Bipolar: The Plot of Your Movie Can Change


You know the most important part of any movie, right? It’s not the title. It’s not the director. It’s not the actors (even if they are the biggest stars in Hollywood). It’s the PLOT. Without a good plot (a good story), it doesn’t matter how good the director is, or even how good the actors (stars) are. The only way a movie is going to be good is if it has a good plot. Well, in a way we can compare our lives with a movie in that we are living out a sort of plot as well. But what if we want to change the end of our movie? Well…

The only way to change the end of a movie is to change the plot of that movie! That suggests that we have some control over our lives, doesn’t it? Many people with bipolar disorder and their supporters don’t believe that, unfortunately. But I have talked to many, many people who HAVE changed the plots of their lives so that they WILL have a happy ending! These people have bipolar disorder, but have learned to manage their disorder. Even some of the most hopeless cases have been able to turn their lives around so that they have become bipolar success stories!

For some, stability was just a dream – something that seemed unattainable. But with concentrated effort and a lot of hope, they finally reached it – they changed the end of their movie by changing the plot of their movie.

How does this happen? Well, when your loved one is first diagnosed, they will be put on a treatment plan. That treatment plan should include medication and therapy. Those are just the basics, though – the foundation of their treatment plan. They also need to do some work themselves for them to get better. During their “movie,” both of you will have “parts” for you to play. So will other people, as your loved one develops a good, strong support system.

They cannot get better by themselves.

Your part is the role of the supporter. You need to be patient and understanding. You need to be supportive, without enabling your loved one (doing things for them that allow them to continue unacceptable behaviors). If you are living with your loved one, then you need to keep as stress-free an environment for them as possible. But you also need to remember to take care of yourself first, because if you’re not healthy (physically, emotionally and spiritually), how can you take care of your loved one?

Your loved one has a role in this “movie” as well.

Their “role” consists of:

• taking their medication

• seeing a doctor, psychiatrist and therapist

• sticking to a good sleep schedule

• eating a healthy diet

• exercising

• being productive

• working or volunteering

• etc.

Taken all together, it is a recipe for stability, which is the happy ending of the movie for anyone with bipolar disorder.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,




  1. why is that? why do we often feel as if we are stuck in a movie? what is this here to teach us about the roles we are willing to accept in our lives?

    I was having a conversation with my aunt about this “feeling” I told her I felt as if my life were a movie. Not a reality show (particularly when you look in my house) lol!!!!! a movie of some sort getting ready for a grand climax though. all the up and downs, environmental stimuli, amazing phenomena would make you think the presidents’s daughter was visiting my town.

    I was reading a good book by TD Jakes and it’s called God’s Leading Lady – there were many roles he casted

    Mother of God, Wife of one of his precious sons, even Highly favored Grandmother of Timothy! the one I liked most was “Daughter of God” — the book goes on to show you will forever be living in the “spot”light with that Role!

    hmmmmmmmmmm then I asked my aunt another question about my friend who has a father who loves her very much (often outdoing himself, he makes every provision for her to be happy) — do you think “she” would like this book/film?

    My aunt said every woman aged 14 – 100 years old would love this part! it’s yours just for the asking! how easy is that



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