Current Bipolar News



Here is the current Bipolar Disorder news.

Make sure you take a look at the news. I really work hard to put it
together for you :).

To see the news visit:

There’s some really interesting news stories this week.
Take a look at them. Also, write me some feedback by visiting my
blog below.

Here are some of the headlines:

Misconceptions About Bipolar Disorder Explained, From The Harvard
Health Letter
DO> Very interesting article

Educating minorities on mental-health issues
DO> If you are a minority, this is a must read

Large Controlled Trial of Widely Used Mood Stabilizers Demonstrates
Efficacy in Pediatric Bipolar Disorder
DO> Great trial

Combination of drugs helping those with bipolar disorder
DO> Anyone successful with bipolar already knew this J

Discovering A Seasonal Pattern In Bipolar Disorder Symptoms May
Have Implications For Better Management
DO> Great article

For these stories and more, please visit:

==>> Get Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


  1. Just when it seems that you have done all you can and say everything Dave you out do yourself. Thank you for 11/2/2007 e-mail. Yes I sffered for many years with bipolar disoder. I was one of those unlucky men that could be manic for six months at a time. I never imagined that there was so many people affected. Did you know that it is the oldest recorded disorder (Greeks)in history. The saying that some days are good some days are bad is to this day the way I am described best. I take Lithium, SeroQuel and Abilify. This is the latest treatment. I have an office visit with my Doctor so that I can talk as well as have him see me. Again I am blown away with your website. James Maher

  2. David: I really appreciate all of the articles and emails that you have sent out. This all must/does take a
    tremendous amount of your time. My granddaughter was diagnosed with bipolar two years ago when she was 17. The information you provide has helped me to understand this mood disorder and I now can catch when she is going into a manic phase. She gets delusional with all kinds of grandiose ideas. You have helped me and other members of my family. Thank you for all of your hard work
    Galen Gilchrist

  3. The article about the Rotenburg Educational Center agitated me so badly I could hardly get through the entire article. This sounds like nothing more than the proverbial “snake pit,” no matter what grandiose ideas Dr. Israel has about the GED treatments he proscribes. Attaching electrodes to vulnerable body parts is nothing less than barbaric; I don’t care HOW bad off an autistic child, or even those with bipolar ARE, this is inhumane. Studies should go back the entire length of the history of this Center to see how many lives were DESTROYED – not helped, by this treatment. Surely, there are more compassionate treatment centers than this one which, I DO understand, takes the worst of the worst. I even think CATTLE PRODS are torture…

    I found the article SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE to be highly enlightening, and have copied it for my boyfriend to read. The forgetfulness and being easily distracted are two of the more tangible ideations I have when I am in hypomania, and unless brought to my attention, CAN/WILL turn into full-blown mania. It WILL help my friend to understand better what to look for when/if I “go off.”

    Again, thank you, Dave, for these and the other articles that you gleaned for our perusal. I appreciate all the time you take to find these from their sources to share with us on this site.

    God bless you real good.

  4. Hi…I am so saddened by the incarceration of a dear friend of mine yesterday by her family. After 33 years of marriage the gal is showing some signs of hypomania (according to the psychiatrist who saw her only twice). She is in the hospital on a 72 hour Baker act. They can’t make her take meds, and by Sunday she will be free to leave. She has racked up $40,000 in credit card bills in 2 months and her family is frantic. She has filed for divorce. We are friends that want to help, but she is not interested in therapy, meds, or anything that will stop her from feeling “free”. Ideas?

  5. can anyone help me? I am trying to find a honest good attorney to help me with my legal problems (manic)
    I am bipolar, and I need someone to take on a big company on my behave

  6. Dave, you sent me some material on ssi benefits, however i dont qualify because i’m still working…well im caught between a rock and hard place with this one….i cant quit my job…financially i would go under…however, working is getting harder and harder to do….any ideas?

  7. Discharge planning meeting Mon. for BP 29 yr.old son. Unfortunately he is still manic. He was released from hosp. in Aug.out only 2 weeks, hosp and released in Sept back after 10 days in Sept. and is still in the episode. I feel so bad for him but I really know he isn’t ready. Still delusional, still very agiatated extremely upset he is in the hosp. and VERY angry with everyone. I love him and want him safe. This has been a 6 month episode and not over yet.The fear is that he will be so angry when I tell the truth at the meeting he will alienate me and I will be unable to be apart of his treatment plan. did not have all legalities worked out before this episode.

  8. To PEP: Sometimes it takes admission to a different hospital after discharge from one that hasn’t helped your son. During my first nervous breakdown, I was on a psych ward of a hospital for 2 months, but was still agitated and excitable, NOT ready to go “into the world” at all. My doctors released me to return to my hometown for admission to a mental hospital, where I stayed for another 3 months. It sometimes takes longer than usual for the symptoms to disappear from a manic episode. I THOUGHT I was all right, but obviously I wasn’t…

    I think it is a good idea for you to present your concerns about your son’s treatment at the meeting. If the doctors/therapists aren’t aware of your son’s behavioral problems that YOU are aware of, how can they be sure their treatment is OK?? I KNOW you have done all you could to recognize your son’s behavior, but those responsible for his care may not.

    I just suggest you do the best you can to get your son the absolute best treatment possible. My last hospitalization was when I was 29; I am 59 now, so there IS hope for your son. I have NOT been hospitalized since. Take care, and try your best; that’s all anybody can do.

    Good luck, and my prayers are with you.

  9. Betty, As soon as someone finds out you’re bi-bolar,retard,mentally
    ill and more. I worked for G.M. 27yrs, no one knew, then I went on Abilfy, hands shaking, lose 70lbs,
    the question? You tell the truth,and the label comes out, and
    never stopped. Everyone out there
    should experience what we go thru
    everyday, the fight, battle inside
    ourselves. I felt better being a secret, which was mine.Heart hurt.

  10. I really feel that those of us who read Dave’s newsletter owe him a debt of gratitude. I am a 59 year old male who has had plenty of hospitalizations. Through Dave’s work with his mother we have benefitted mightily. I wanted to go to his bookstore appearrence but circumstances would not allow me.I have wasted so very much money as a result of bipolar disorder that I don’t very much left. I have a fiduciary that gives me an allowance every week. most of us would spend everything we have if permitted. James

  11. james I’d go to, but I’m in Michigan, I doubt Dave’s here, he’s all over. Did you get in the innner circle? Only 87 free. It is the oldest illness, and I’m on the oldest med’s lithium, elavil. Did
    you notice how bi-polar’s every-where? My doctor wrote three books
    blood money,Dr.Kewela is one. I enjoy Dave,s course, lots of good facts, familar, some hit home.betty

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