Free Podcast, Updates and Bipolar Success Story


How’s it going?

I just got back from the gym a few minutes and wanted to get some really important things out to you.

First I have a new f.ree podcast you can hear over here:

It’s titled a “A Major Key To Bipolar Success.”

Have a listen, it’s f.ree.

Second, I wanted to tell you some updates on what I am working on.

I am actually building a new part of bipolarcentral called the money center or something like that.

This part of bipolarcentral will have a substantial number of totally f.ree articles on m.oney related issues including but not limited to:

c.redit cards, d.ebt, refinancing, investments, and loans.

Why am I doing this? Well m.oney is important for bipolar disorder and I did a survey of my list. Lots of people are having problems with m.oney issues.

The articles will be totally free.

When I first got started, I found by accident a person who worked at NASA–The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

This person was was wrongly diagnosed with depression and then eventually diganosed with bipolar disorder. More about that in a second.

She is an excellent writer and has a massive knowledge about financial related topics

like me.

She and I are going to be working on lots of f.ree articles for you to read.

The hard part is that my current website has a problem. It was not setup to host as many articles as it’s been having.

I actually have to have the entire site redone but that is going to take time. So I am currently posting the articles the hard way.

Anyway, back to this woman.

She had some really, really bad problems with m.oney related to depression and manic episodes.

After many years, she finally found the right doctor and this was her big key to success. She gave him a lot of background information about herself.

The doctor had a complete overview of everything that had happen to her over the years.

And most importantly, she was 100% honest.

In my courses/systems below:







I talk at length how this is critical.

You MUST and I repeat MUST get a doctor an entire background on you or your loved one.

How do you do this? You can simply make an outline year by year or month by month and fax, mail, email or hand deliever to the doctor BEFORE the appointment.

The doctor will almost be forced to look at it. It’s kind of a way to get f.ree care. Why? Well the doctor is going to look at it when you or your loved one is not in the room.  He/she might look at it for 30 minutes or even longer. Than see you for 15 to 30 minutes or longer.

By giving the honest background information, it enables a doctor to make a treatment plan much, MUCH better.

Make sense?

This particular woman simply, let the doctor know about her moods and that although she was depressed at the current time she was seeing him, she had been, in her words, “really up” for periods of time. She also included family history a number of other items about her thoughts.

It was all of this that enabled the doctor to diagnose her with bipolar disorder not depression.

By getting the rigth diagnosis, she was on the road to success.

It all started with getting the doctor the right background material for his review.

In my courses/systems, ALL the success stories I have ever found have used this strategy. I never met anyone that just sent either themselves or their loved ones into a 15 minute visit with the doctor with no background information and became a success.

Now you might ask, “Dave, don’t doctors have this type of information in a patient file?”

That’s a great question. They are SUPPOSE to according to best practices. But doctors report to me that patient records are many times missing, incomplete, confusing, etc.

Also, there are a number of bad doctors out there. Really lazy ones as well. If you have a good doctor today and he/she has patient files. He/she would have to rely on many bad doctor’s information which could be flawed.

See what I mean?

Well I have to take off for the day. Anyone have any of these problems with files being lost or not written correctly?

Let us all know.

Hey catch you tomorrow.



David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. Nearly 30 years ago I was having a lot of problems, spending money, being depressed, then extremely happy, up and down, all you people with Bi-polar Disorder know what I am talking about, so I went to a Psych. I knew nothing about Bi-polar Disorder so I described to the Psych the problems I was having and that I was the one causing all my problems. He gave me a prescription for Valium. Don’t get me wrong, I love Valium and the way it takes care of your stress, but it definitely wasn’t the right med for me at that time as I took the whole prescription with the intention of dying because I couldn’t stand the way I was feeling. After I woke up still higher than a kite, but very much alive, I called the Psych and told the receptionist what had happened and that I really needed to talk to the Psych. I never got a call from the Psych. So I spent the next 20 some years taking anti-depressants, of one kind or another, prescribed by my family doctor, until I had my daughter in counseling and then she was referred to our current psych, who has recognized Bi-polar Disorder in both of us and currently keeps us both fairly stable. So I definitely had a bad Psych experience and it caused me problems for the biggest part of my life!

  2. My Husband is bi-polar – we went to Washington when his sister passed – He stayed to help with her husband (he had surgery before she passed)- a last wish of his sister- away this proved to be to stressfull for my husband – he quit talking to me over the phone and his behavior began changing – any way – I was 75% sure he was in a manic or hypo manic stage – I spoke with others regarding his change – his brother-inlaw noticed – a few others noticed and a few others did not notice – Long story short I spoke with his doctors nurse – she got medication to me – I sent to him.

    He took for 2 days – He flew home – we could tell there was a problem his thought processes were not right – He was stating things that were not true. We went to his doctor and he told him he was not manic or hypo manic –

    This was a bad decision on the doctors part – My husband was beginning to notice that something was wrong – then his doctor agrees with him that this is martial issues and tells me that he is not a marriage counsler. I was shocked –

    We have been married for 30 years – The last time he was manic he said and did the same things – I was the enemy- I knew something was wrong –

  3. I am literally SICK of psychiatry. The majority of them (I haven’t found a good one yet), do not care. They collect their $200/hr, doodle on their notepad, write wrong prescriptions and tell you see ya in a few weeks. I think psychiatrists should not even have M.D. after their names. They are not qualified doctors. I think the problem is that there is no governing board that monitors these ‘doctors.’ They get away with giving poor medicine and there is nothing stopping them.

  4. I am one of the lucky ones with bipolar disorder – I have a fairly decent follow-up at the local Community Mental Health clinic. Although I’ve gone through at least three psychiatrists; for one reason or another, they take only “private” patients – I have a Nurse Practitioner now that is allowed to prescribe medications. She has a VERY thick file on me, and I’m allowed to see her USE it. There’s no such thing as “losing” my file; it is a very well-run clinic.

    I am looking forward to the emails on use of money, Dave. When I sold my apartment house, all the “cards came falling down.” Now – through the failure of my CPA to file TWO years of taxes – I’m facing a very BAD situation with penalties and interest. I have also refinanced my mortgage on my condo twice, and am now unable to pay monthly mortgage payments – all because I got myself in trouble with credit cards. I had bought my condo for cash – $160,000, with only a $251/month condo fee – and now I’m forced to sell the condo and move into an apartment. Yes – money IS a problem for us with bipolar, and I’m the FIRST to admit it. I am BAD with money, especially in a hypomanic or manic state. But – it also appears I’m “unlucky” in who I pick to be a financial advisor.

    I’m now being VERY frugal, and refuse to use my credit card. I try paying for everything with cash. It’s a hard lesson to learn; but I’m succeeding for the most part.

    Thank you for all your good advice. And – may God bless all bipolar survivors and those who love us.

  5. I am a BP supporter. My boyfriend has not been diagnosed yet but I am very certain that he has bipolar disorder. He seems to be in a very manic state at the moment and I am trying to get him to the drs. I do have the BP supporter course as well as a few other courses of Daves. I need some advice tho. I really like the idea of faxing the Dr background info, because my boyfriend thinks he is fine and I don’t want him to get upset at the drs and feel like he is being attacked if I go in with him and start telling the dr all the things that have been going on. The advice I am asking for is, how specific should the background info be?? We have been dating for 4 years, should I go back to when we started dating and give exapmles of every time I think he had an episode? Or should I just be general more general? Can some one who has done this maybe post an example??

  6. hello
    I was diagnosed 6 months ago with bipolar I disorder and I dont know where to go from here. I am taking my meds faithfully and I attend psychotherapy sessions. I am a teacher and have been teaching for 6 years. I am wondering if I will be able to continue teaching with this disorder. I am afraid of this disorder. I hope and pray that I will be able to teach my seventh graders this coming September. please reply

  7. Hi Dave,
    I’d like to respond to your podcast. I’m with you. I work in finance and I know that everyone needs a financial needs analysis. They need to inspect their entire financial house. One cannot save for retirement if one is in debt. One cannot plan for the future if the death or illness of a loved one wipes out every penny. I work with Primerica Financial Services and we work with the whole financial world of our clients. By the way, the financial needs analysis is FREE.

    If I can help you or any of your readers I’d love to do it or refer them to someone licensed in their state.

    All the best, Linda Brown 877-602-3197

  8. i am rapid cycle bipolar disorder, mania, w/phycosis. i have problems reading,writing, spelling. speeking, thinking,concontrations, my head runs like a train. Mood swing where i am up one min, down the next. my moods run in cycles daily. I take lithium, throazine, imipramine, lamicta, xanxa and a diabetic. I was almost beaten to death by my ex-husband in 1995 and he is do 28 yrs for 2nd degree munder. he beat me in the head very bad and i was think if this could have caused me to be the way i am. i lay in bed for weeks some time or mania for week or days or month. my doctor are very good to me they try to keep me out of the hospitals, i see them as a walk in if i have to see them. they are very good. I have tried to get my disablility for 6 yrs now and i am in my last appeal. the state phys said i had a drug problem. WHAT! he has seen my 15 min where my doctors have seem me 6 yrs and plainly told them i not going back to work. i have rasied 2 kids on 140.00 a month and 279.00 food stamps denied house because i could not afford the deposit. shit. what else do i do? it is not like i would love to go back to work, i have a college degree. help!

  9. l am very much interested about bp issues. l want to know more how to handle bipolar love one. One must have a very good doctor to handle the case but love ones is one of the great factors to help bipolars live a normal life and that makes me so interested to learn more. Money really matters a lot since l can not afford to buy your books. l badly need to learn a lot, thank you for sharing helpful ideas.

  10. I would like to respond to Lisa. My son was diagnosed 6 months ago as well and I can appreciate your confusion. He is stable now on medication (olanzapine) I am certain that with treatment you can continue teaching!! My son is just now going to start college and that is a scary thing too. All the what ifs (what if he starts and it’s too much stress for him? or what if he has an episode in class??) This world is so unpredictable… we can not live on “what if’s” My hat if off to all of you BP people who are managing this illness!!! I know it is scary, but you have to be able to distance yourself if you are a supporter, and educate yourself if you are one with the illness. David, how old are you? I was wondering that when you were whining today ahout ppl trashing you. I’m going to guess 26. To me you were fishing for compliments and that’s not a good thing dear. Someone said it better.. but you have to ignore and you have said that in previous emails. I don’t have an answer but if there are other Mom’s out there who want to chat let me know!

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