Bipolar? The Truth of a Man’s Character

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re having a great day

They say that the truth of a man’s character is what he does when no one is looking.

How is your character meter? Are you the same whether you are at home or with other people?

Are you proof that adversity can be overcome? Do you have a positive attitude? Are you an optimist?

I’ve talked about how your attitude determines your stability. Well, it’s not just stability that

your attitude determines. It goes further than that. Your attitude can determine whether you have a good day or a bad day. It can affect your relationships with other people.

Although it works if you have bipolar disorder by helping you reach stability… If you’re a supporter, your attitude (character) can affect your whole life. It can definitely determine whether you are a good supporter or not.

What do you do when no one is looking? Are you consistent in your character? Do you show the same strength at dealing with things whether anyone is watching you or not? Do you have the same stamina? Do you devote yourself to helping your loved one get better? Do you do things like trying to keep your loved one’s life (as well as your own) as stress- free as possible?

Do you keep your home relatively stress-free? Are you protective of your loved one? Do you try to keep junk mail and negative mail and calls from reaching them?

How are you at handling your problems? Are you a creative problem solver? Do you keep looking for a solution even though one doesn’t seem to be forthcoming?

Are you embarrassed by your loved one and their behavior? Or have you learned to show

understanding, patience, and tolerance? Do you hide from the world or take it head-on?

Are you being the best supporter you can be? Do you admit when you need help, and then accept the help that is offered? Can your loved one depend on you? Are you really there for them? Are you a good listener? Not only listening to what they say, but also what they DON’T

say? Are you a good companion? A good friend?

Are you doing what is necessary for yourself? Are you taking care of yourself so that you can take care of your loved one?

I know, this all seems like one big quiz, doesn’t it? But your answers do matter. They determine your character. And you need to have strong character to deal with bipolar disorder.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Good one today! My bucket is half empty at this time!! This time of the month is his “week long sundown” lasting sometimes longer.

  2. whew ! let see ,basicallyget feeback from sorces from prayer,people who know me and a personal inventory. lot of self help test/helps.
    thanks Bob

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