Bipolar Disorder Lesson from alligators in New York City?

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How’s it going? I hope you are doing well. It’s
Wednesday so we are at the middle of the week.

You’re not going to believe what happen
to me. I was in the library yesterday
and I was reading some books and outlining
some plans.

There was this kid that was yelling, “Mommy
this is just like the mall…I love the mall…
The mall is fun…
Mommy this is just like the mall..”

It was really funny. The kid was referring to the
library that it was just like a mall I guess because
it was big and there was a lot of “stuff.”

I was laughing and spoke with the kids mom. We got
to talking and of course I brought up bipolar
disorder because you know by now, I ALWAYS bring
it up to see what people say.

So guess what? Take a wild guess and then

Don’t cheat. Guess then scroll…

She had a family member with bipolar disorder. She
was telling me how hard his life has been for
so many years. She said she was trying to help
but didn’t know how to. I asked her if she
ever heard of and she said
“what’s that?” I guess I have a long way
to go with being famous :).

She then told me something really revealing. She
said, “I heard that such and such drug for bipolar
makes all your hair fall out and your teeth?”
She said she was worried about him taking
bipolar medications because of this.

I was like, “huh?” She was dead serious. NOTE
she actually named the drug but I didn’t want
to here. I just put such and such. She didn’t
say such and such so you know.

I asked her where she got this information from.
She said, she went to a meeting and someone
had bipolar disorder and said it. I was like
who was the person that said it? She said
someone in a room at a support group meeting
she attended.

I quickly explained to her that I wasn’t
a doctor, lawyer, insurance agent and couldn’t
give medical advice, she was like yea, yea
I get that so talk to me.

So I told her how bipolar medication is the
key to success. I told her about the bipolar
stability equation and how that works with

I tried to tell her as much as possible
that is found in my courses/systems




But quickly realized that I was overwhelming
her and she was confused. So I went
through the 10 mistakes people make when
supporting someone with bipolar disorder and
had her jot them down.

After all of this, I was amazed what she heard
and how many rumors there are with bipolar
disorder that you have to avoid.

I like to call them–the bipolar rumors.

I have noticed that when you get a bunch of people
talking about bipolar disorder you tend to hear
stuff that isn’t close to the whole truth, nothing
but the truth, and in some cases is a flat out lie.

I have gone to meetings and someone has made a statement
with tremendous conviction that such and such medication
did something terrible. Or that a person was on no medication,
did illegal drugs, drank alcohol and was stable for years. Or
that a person used something from the woods to “cure”
bipolar disorder. Or that a person heard, from someone
who works in a drug company, there is a goal try to
suppress people with bipolar disorder. All these things
sound totally crazy and at least 85% of the time they
were said by BIPOLAR SUPPORTERS not people with
bipolar disorder.

Whenever I looked into these statements, I found
out they were obviously not true. Especially the ones
that a certain person was doing well not
following any kind of logical treatment plan.

Read that line I said about about who passed on
the bipolar rumor. When I hear them, they are from
bipolar supporters. Just like the lady I met was a bipolar
supporter and she was passing along bad info. I asked
her how many people she told and she said, “well
a bunch of people.”

As a side note, there are no bipolar drugs that cause you
to lose all your hair and teeth that I have ever heard of.

I think that sometimes, something with bipolar disorder
starts out maybe a little true and then just gets
passed along and the story get exaggerated. For example,
my mom lost a little, let me repeat, a little bit of
hair from what she thinks is her medication. If press
her, she might say, “well it might be because I am older,
my diet, or something else.”

Now if my mom took this info and then went into a group
and told everyone “my hair is falling out because of this
bipolar medication”, people might hear this and then
say bipolar medication x causes all one’s hair to fall

And if that person told people in a meeting, they might
not get the entire story and then start telling others
that bipolar medication x causes hair, teeth and your
arms and legs to stop working. Then the bipolar
rumor has a life of it’s own just like people
swear in the east coast there are alligators
in the water system in New York City.

There are lots of people that swear alligators
are in the water system. Can you believe that?

I have asked a number of experts about this, read books, and
watched a documentary that say this is NOT and
I repeat not true.

But if you ask some people, they will swear that’s
totally true because they “heard it” from

My word to you is to get the facts when you
are dealing with bipolar disorder. If you have
questions, check with your doctor or therapist,
check with someone who knows what the heck they
are talking about and don’t fall victim to the
bipolar rumor like this lady I spoke to did.

Successful supporters and survivors of bipolar
disorder get the facts first from a credible
source before making decisions on things.
You should too.

Hey I have take off. Catch you tomorrow. Have
a great day.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. You can’t generalise I agree but my partner (who has hypomania but we deal with it)and I support his brother, who has bipolar affective disorder. When my partner’s brother takes his medication as he should, he is perfectly OK, a successful businessman, a circle of good friends, etc. However, he has a ‘friend’ whom he met last time he was hospitalised and this ‘friend’ gets him smoking dope. As a result, he leaves off the medication and goes into an episode. This last episode (ongoing as I write) will probably mean he will lose his job as he has been circulating libellous e-mails and bothering a prominent member of a political party who lives near him. He is currently on his way back to the psychiatric ward of the local hospital on a Section 2 Mental Health Act (i.e. 28 days) while they sort him out.
    Some friend, but how do we prevent it happening again? My partner’s brother is a 50+ year-old and he knows that cannabis makes him psychotic. To date, each time he smokes and leaves off his medication he has gone on a massive high – but what happens if he goes into a massive low?
    Yes, we can stop his ‘friend’ gaining access to him while he is in hospital (although unfortunatley it seems we cannot necessarily stop my partner’s brother’s access to illegal substances while he is in there…). Maybe one way of looking at it is that, if he loses his job, he won’t have any money and maybe the ‘friend’ will move on to richer pastures. On the other hand, it could cement the friendship. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t! Sorry, I guess I was just having a bit of a ventilate.

  2. A person I love that is Bipolar has random sex w/strangers at bars, spends $ she doesn’t have, drinks too much, and claims it is as it is and she is accepting of herself because that is what she was told by a psychiatrist (she’s 43 and has seen one since 17)….how can I help her see otherwise? She states that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m getting frustrated….

  3. have not lost hair, sex drive, etc from taking lithium for my bipolar. Biggest side effect is fatigue. I’m often tired. And that kind of stinks. But i guess it’s better than being wild and out of control.

  4. Depakote DOES make some people’s hair fall out, but not so that you are totally bald. Just when you brush it or wash it you will notice more hair comming out that usual. My doctor told me that when I was taking Depakote and had that side effect and he told me to take zinc to help prevent it. Don’t take my word for it though, ask your doctor and see what s/he says.

  5. Hey dave, after having met a new friend in chile with the disorder, I went into your site and was able to comprehend the disease with more understanding.
    Iwant to help my friend and here family. Is any of the info you publish transulated into spanish?

  6. Ok I have to say something on this. There is a bipolar med that does cause some people to loose their hair, it is a fairly common side affect. I agree we do need to take mood stabalisers but if you check the side affects and find something you really wouldn’t want to risk tell your doctor. If you are taking one and of the side affects happen, tell your doctor. There are other meds you can try.

  7. I have an ex-husband and a daughter who are both bipolar. Neither of them takes their meds regularly. It makes me crazy. Especially now since I have a young grandson who needs meds for disability (physical). I had to hire a nanny/housekeeper to assure that the baby gets his meds properly because my daughter just does not do it. It’s very frustrating

  8. OK, Dave, just to set some rumors to rest: My dentist said that all the problems wrong with my teeth would need several rootcanals, which I couldn’t afford, so I told him to pull them all. He blamed my bipolar medication!!

    Then, I developed alopecia ariata, which translates as “hair falling out,” which my hair stylist said was caused by my bipolar medication. Fortunately, I had only lost about three places of about a quarter-size from the top of my head. I had to rub ointment on those spots, and they still haven’t disappeared.

    Also, my neurologist diagnosed me with neuropathy in both legs, caused by LITHIUM. I was taken off Lithium and put on Depakote. This HAS scared me, because my legs fall asleep if I sit for very long. It is VERY uncomfortable, not painful, but causes anxiety.

    Now, that I have fully explained what SOME bipolar medications CAN/WILL do, I hope I haven’t scared too many people from taking their meds.

    The meds I am on now have COMPLETELY stabilized me; you just have to WORK with your psychiatrist, or whoever prescribes your meds until you find the one(s) that work for you. I admit that I am NOT your typical bipolar; I have other physical problems that are NOT caused by my meds. I just thought I would clear up where some of the rumors MAY have come from.

    PLEASE take your meds; and if you have ANY problems with them, GO TO YOUR DOCTOR and work them out. A word to the wise is sufficient.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolars, and the ones who love them. God loves you, and so do I.

  9. To JAVIER: When I was in all three of my full-blown manic episodes (each requiring hospitalization), I did all the things your loved one does – random sex, spending money I didn’t have, drank too much (even on meds), and leaving a wake behind me that my Mother had to clean up every time I went to the hospital. I lost several jobs this way. ONLY when I had to be hospitalized, did they regulate my medications. I did not believe that “that is the way that it is,” but I DID believe I was “on top of the world,” and was unstoppable, all DELUSIONAL.

    I think your loved one needs a NEW doctor! No qualified psychiatrist would see this as NORMAL behavior. She needs to be put on new medications to control her mania (because that is what it is), and maybe then, she can be a productive member of society, and not harm herself and others by her destructive actions.

    I wish you luck with this. The person in a manic episode has no capacity for JUDGMENT or discernment of their actions. They need an INTERVENTION, someone who can get her the help that she needs. Often, this has to be done against her will. If not, she could accidentally do something illegal, and then the courts will have to ascertain if she needs to go to a hospital or jail!!

    I hope you will listen to me; this is a serious disorder, and shouldn’t be treated lightly.

  10. Well i’d agree, its not so good to share information that’s not got some fact behind it; but honestly if you look up the “mood stabilizers”; i’ve yet to find one that didn’t have side effects scarier than all get out. One would really think the drug companies could do better.

    Things have been much better here. I talked with my daughter’s psychiatrist who assured me that IN HER CASE, cutting was about feeling powerless and she was reacting to that; that he did not detect serious suicidal intent. She cut herself up pretty good and, for some reason out of evry thing else, that really makes me weepy and feeling defeated.

    He also said, “i hope you have your own therapist and psychotherapist” which I do. I would really encourage anyone that finds themselves getting depressive symptoms, feeling overwhelmed, defeated, etc. etc. to reach out… we, the supporters, often need our own set of professionals to help keep our feet under us and our focus on OUR life.

    Alligators in the NYC subway.. heck, i’d believe it >G<

  11. javier—

    had already replied when i saw your questions about your friend. I am a licensed professional counselor so actually AM able to respond… tho i’m here primarily as a fellow struggling supporter.

    The type of activity you describe, is a piece of the “manic” side of Bipoalr disease and any psychiatrist condoning that is one to get rid of.

    In my experience, struggling coping skills go generally in the order of: using drugs/alcohol to try to balance moods, consciously or subconsciously; sex; cutting; shop lifting. All of which are troubled ways of filling that “empty hole” that is basically a biochemical need for serotonin/adrenalin balance. Now i am NOT a psychiatrist and cannot prescribe, but you might look up antidepressants and “mood stabilizers” yourself.

    I’ve been looking at books and getting a lot of helpful information.. of course Dave has already done most of that for us… but there is a plethora (bunch) of books out by celebrities who’ve struggled and come out the other side… Patty Duke, Marie Osmond… their stories are helpful and perhaps might be a start for your friend to see that she really is not so ok.

    One important piece of the puzzle is finding healthy ways to “self soothe” when one is feeling anxious. Obviously, alcohol, drugs, sex, cutting, shop lifting are all methods that give immediate relief. So is exercise of an aerobic kind.. enough to just raise a sweat.. swimming is wonderful; so is meditation; breathing exercise; yoga.

    (hugs) she’s lucky to have you as a friend

  12. My girlfriend is the most important thing to me in my life. She is a sweetheart and I find it hard to believe that she would ever have bipolar. Although I’ve known her for about a year now, I have lived with her for six months and notice that she has a very low self-esteem. The doctor diagnosed her with bipolar back in 2004,but it had a lot to do with her mother.
    First of all her mother is a heroin-addict has HIV and has scizophrenia, abuses my girlfriend and I don’t even think that now after the diagnosis they haven’t got along at all.The reason for me saying this is because; her mother made her go down to the social security office to apply for goverment money thinking that she could trick my girl and the law, to pay her mortgage.know that her mother is a criminal master mind who imported sugar-cane from russia,got caught by the federal state served time and then dealt drugs when she got out,and now does crck cocaine and smokes weed. My girl had no idea about what was going on , then got mixed up in evaluations (where she was told to lie)and medications to guardianships and hospitalization. My girlfreind tells me evrything.There is a really important factor about this that I need to analyze, and if she’s is in any danger becuase of her mother then what should I do. Her mother later later on told her her she wants my girl to get a dose of he medicine, which is getting her into a lot of trouble. In my girl’s high school days she was prom Queen, was on the honor role had two jobs at the age of 14 till 16, graduated with high honors @ 17 and was distributing her demo. my girlfriend had a band which consisted of herself and two other girls they sang throughout her city took photos did their portfolio,and her mother wouldn’t even let them practice in the house. I mean her mother is totally jelous of her period. I’ve seen her scizophernic mother look at her in deadly ways, it was like she had wanted to kill my girl. Her mother didn’t attempt but stabbed her husband in the chest 7ral times because of her illness .My girl wa sin so many commities over 10. and is so intelligent . I’m proud of her but I know she is hurting deep inside and thinks her life is coming to end.I want to help her what should I do to get her out of this twisted scenerio?

  13. Depakote did cause a lot of my hair to fall out. It used to be very, very thick. It is now so thin you can see my scalp so my Dr. changed my meds and I am doing well. However my hair has not grown back over the past 7 years. I am going to try one of the products that helps hair regrowth.
    I hope it helps. (one good thing about this side effect – I no longer have to shave my legs…LOL)

  14. I am bipolar and I have been on Depakote for over a year now and hair comes out when I wash or comb it but I think that is due to aging. I believe that it is fact that one loses so many much hair a day. Also I know when I would let stuff really bother me or get real stressed my hair use to fall out a lot. But my point is I am on Depakote and my hair is not falling out now, now my hair is thicker and getting longer than it ever has in the past 30 years.

  15. Dave,
    I am a person living with bipolar disorder and I can say from experience. I have been on several medications, I have never lost all of my hair. I have, however, a few loose teeth. I don’t blame it on my bipolar medication. According to my Dentist, it’s more than likely a combination of medications, than any one drug, that can be the culprit.

  16. David,
    I read your e-mail regarding the lady you met at the library. There is a medication used to control bi-polar disorder that has side effects that include hair loss. It is also in the contraindications in the information about the medicine. I have a 40year old daughter that has bi-polar disorder and has lost half of her beautiful blonde hair. My brother took the same medication and is now almost bald. He has not been concerned about his hair loss but my daughter discontinued the medication. There are other factors that can cause hair loss as well, one of them being stress.
    However I have never heard of one loosing their teeth because of medication. If you are interested in knowing the medication I am talking about, please feel free to e-mail me.
    P.K. Watkins

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