Bipolar warning & lesson From How I almost got ran off the road

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How’s it going?

I am sending this daily email really early
today because I have a whole lot of things
to do today.

I have a very important lesson and
warning to tell you about bipolar
disorder that relates to how I got
ran off the road yesterday. Well

Before I get started, I wrote yesterday
that my friend Rob and Marie had a baby
girl and her name is Anna.

Actually I wrote that Rob had the baby
and I quickly had a bunch of people
writing me reminding me that it’s the
woman who has the baby :). That
is 100% correct!

Also, many people asked what her name was
and that’s it in case you wanted to know.

Yesterday was a super hectic day.

I had to head over the hospital
and spend some time with them.

Actually she had the baby in the same
hospital that my mom went to in her
last major bipolar episode.

Actually let’s talk about that really
quick. Some people believe that mental health
facilities are like prisons and look
really dirty and dingy. That’s what
I thought as well.

But I was shocked when I went to see
my mom when she was there. It was like
she was in a vacation hotel. It was really

These days, there are many facilities
that look nice and the people treat
you well.

So don’t be afraid if you have to go
into the hospital for a check up
or tune up for your bipolar disorder.

On that note, there is someone who is
selling a book on bipolar disorder that
basically says that the entire mental
health system doesn’t care about
people with a mental illness.

This is TOTALLY untrue. There are certain
people that don’t care about people
with a mental illness but not the
entire system.

I make it a point to teach in my systems/
courses below:




to teach how to find great doctors
and therapists for bipolar disorder.
I even teach how to sort through
hundreds of them very quickly and
have them contact you letting
you know they are fully qualified.

I get annoyed when people write stuff
that is full of sweeping generalizations–
like all people in mental health don’t
care about those with bipolar disorder.

That’s not true. But it is true you have
to find the ones that will help you
and avoid the bad people and places. BUT
saying everyone and everything related
to mental health is bad is not right.

Now on to the story.

So yesterday I went to the hospital to see
Rob and Marie.

Then I had to leave around 5:30 to go to my

I was driving on the highway and BANG! Guess
what? There was dead stopped traffic. Why?
Well New Jersey is full of dead stopped
traffic. New Jersey’s traffic is a joke.
No matter what time you leave there is traffic.
I was in an area there isn’t suppose to be traffic
and there was traffic.

So then after like 20 minutes we were driving
really slow and there was someone who had
an accident. Everyone had to watch and look
which created the traffic.

So then we started driving faster. I was
driving along and someone was driving
right behind me. I am talking like a foot
or so away. I couldn’t believe it. They almost
hit me from behind.

So I pulled over and then this person tried
to pull over in my lane so I wound up driving
in the shoulder and almost spinning off into the

I got run off the road. It was strange. I think
the person was talking on his cell phone and
not paying attention.

I was so mad.

I then slowed down and didn’t want to be anywhere
near this person. I was SUPER MAD at how this
person was driving.

So I wound up getting to my meeting late but
it started late so I was okay. I was so mad
about being run off the road that it was a little
tough to concentrate.

At the meeting, I was going to hear a speaker
talk about a number of different important
business strategies I have to learn for this
entire bipolar organization.

The speaker was super smart but he was dispensing
information at a rapid rate. Eventually I was totally
lost. He was telling us so much information I thought
my head was going to explode.

He was saying all these things and I couldn’t
follow. I was trying to take notes but I missed
a number of things.

At the end, I went up to him and said he was
super smart but it was hard to follow and I feel
like I missed so much.

He said to me, “Don’t worry about it, it took
me a while to learn this and you will learn it
incrementally overtime not in one night.”

Then I thought about something. It hit me.
It’s the same with bipolar disorder.

I get some many people with bipolar disorder
that are overwhelmed from it all. Maybe a loved
one tried to hit them or did something
really bad as well. So they are kind of thinking
of that at the same time they are trying
to figure out what’s the next step or
trying to figure out what kind of treatment
plan will be required.

So they wind up missing information and
start to feel behind.

Has this ever happen to you? It’s similar
to my situation of being run off the road.
I then went to the meeting annoyed and not
focused and then it was hard to follow along
with the information.

What’s the solution to this with bipolar disorder?
It’s to learn incrementally over time and realize
you won’t learn it all in a day.

When you get my systems and courses, you should
go through it many times. You should read these
daily emails. You should listen to my podcasts.
If you keep doing this over time, you’ll really
get it.

It takes time. After incremental learning, you’ll
really get it and it will become second nature.

This is the exact approach I am going to take
with the new business stuff that I am going to learn.

With bipolar disorder, if you don’t get something,
ask someone for help. Keep asking. You can ask
me. You can use my consultation certificates
that come with my courses/systems.

You can ask the doctor. You can ask the therapist.
Doesn’t this make sense?

Don’t expect to learn everything right away in
a short period of time. Don’t put that pressure
on yourself. And remember bipolar disorder is
traumatic for both bipolar supporters and bipolar
survivors. Sometimes it will be difficult to learn
and think and you might not “get it” like you want
to and you just have to learn the next day or the
next week. Just do your best.

Does this make sense?

I hope so.

Well I have to take off. I’ll catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. I am very disappointed in the Bipolar Inner Circle promotion. I had my alarm set to be right at my computer and ready to go right at 9:00am. I got through alright,
    but the Inner Circle was going to cost met mega bucks, which was very misleading. I’m disappointed,
    another gimmick, just like all the other promotions. I was really excited about getting the help I needed but, “Oh Well” Why would this be any different.

    Sad in Ohio

  2. I read today’s e-mail and got a lot out of it . I am still learning each day. I also have a son who is bipolar.I sve my e-mails for future readings. Help me grow

  3. Morning David, Yes it is so wonderfull, take the meds, the first ones allmost kill you, then the next ones work for a minute, now take 15 pills a day, 4 at night, meanwhile as you try to hush that brain brace yourself- you managed to lose it all. WTF??? I am forgeting, why is it important to be stable, reality is not fun when your head is still, and you are surrounded with this unrepairable mess of debt, forclosure, pre-exsisting this and that.You think you are going to be better, shit dont work, it sneeks back so you can absolutly feel the dirt after you jump into the hole. Now you have to be tuned-up, funny David the way you say that was allmost like you know how to fight the monster. You enjoy the win. Sorry they are running you off the road David, especially in traffic! I carry your books with me everywhere I go. I started working on the worksheets. It sure does take over quickly, scarry!
    Have a good day David,

  4. I just had to comment on the fact that we learn as we go with being bipolar. I’ve been a diagnosed bipolar person for 17 years and have learned alot of things. Believe it or not, since reading your emails I learned something that I never connected to being bipolar. It’s about finances…I could never figure out how I work six or seven days a week in a factory and can never seem to keep my bills paid. Duh me….how could all those years go by and nobody ever told me? I still haven’t figured out how to get it under control yet, but at least now I’m aware of it and can start somewhere. Thanks for your help!

  5. There are many free events to assist you with mental illness. You can contact your counties mental health dept. and they will give you the information you need to find support meetings, and groups that can assist with problem solving and with meeting others who face the same or similar difficulties on a daily basis. There are blogs such as this one, and many others who allow the advantage of venting or positive information we might have to be freely shared among all the visitors who frequent this site. We all have to survive ….so I guess Dave can’t do all he does free of charge. As most of us charge for our hard works. There is much information that can be found through Daves emails and posts, even the blogs, so to all who are seeking more information and can’t afford to PAY for it…as many many of us can’t….keep looking and contact your local “county mental health dept.” Good luck! Sarah

  6. And on a personal note to Dave. Hum…concerned about your ANGER at the annoying driver behind you. We all experience annoying drives almost daily in our lives. Life in general is full of stressful and annoying events. Learning how to let that stress roll off your back ‘so to speak’, now that is the challenge……we don’t need added stress or anger in our daily lives. So, to learn to let the stupidity of others, be just that, and yes, do get out of there way, then take a moment ….shake your head, smile and realize that it takes all kinds to make this world go round….yes, it does. It does seem that the closer we get to the holidays….the more aggressive people seem to get….I guess the stress level rises and people become narrow minded with tunnel vision. Trying to achieve their GOAL….a wonderfully peacefull Christmas…….kind of a human oxymoron wouldn’t you say?….ah, let it go….keep doing your good works….be safe, and find time to relax…that is SO VERY IMPROTANT for all of us….take time for YOU!

  7. Hi Dave,

    What you said in today’s email is so very true. Every day is a learning experience. If we are not learning, we must be dead ;).

    As for traffic, there is a lesson in there for you. Originally from Detroit, moving to Los Angeles now living in Palm Springs area of California I became expert in nagavitating traffic. One of the reasons I moved to Palm Springs was Los Angeles traffic. Work commute was minimum 4 hours a day with another 8 hours for work. Left little time for family.

    The lesson I learned was two-fold. 1. If you don’t like it, move. 2. If you can’t move, learn to like it. I did this for many years. You can accomplish alot in traffic while keeping your attention to driving. A great accomplish for me was I learned to pray for those who some how managed to recieve a drivers license but were underserving of it. Instead of frustration, road rage, cussing, 2 more hours at home unwinding from it all, I had a sense of peace. Prayer can be a wonderful outlet for those supporting someone with bipolar also. Instead of frustration we sometimes feel over the behavior or ugly words they sometimes say, if we pray for them, it helps us. Try it.

    Anyway, wishing you a wonderful day today David, a joyful holiday, a new year of happiness and fulfillment. Thank you for all that you do. God Bless you. Shauna

  8. Dear Dave,
    Thanks for the e-mails.
    I am praying for support from my family, it has been difficult from all the hurts I have caused, but, today, is a new day.
    Going to the Dr’s. I have faith and hope and a willingness, so, that is the difference. I now will know the truth and am thankful for your e-mails.

  9. I agree Dave there are some good hospitals out there. However I have trouble finding them in my area how do you find the nice good ones. I hated the place that my husband was in. and of course so did he. He needed to be hospitalized and he ended up going to the closest one that had an opening. However I would hate to send back to the place he was at. and although he went willingly I am not sure he would willingly go back to that place. Afterwards I searched the phone book etc and could not find a decent place for the if and when next time. The only places I could find were out of state. I hope he never has to be hospitalized again but I sure would like to know how to find those hospital that like a nice hotel.

    BTW congrats to your friend on the new baby.

  10. Dave, you’re SO right! It’s taken me nearly 40 years to learn about how bipolar disorder affects me, and I’m STILL learning! Without your herculean efforts at educating all of us, I doubt I would “get it” at ALL!!

    Aside from the mental health professionals that served me, I’ve also learned a LOT from my fellow patients/survivors. They can teach you little “short-cuts” about the illness that even your psychiatrist or the techs don’t know. And THAT comes from EXPERIENCE.

    Learning about this damn disease is NOT an “overnight” discipline. As a matter of fact, I learn a LOT just from your daily emails, about how to survive in the REAL world with bipolar disorder. So – thanks a million!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love them. My prayers are with you. Stay sane, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  11. The only time I was hospitalized…. on the first night I had a private suite and it was real nice, but after that I had to go into the rest of the hospital ward and I was surrounded by elderly people and hard core addicts. The nursing staff was cold and insensitive. It was not a place that made me feel comfortable about getting better.

    There is no place like home!!!!!!!!!

    I agreed to ECT just so I could leave!!! Which I think was a rotten trick for the doctor’s to pull. None of the treatments worked on me. I still felt suicidal and that was simply because they wouldn’t stop pumping me full of anti-depressants. I needed only stabilizers.

    I probably will not be willing to go again either if I have to.

  12. I was wondering if there was anyway to get a sale on your weight loss program later on. I will be at the doctors office when you will have the site up. And right now I have no money so I could not do it anyways. But if you could do the same later again or even has a sale on it I might be able to do it. I gained 100 lbs because of Bipolar disorder and want to get it off but have not found away that works.

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