I wanted to write this email really quick before I take off to go to a meeting that takes forever and a day to get to.
Anyway, the other day I sent out an email about a person I was calling the ultimate bipolar success story.
It was about a new resource I have located here:
The number #1 question that I am getting actually question and comment is around this central theme that either “I can’t be a success because of _______” or “My loved one can’t be a success because of _______.”
Where you see _______ you can insert reasons like my case is different or my loved one is different, we or they have tried it all, I or they have it far worse than everyone else.
You get the idea.
Let me tell you this, I have met so many people that followed the systems that I teach that turned around their entire lives. People who were seriously half dead and nobody thought they would ever amount to anything and now they are a success.
The person in the Ultimate Success Story was one of those types of people. Everyone wanted to just put her away forever. She however climbed up from the bottom and became a success.
If you or your loved one think that you can, I am here to tell you that you ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY can. PERIOD!
No matter what. If you take one thing away, take that away. Anyone can become a success with bipolar no matter what his/her troubles have been in the past, even if the person has had decades of problems.
My mom turned it around after almost 40 years.
I remember when a doctor told me that I shouldn’t get “those people’s” hopes up because they will struggle through life. I said and I quote, “Sir, no disrespect but you are 150% incorrect and what you are saying is destructive. I encourage people to pretend like they didn’t even hear your negativity.”
He got mad. I shocked everyone listening. I am tired of all the nonsense in mental health saying this person has that so he/she can’t be a success. I have proved them all wrong by building a big organization that more than 70% of the people running it have one or more mental illnesses. I proved them wrong and you or your loved one can too. You need to model people like who I call The Ultimate Success.
Anyway, for more information please visit:
David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.