Current Bipolar News



How are you?

Here is today’s news.

To read this week’s news visit:

Lithium May Help Radiation Target Cancer, Spare Healthy Tissue
DO> Wow, interesting article.

Laura Yeager: Hypersexuality and Bipolar Illness
DO> Have you had this problem?

Mo. man treats mental illness with self-awareness
DO> Do you agree with this?

Dad’s mental health affects children too
DO> ABSOLUTELY don’t you think?

Lithium in drinking water lowers suicide rate
DO>Isn’t this strange to you?

Changing perceptions about mental illness proves a difficult task
DO> There is no question about this.

For these stories and more, please visit:
==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<==

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


  1. When my husband was first diagnosed with bi-polar disease, the psychotherapist in our first family group therapy session related this story. There was a town (located somewhere in the U.S. that I can’t remember) where no one was ever diagnosed with this disease. Researchers began a study and found that a salt in the water was responsible. That salt was lithium. I don’t know if that is the correct chemical name, but he wanted us to know that this is a treatable disease. He also said that of all the mental diseases one could possibly have, if one had to have one and had a choice, bi-polar disease would be the one to choose. That’s hard to believe when my husband is manic or psychotic as I know anyone reading this who has or loves someone with this disease understands.

  2. HI DAVID…..
    First of all I want to thank you for answering my comment, but why doese it say at the top of your Emails on behalf of david oliver.
    All that news is good stuff.
    Take Care Linda x

  3. Hi,

    It’s a long story with my my emails say on behalf of David Oliver. It has to do with
    dedicated ip addresses, email servers, and the service I use. That’s from me but
    the service I use is sending on my behalf. I am the writer of the message but they,
    the email server, are the sender. So since I am sharing an email service with
    a whole bunch of people, it’s sent on my behalf. It’s really confusing 🙂


  4. I am intrigued by the article about the lithium in the water. If this is right, it could well be that there is no lithium at all in the water where we live. There seems to be a great deal of bipolar and other similar illnesses in this area. Of course we also have to consider all the awful chemicals that are put into our water by the authorities. Most of us use water filters to flush out the chemicals before drinking the water. I suppose the lithium would be filtered out, too.

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