Current Bipolar News


Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. I really
work hard to put it together for you :).

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by
visiting my blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

New Medications More Effective for Treating Bipolar
DO>VERY interesting and brings a lot of hope!

Actor Joe Pantoliano Discloses Depression; Talks
About His Latest Movie and His Sensitive Side
DO> Great personal story.

A natural treatment for bipolar disorder and depression?
DO>What do you think about this?

Bipolar Disorder in Children: Over or Under Diagnosed?
DO> Very interesting perspective

Sinead O’Connor relieved she is bipolar
DO> Did you hear about this story? I wrote
a follow article about the topic.

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


  1. Thank you for your daily news and newsletter. They did help myself understand symptoms of bipolar disorder and provide effective mental treatments. With good of humor writer, your news did help me overcome the mental ill day by day.
    Thank you so much
    From the warmest wishes

  2. Hi Dave, I like your emails, they help cope. Don’t stop.

    My husband is in the early stages of Bi-polar and is lying compulsively, and it is hurting our relationship even worse than I thought it was. Can I expect this to change with alternate meds or is this something I have to live with forever?

  3. I am at the end of my second deployment to Iraq. Overall I have spent 28 months out of the last 4 years over here. This has truly been challenging for my wife who just recently was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. How can I support her from so far away.

  4. Dave I read the story on the news of new drugs for bipolar, what are these new drugs so I can talk to someone about changing from lamactil and serequal.

  5. Thnaks for yaur e-mails. They have really help me understand Bipolar Disease and my Life Partner better. He has had every treatment and medication. He had a greatr Doctor who really helped him, But he died 3 years ago and it has been very difficult for Don. I found the article about a natural way of dealing with Bipolar Disease very interesting. I’m going to be more conscious of what we are eating. Kathleen

  6. I found the article about Sinead O’Connor and the college student to be very interesting. It seems once you put a name to your “dis-ease,” it’s easier to accept.

    When I had my first breakdown, being manic, I didn’t understand rationally, what was happening to me. I believed ALL my delusions, and was wondering why NOBODY understood what I was trying to get through to them. I THOUGHT I was “normal,” and that everybody should accept me as such. I was in a euphoric manic state, and “mental illness” just never occurred to me. I knew I was on a rehab ward in a major hospital, but thought my doctor and parents had put me there for a “rest.”

    I hadn’t really slept for 3 days. I wasn’t eating right, I was reading the Bible and misinterpreting EVERYTHING I read in it. On the ward, they started me on meds; I didn’t notice any difference. My MOODS, however, were bizarre, even to me. They couldn’t help me in D.C., so they sent me back home to Illinois with my parents to go to another mental hospital. I spent two months on the ward, and three more months in the mental hospital. They said I was schizophrenic, but to me, I didn’t have a split personality.

    After my third hospitalization in 1977, they DID give a name to it – manic depression. They put me on Lithium, which eventually caused neuropathy in both legs, so they took me off of that. My last shrink said I had bipolar disorder. Now, THAT made sense.

    I am able to follow a rigid treatment plan, including meds and cognitive therapy. I have been stable (with the occasional out-patient episode), for 30 years. It makes it sooo much easier when you can put a NAME to what you’re feeling. NOW, I KNOW what’s causing my mood swings, and how to avoid a major blow-up. Of course, I don’t know how long this will last – bipolar disorder is no respecter of persons! All I know is, right now, I’m OK…

    One comment – does the website HAVE to have articles about those suffering with bipolar disorder who KILL people? It just puts an awful spin on the illness. Let’s have LESS of those, and MORE success stories.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolars, and the ones who love them. God loves you, and so do I.

  7. Hi Dave, I reallly appreciate your articles as I have Bipolar and my daughter was just told she also has it. My niece just called to tell me that my nephew has it. Also their daughter (4 years old) may also have it. I am concerned because I didn’t think that children that young could show signs of the illness. How can I help them? Any info would greatly help.

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