Bipolar: There’s No Comparison



Do you remember when the idea of $4 generic prescriptions first started? It started off with just one company, and now every pharmacy offers it. Do you know why? Because it was a successful campaign. And people need it. Have you ever seen an advertisement that says, “We beat all competitor’s prices”? It’s the same thing. Why do they do it? Because it’s an effective strategy.

More realistic, however, is the “We will meet all competitor’s prices.” You can actually go by that. If you have a sale paper that shows something you want is at a certain price, you can take that ad into another store and get the same product for the same price. Why do they do this?

Because they want your loyalty. They want your business.

Some people pride themselves on comparison shopping, and in this economy that’s a good way to be. You should comparison shop to get the best price for the things that you and your family need. You especially hear about comparison shopping when it comes to buying a car. That’s because it’s such a big decision, and can have such a big impact on your finances.

Well, guess what? There is no comparison when it comes to bipolar disorder. Each person who has it is different. Some of the symptoms may be the same, but everyone’s different. You might hear from another supporter that such-and-such medication worked so well for their loved one.

Then you might think that your loved one should be on that medication, too, so they can do as good as this person is saying that their loved one is doing. But you have to remember, there is no comparison when it comes to bipolar disorder. If you go to a support group meeting (I know, because I go to several of them every month), you’ll find people who will tell you what to do for your loved one. It seems like everyone has their own opinion. And they will offer them to you, whether you want it or not. That doesn’t make them right. They are not doctors. They are not psychiatrists. They are not therapists. They are not researchers. They are not any kind of a professional, so you don’t have to listen to them.

One of the problems with these kinds of people is that they believe that what works for their loved one is going to work for everyone who has bipolar disorder. Just remember that there is no comparison when it comes to bipolar disorder. Your loved one is who they are. They should be on the right medication for THEM. They should be doing the things that make THEM stable. And you should be the best supporter you can be for THEM. Not according to what anyone else says. Like I said, everyone has their own opinion. That doesn’t mean you have to listen to it or do what they say. Just do what you know is right for you and your loved one.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,




  1. I agree Dave, there’s just no comparison when it comes to the proper help. I learned alot from my grand aunt, Yvette Desaline (may her sleepy head gets the nap it longed for a long long time) – she’s bipolar and so are her 3 daughter and my late Grand dad Mr. Desaline Antoine who was clearly a man of wisdom full of insight and only good memories.

    can’t poach all those eggs in the same basket but they are colorfully wonderful as you go a hunting like the bunny hop.

    I love kicking my legs up in high gear – colden

    keeping a good attitude!

  2. Very true! let’s hope my sisters who keep unattracting men because of this disorder wakes up!!!



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