Need help explaining bipolar disorder to people?


If you need help explaining bipolar disorder, please
take a look at this link:

I made these booklets actually for my family so I didn’t
have to keep on explaining what bipolar disorder is.

It’s designed for the most hostile people and get them
to be brought around to it being a real illness and
serious. Actually it was first given to my brother
who it actually worked on. It was much easier for
me give him a little yellow booklet than explain
what bipolar disorder is verbally.

Anyway take a look if you need help.

The link again is:


Have This Question About Fast Cash For Bipolar Disorder?


The other day, I sent out a notice about:

“Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder”


I have gotten a number of people asking
if these methods are for bipolar supporters
or bipolar survivors.

The answer is both.

I hope this clears up any confusion.


Warning About Fast Cash And Bipolar Disorder


How’s it going?

The other day I sent out an email
about my guide:

“Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder”


I had several people ask
me one specific question that I want
to issue a warning about.

I actually issued this warning once before
so here it is again.

They asked me if my guide talks about
Gifting Programs and if they are good
for generating money for bipolar disorder

The answer is a BIG NO. Gifting Programs
or clubs are a scam.


I know I am going to get flooded with
hate mail telling me that what I said
is not true or this certain gifting
program is totally legitimate.

Let me tell you. A gifting program is
a pyramid scheme and in The United States
and virtually every where in the world,
they are NOT and I repeat NOT legal!

Many people dealing with bipolar disorder
get caught up in these programs because
they look and sound good. Don’t do it.

Everything in my guide is on the up and
up. I don’t promote scams or illegal things.

Let me post something really quick from
the SEC’s website which is a government regulatory
agency, about pyramid schemes:

“In the classic “pyramid” scheme, participants
attempt to make money solely by recruiting new
participants into the program. The hallmark of
these schemes is the promise of sky-high returns
in a short period of time for doing nothing other
than handing over your money and getting others
to do the same.

The fraudsters behind a pyramid scheme may go to
great lengths to make the program look like a
legitimate multi level marketing program. But
despite their claims to have legitimate products
or services to sell, these fraudsters simply use
money coming in from new recruits to pay off early
stage investors. But eventually the pyramid will
collapse. At some point the schemes get too big,
the promoter cannot raise enough money from new
investors to pay earlier investors, and many
people lose their money.”

If you don’t believe me go to
run a search for “scam” and gifting club
and you’ll see what I mean. Again
gifting programs or clubs are simply
illegal pyramid schemes.

My guide the “Secrets to Making Fast Cash When Dealing
with Bipolar Disorder” has nothing to do with
these types of things:

Just be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt
in something that is a scam.

Catch you tomorrow.


Need Cash For Bipolar Disorder?


If you need money for expenses related to bipolar disorder,
I have a resource.

The reason why I am sending this out because many
people have been asking me if I have a resource
that has “things that you can do to generate money
that aren’t really a home business?”

I am a big advocate of the home business but
there are other options you can check out.

If you are interested, please visit:



Important Notice About Bipolar Disorder And Herbs, Vitamins, Natural Remedies

Hey, If you’ve been looking into natural herbs, vitamins, and/or alternative therapies for bipolar disorder, then you must know something important. Very important.

Many people are looking into things that are really dangerous. Very dangerous.

When I first found out my mom had bipolar disorder I was looking into the same thing. Over several years I spent a ton of time AND money to find out if there were things that can or did work.

I was shocked that so much stuff being promoted out there was TOTAL garbage. I mean TOTAL garbage.

My mom’s doctor helped me figure out what was good and what was bad. I think most people are way off track when it comes to bipolar disorder and natural “stuff.” I say stuff because it covers you know vitamins, herbs, natural complementary remedies, etc. There is a lot of “stuff” out there.

I will tell you this. There is NO one magic bullet for bipolar disorder. Do NOT fall for the ads you may find on the internet. Also, please run ANYTHING past a qualified doctor before you use it.

My mom runs EVERYTHING single thing past her doctor and she approves it. She NEVER ever does this on her own.

I have just put together some information I think you will find very interesting.

To find out what I discovered about herbs, vitamins and natural remedies, please visit:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Warning About Natural Vitamins, Herbs, Therapies and Bipolar Disorder


I wanted to send out a quick email about something.

Many people have written me saying that they have this product or that product that helps or even cures bipolar disorder.

When I ask where they got the information from, it normally comes from some random company.

This is a BIG no no.

Do not take what you hear from the manufacturer of a supplement for bipolar disorder as the gospel.

Don’t do this.

Now to move on…

A bunch of people asked me about where I got the information on: “My Findings: Vitamins, Herbs, and Alternative Therapies for Treating Bipolar Disorder.”

Here’s the deal. A while ago I decided that I had to find out about everything “nature” that had  to do with bipolar disorder. Why? I got so many people asking questions.

So I decided to go pay a doctor and research team to find out what was real and not real.

I went out and located a doctor who had a research  staff and contracted with them to search all the places where credible studies and clinical trials that had been conducted on alternative therapies would be located. Places like…

==> The National Institute of Health

==> The National Institute of Mental Health

==> Life Sciences Journal

==> Journal of Psychological Medicine

==> Advanced Biological Psychiatry Journal

==> British Journal of Psychiatry

==> American Journal of Psychiatry

==> Journal of Affective Disorders

==> Archives of General Psychiatry

I had this doctor and his staff analyze all the studies and write a summary on those natural remedies, or treatments, that have scientific backing and support.

That’s where I got my information from.

Want more information on “My Findings: Vitamins, Herbs, and Alternative Therapies for Treating Bipolar Disorder”?

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Looking into natural remedies, products, vitamins for bipolar disorder?


If you’ve been interested in natural herbs, vitamins, cures, or therapies for bipolar disorder, and are totally confused or want some help, please take a look at this site:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Supporting a child or teen with bipolar disorder? Warning inside


How’s it going?

Over the last week or so, I have been talking about my new resource titled:

“7 Secrets To Supporting A Child Or Adolescent With Bipolar Disorder.”

It’s located at:

This is primarily written for you, the person supporting the child or adolescent with bipolar disorder.

The reason why I wrote this guide was because there is so little practical and useful information on how to support a child or teen with bipolar disorder.

I see soooooo much bad information out in society when it comes to bipolar disorder and children it’s scary.

For example, if you are supporting a teen or child with bipolar disorder, I am totally 100% opposed to using too much labeling for them.

For example, I would never say there was a bipolar child or bipolar teen.

Think about that for a second. That means the child or teen is bipolar? You wouldn’t say that a teen or child is cancer would you?

Seriously. Would you say, he’s a cancer child? Of course not. Think about that for a second.

I firmly believe you have to be really careful with your language and what you say to your child or teen.

Use has bipolar disorder or have bipolar disorder.

So say, “John you have bipolar disorder.”

See the difference?

Also, make sure that you stress that lots of other people have bipolar disorder and your child can be a success and do anything else other kids without the disorder can.

Many people who work for me report that the HATED when people would say they were broken or mentally ill as a child. To this day, my mom takes great offense to how she was treated as a child and teen by some people.

That’s another one, be really careful saying a child is mentally ill. Think about what that sounds like. If you keep saying that over and over again it start to seriously impact a child, teen or adult for that matter really negatively.

They start to think, “am I normal? Can I have a job? Will I survive? Am I dumb?”

Remember that how you treat a child and teen will manifest itself years and decades later. Make sure you are mindful of the things I talked about today.

With my new resource, there may also be parts that you will want to go over with your child, or even some that you will want your teenager to read for themselves.

For more information on how you can support a child or teen with bipolar disorder, please visit:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

7 Secrets To Supporting A Child Or Adolescent With Bipolar Disorder


If you are supporting a child or teen with bipolar disorder, I have some great news for you.

I have a brand new resource titled:

“7 Secrets To Supporting A Child Or Adolescent With Bipolar Disorder.”

It’s located at:

If you are supporting a child or teen, take a look.

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

Truth about Home businesses and bipolar disorder


The other day I sent out a notice about a resource I have titled:

“161 Ways To Make Money From Home If You Are Dealing With Bipolar Disorder.”

It’s located at:

I have seen a lot of questions from people saying, “David, I thought people with bipolar disorder are no good with money.”

I have seen this so many times, I have to correct this rumor that appears to have started somewhere.

First, you can’t say that people with bipolar disorder are “not good with money” all the time? This is a sweeping generalization.

Is it true an unstable person with bipolar disorder is not good with money? Yes.

But, it’s true that a person who has late stages cancer is not going to be good with money either.

I know many people with bipolar disorder that have their own business working from home making great money. They are VERY good with money.


It’s because they have a system.

And it’s because the are stable.

No one ever said that someone with bipolar disorder who is stable could not be good with money.

Also, I would to answer the question that seems to keep on coming up concerning if these home businesses are good for bipolar supporters, too.

The answer is yes. I am a bipolar supporter, and I have personally started many of the businesses that I am recommending.

I’ve said before that one of the advantages of having a home business is being able to spend more time with your family, so it’s perfect for both the person with bipolar disorder and their supporter.

So, yes they are for bipolar supporter AND survivors like I just said.

The truth about home businesses and money is that usually one person in the household is better at managing it than the other.

If both of you are running it together, than you’ll have a better chance at making your business a successful one!

For more information on:

“161 Ways To Make Money From Home If You Are Dealing With Bipolar Disorder.”

Please visit:

David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.