Bipolar Story of a Drama Queen


Ya know, there was this girl who used to work out where I do…Who, I swear, had more problems than any one person could have in a lifetime, to hear her tell it! She was always having problems with her boyfriend, for one thing. I mean, he wasn’t abusing her or anything…But he certainly couldn’t do anything else right, according to this girl. And it was all so dramatic! It made me wonder why she even stayed with the guy in the first place. And if she wasn’t complaining about her boyfriend, she was complaining about her job. To hear her tell it…It was like there was this huge conspiracy going on at work or something. And, of course, it all centered around her. Yeah, right! Again, all the drama. It would make me tired just to listen to her! Then there were her family problems…Her car…Her apartment…Money problems…And anything else you could think of that could cause problems in a person’s life. But I mean, I had problems, too, but nothing that was on the catastrophic scale that apparently her problems were to her! This girl was what I would call a Drama Queen.

And the thing about Drama Queens is that nobody wants to be around them. They just drain you, ya know? They’re always complaining about something. According to them, nothing goes right in their life…They’ve always got problems…And it’s always a crisis! The thing is, when you’re dealing with bipolar disorder, you can’t afford to be a Drama Queen (or King). You can’t afford to have crises. A bipolar episode is crisis enough. But everyday problems have to be solvable.

You have to approach your problems in a calm manner. First of all, you have to realize that, when you’re dealing with a loved one with bipolar disorder, there are going to be problems.

But your best chance to solve them is if you approach it as a team and try to solve them together.

So, you stay calm, realize there are going to be problems, work as a team, and develop a good

problem solving approach.

For example: You might write down the problem. Then write down your options to solving the

problem. Then eliminate those options that are not viable options. Then choose the best option for solving the problem. Many people find that just by writing things down, it helps with the problem solving approach. Sometimes you might have to talk to someone else to help you solve your problem. It’s ok if you need to ask for help. This doesn’t mean that you’re weak. Everyone needs help sometime. It just may be what you need to help you solve your problem.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Dave – if anyone has a RIGHT to be a Drama Queen – it’s ME!!! Starting at age 11 when I had a life-threatening accident and was in the hospital for 3 months, my PHYSICAL life was a burden. I had a heart murmur, for which I could not take PE. This set me aside from my classmates, and I became somewhat of a pariah. Going to college wasn’t much better; I developed a bleeding ulcer my third month at school! More surgeries followed, with hemorrhages afterward! Then, wouldn’t you know it, I “exhausted” myself so much, I was put on the psychiatric ward of the very hospital where my life was saved surgically!

    I went back to college after my Dad died – and had obstructive surgery to remove a third of my stomach! I then realized that being in D.C. WASN’T that healthy for me!

    Two more manic episodes (hospitalizations) followed, the last one when I was 29. I had 3 episodes in my 20s – and I’m 64 now, and haven’t been hospitalized since 1977!

    Gallbladder surgery, bursectomy, hip surgery, vertigo (continuing), D & C, and who knows WHAT else, occurred, and is continuing to occur, all through my life…

    So DON’T call me a “Drama Queen!” I’ve survived near-fatal happenings, and relied on the good graces of our Dear Lord. I’m convinced that my love of Christ, and my personal belief in His Power and Grace has kept me alive this long. I’ve had two husbands, both of whom died; however, my friends say I’m still “beautiful,” and “smart,” and “have a LOT going for me!” With ALL I’ve been through – positive AND negative – it’s STILL a WONDERFUL LIFE!!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. I continue to pray for my country.

  2. Hello, my 35 year old son is bipolar and has been for numerous years. His last bad manic moment was the holiday season 2010 – he was off his medication and was very depressed and “hurt” himself – he ended up in a locked pychiatric center for 6 months – 2011 was a good year for him living in a group home, away from his also bipolar abusive girlfriend and taking his medications. Life was actually very positive for all of us. When he told me he moved into his abusive girlfriends apt I knew it would be downhill from there – and nothing I said would convince him otherwise. Of course after the holidays this year it happened and he ended up in emergency housing – some nasty rooms in a bad place. His “friend” whom just came back into his life offered him a “house” in a big city 45 minutes away for minimum rent (he makes very little on SSI because child support is taken out) He was followed by a state mental health group in our small community and now he was not going to be followed by anyone. When I asked him if he was taken his medication he flew off the handle…that answered my question. He put a phone on my plan that has caused it to triple in cost to me. I told him I would have to take him off as soon as I could afford to because I can’t afford the bill either even though he promised he would pay his half. He has now been off his medications for a month and I’ve been called every name and past things that happened when he was younger are brought up to me as the worst mother and life he has ever had. I can’t take it! He will not listen to me anymore and will crash soon. I’m at my wits end and won’t talk to him because of his nasty personality which I know is his illness. I just needed to vent my feelings. thanks for letting me do that

  3. Love life and Work Life affected and then a series of problems….Got that part right – no one wants to be around those “touched by Drama”…as we all can see from this – it can really turn your world upside down. You are right again, Dave we all have problems but not as many as this person I just discovered about – Sounds a bit “collective” and suspicious to me. Poor thang, she was probably a victim who inherited a mess to clean up, beautify and organize

    hmmmmmm sounds like a Charlatan really had it in for this person that if a certain “presence” – boyfriend, no matter what this one displayed could not appease this person.

    i know of a condition like this but you won’t believe me if I tell you the forms the problems came in

    Wife – needless to say it was spiritual problem, the outcome sent us all drinking Water. She’s cured!!!!! it was a PARANORMAL PROBLEM!!

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