW. I am soooo emotional right now and can’t find the right words to express what I want to write… lol.. THANKYOU, THANKYOU. THANKYOU..

    Note: I’m 74, still married to my first LOVE,STILL, after 54 years. Raised a family of 6, now, adult children, and some are bipolar also.

    Love Ya, David….

    Keep up the EXCELLENT WORK !!!!

    ( )

  4. I agree with you and this has been my daily lot in life to be proactive, learn from my mistakes and past episodes not like I can deny they happened to many witteneses. Just kidding. Serrioulsly i have been pushing my self a little and hey I am starting to exersise. But I am soo tired from hold it it together as it were and running myhousehold duties as well as working it does take its toll. Which makes me think I am in a down phase but pushing myself to appear normal.

  5. Dear Dave,
    Thank you for your emails. They are helping cope a little better. I would love to get your course, but unfortunately, I am currently living on less than $600 a month and can not afford it. My boyfriend was diagnosed with bi-polar several years ago, but changed doctors. The new doctor does not think he is bi-polar, but only has ADD. My bf doesn’t tell her about the days he spends asleep or the irrational thoughts that he has or the anger. Because of this doctor, he doesn’t think he is bi-polar and therefore refuses to get help. I’m an emotionl wreck. I love him so much, but don’t know what to say to him to convince him to get the right help.

  6. I have a bi-polar condition and now I have been told there are 6 versions of the same condition. I wonder if any knows if that is true?

    I have had a very bad month or so with my condition. I attend a group for bi-polar, but I got annoyed by the leader, who has a very big inflated ego.

    I don’t feel very good about this situation, and I am now drinking to dull the pain of losing of person who I thought was my friend.

    I don’t have much to live for now and I get suidicial thoughts every day. I just can’t go on this way, people trying to push me into jobs, I have no excitement over getting a job. My familiy financies are in bad shape with me not working. I just don’t have the energy or uopspa to do anything. This person who ran the group gave me a lot of energy to do things, and now I have lost them. What a snake-in-the grass they were.

    I’m depressed and I am now going to see a counsellor every 2 weeks but I think that is too long a gape.

    What can I do? I really feel for this guy and now it is all ruined as I feel he used me. And now my disease has got worst.


  7. I don’t know about the 6 versions of bipolar but I would like to say I know it is easier said than done but please don’t use drinking to escape problems because it will only lead to more.
    I am sure you have alot to live for. It may seem bad now but things always get better. Talk to people like you are now and it helps alot. I don’t have bipolar but my mom does and she has been suicidal before and I am sure like her you have many people that would be devistated by you leaving them so please get those thought out of your head.
    Tell your counsolor that you are having these thought and that you need to see them more than twice a month.
    I will pray for you.
    Please don’t give up.

  8. High Danbi,
    Iam an i.v. heroin and speed user/alcoholic (30yrs), dual diagnosed Manic Depressive Bi
    -polar. You are an awesome son God knows your motives are pure I don’t usually anser or reply to anything online but, here goes I am interested in what you are doing I’m drawn to your urgent need to go forward and learn from the past. You are most certainly right about your mother ( God Bless Her) she needs to do everything in the right column she can. Even then we both know it’s up to God. It is an im balance of our most vital and important ORGAN. Blessed be the meek, humble, broken and contrite. For those sons and daughters will be used to do God’s will not there own, and God will make all things new everyday. And guess what else I know the end of this “life” story : I go to Heaven I hope you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, it’s so important and who knows how much time any of us has. I know one thing after living with Bi-polar disorder for 43 years, God will not dissappoint me and he will in the end make me whole again. In the mean time I choose to believe that God will somehow how use someone like you to give me the Peace and Understanding I need to be absolutely thrilled to be me and blessed to be alive today. Amen

  9. The past is the road map to how we got where we are today. Success leaves clues, well so does failure. If you do not follow today’s plans, you will not be in a good space tomorrow. If I eat a lot of sugary food, I am afraid to get on the scales. That’s if I bother to get out of bed.

  10. I have bipolar disorder and I have to commend you for all the research, interviews, compiling, follow-up & generally tireless efforts you have put into finding everything you can about living with or loving someone with bipolar disorder. Being that you don’t suffer from this illness yourself, I’m amazed that you would dedicate as much time and effort as you have. Most people give in to the stigma of this illness or just don’t want to deal with it.

    Thanks, Dave and keep up the good work!!

  11. Recently I went to a therapist because of my husband. I found out that day that my husband has bipolar ll. I always knew SOMETHING was wrong with him besides depression but didn’t know what. He has an appt with my therapist (who will hopefully tell my husband what he has and get him started on treatment) the end of May. I am so scared of his rages and they have affected my health. Thanks for your free series of emails on bipolar. Its helping me
    to get to the end of the month….

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