Bipolar? Here’s Something You Should Never Do

Hi, how’s it going? Hope you are doing well.

I knew of a person who had bipolar once who made a big mistake. And this was a common mistake, too. She took out a short-term loan, because she felt that she couldn’t wait until she got paid next. But then she wasn’t able to repay it.

Next thing you know, the company is trying to take it out of her bank account (which has no money in it.) That throws her into the negative with her bank account, but they still bounce it back and she still owes this company.

Then they threaten to sue her for the money. Can you see how it could get really ugly at this point? She should have never taken out the loan in the first place, because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to repay it.

But how many times do people who have bipolar disorder do this? They get in a problem financially because of their manic spending, and then they need a quick fix. Well, that quick fix isn’t so much of a fix if you aren’t able to pay it back.

Have you ever found yourself in that situation before? Maybe you have. Or maybe you’re considering taking out a loan in the future. If you are, make absolutely sure you will be able to pay it back. Otherwise, it could end up coming back to haunt you.

There are other things you can do to both prevent yourself from getting into one of those tight situations, and to handle it if you do. Preventing the situation is best.

This can be done by learning to control your manic spending, and by doing everything in your power to prevent future spending sprees. Sometimes this means taking drastic measures, like letting someone else have control of your money temporarily. Other times it just takes coping techniques.

Another thing you can do to prevent yourself from getting into those situations is to prioritize where your money needs to go. Obviously, important bills come first. Less important bills and food come second. Fun things come last.

I know, it sucks being an adult, doesn’t it? But prioritizing is a necessary part of life.

Here’s a trick I’ve learned that works for many people who have bipolar disorder to help them with finances: Pay the important things as soon as you get the money to do so. Don’t wait until it burns a hole in your pocket and you go out and spend it. This is called responsibility.

Now, if you haven’t followed this advice, and you find yourself in a tight situation, then there is a whole different set of things you should do.

To start off with, see if someone can help you without the requirement of you paying them back. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t pay them back, but at least if they are not expecting it then you won’t get penalized if it takes you a while to do so.

Another thing you can do that is at least a little better than going to a loan company is to take a loan out from a friend or family member. But if you do this, then once again, make sure you can pay them back, and in the time you agreed upon! In some ways this is even more important, because your relationship with that person might just depend on whether you pay them back.

I would suggest avoiding loans altogether if at all possible. What are your thoughts on this?

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Thanks fot the advice…. I was just about finding ways to get a loan to start a body-shop.
    I will have second thought about it… even if I can have it with a close relative.
    Thanks David…. God bless you and your mother and all your relatives. You are just cool!… I like it because you had helped a lot…. a lot… I mean a lot of people.
    Yours truly


  2. I’ve filed bankruptcy twice, after the law say’s you have to wait 7 years, now 10 years between bankruptcies..
    First one was when I was in my early 30’s and it was for $26,000 and worked to pay off credit cards. The next one was for almost $80,000. I swear I can’t even remember what I spent the money on but I do have all the newest things and creature comforts. iPhone, flat screen HDTV (x2) a huge closet with so many clothes, shoes and purses I’d never be able to wear in my whole life. I have recently done another stupid thing, I had about $2000 in the bank and decided I needed botox and filler for lines in my face and spent $1400. Now, bills are due and I’m scrambling as my only income are my unemployment checks.
    I continually shop even though I know better. It’s like a drug and I’m a horrible addict. Nothing so far has been able to get me to stop and it’s usually always when I am in a manic phase. I buy clothes only to get home and find out I already have almost the exact same thing. Probably 30 pair of black shoes of different styles. Totally ridiculous… and I am ashamed. I am taking my meds religiously, but sometimes I just get this way and I can’t control it. It’s gotten me in a lot of trouble.
    Now I get my fix at the Goodwill, a lot of shopping but little money spent, the goal is to find something *awesome*, which of course I don’t need, but it’s a cheaper fix than my old habits.

  3. Thankyou for this advice.I have already been applying
    this method in my life.It really works for me.I still
    struggle at times with spending.I am doing so much
    better now than a year ago.

  4. I thought it was only me who kept doing this. I’ll get everything right and paid up; then mess up again. Like a wheel turning around and around.

    At the bottom of this block — the word “previous” is misspelled

  5. AFTER PLAN X JUMP TO Z (REST ASSURED) THEN PICKUP AND START OVER AT A OR 1 IT’S AS SIMPLE AS FORGETTING WHATEVER you was forced on you (like a loan) that you didn’t want or need and AND ACCEPTING a new beginning ON YOUR OWN DEFINITION. – Just as Momma taught you when you “were” a small child. Bonne Fet —-

  6. Hello!

    Thanks alot 🙂 Even if I was never diagnosed, this sure helps alot. Been spending my money like you described for far too long. Now is time to start supporting my family much more than I could in the past.

    Best wishes,

    Stefan, Slovenia

  7. In order to curb impulse shopping, I decided not to buy any item made &/or partially made in China. I was amazed at the result. Are there any items NOT made in China?

  8. The financial part, yes I have taken out multiple loans,I was able to pay back one loan however after paying back the loan company I lost control soon after paying off the main loan. My credit is currently 90% damaged.

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