Bipolar Disorder – Don’t Play Doctor!


I got a very disturbing email the other day. This man was telling me about what’s going on with him, and I have to tell you, he is not doing very well with his bipolar disorder at all. First of all, he was describing his symptoms, which was good. That, at least, shows an awareness that he knows his symptoms. He was saying what his diagnosis is (Bipolar 2)… Which is also good, because you should know what your diagnosis is, too. And he was saying that he had done some research on his diagnosis. And that’s good… But it can also be dangerous. And I’ll tell you why. And it’s because of exactly what this man went on to say in his email. He was describing how he was feeling… How his moods were shifting… And how each time his moods would shift… He would up this medication… Or change that medication somehow. In fact… He was playing doctor with his own bipolar disorder!

I’m telling you, that is the absolutely WRONG thing to do when you have bipolar disorder! It’s no wonder this man just kept getting worse and worse! He did… his moods kept fluctuating… And his symptoms kept worsening. And he was asking me what I thought he should do. I do advise people with bipolar disorder to become educated about their disorder, but never do I tell them to “play doctor” for themselves, as that can be dangerous!

But I’ll tell you what I thought he should do. First of all, I definitely thought he should stop playing doctor for himself, as, like I said, that can be very dangerous for him. The very first thing he should do is to TELL HIS DOCTOR what is going on with him! It is up to his doctor to make changes in his medication if they are necessary. But here’s the point: Your doctor cannot make any changes unless he knows what’s going on with you in the first place. And he can’t know what’s going on with you unless you TELL him! Your doctor is NOT a mindreader! You have to tell him what’s going on with you, or he’s not going to know, and he can’t help you. He depends on you to be a part of your own treatment, and to keep him apprised of any changes in your mood and your bipolar disorder between appointments. Otherwise he won’t know, and he can’t help you. You are the only link he has. But you have to tell him.

Like this man – He is suffering with these changes in mood and these active symptoms of his bipolar disorder, wanting things to change, wanting things to be better… But without telling his doctor. He’s just making changes in his medication by himself. And that’s why he’s not getting any better. You need to TRUST your doctor to do what’s best for you.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Dave I agree anyone who has any medical/mental health problem should always consult with their doctor. Changing meds on your own is dangerous and there is a possibility he could be damaging his body physically as well as mentally. Some psychotropic drugs are actually deadly if taken at higher doses than you should be (like lithium should be adjusted by blood level readings). I know consulting others is difficult but it is necessary!

  2. I agree, No one should play doctor, I have Chronic Bipolar Depression Classification I. This person should take his medication according to what the doctor prescribed. And to feel more balanced I believe, exercise, eating properly, taking your medication, avoiding stress, and yoga is also excellent. That is what helps me with my mood swings. I feel more peaceful and balanced since i combine meds, and other elements together to work with my illness. I hope this message helps.

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