My mom told me today that she got a credit card offer in the mail. She wasn’t going to take it
of course but wanted to let me know that I guess she fell off the no solitication list.
I am really amazed how dumb these card companies are. I spent a whole lot of time, taking my mom off these lists. She wants to be off and doesn’t want any credit cards. Credit cards have cost her dearly. She is currently paying them off but has in the last 5 years paid tens of thousands of dollars in interest and late fees.
I am going to investigate and get back to everyone on how to get off forever or at least for a few years.
One last thing. Before I get messages saying I don’t have the right to take my mom off credit card lists, she wants to be off and asked me to help her get off the lists because she is busy studying for a test she is taking on computer stuff.
Anyway, I am pretty darn effective getting my points across and welcome contacting these dumb companies.
I will pass long what I find as soon as I do.
DEAR NO COMMENTS, the credit cards are getting rediculous for even the normal person and to get rid of them is not easy. I cut them up with scizzors into little pieces and must constantly shread everything. Most peole do not realize that these companies have already peid for information on you and they are very determined to try and force you to ltake a card. Even JC Penny—–my mother has a card from many years ago—not used, unless for a special sale of an extra 10% off and then she pays for it before it comes due. So not even though she has proof that she has paid it off they are threatening an 80 year old woman, who has arthritis so severely that she uses a walker as do most of our older citizens today. So today when she went in to complaign abou tthis bill, she was told by the manager of JC Penny in Canton IL that they were going to turn it into a MASTER CARD. She has NO MASTERCARDS NOR VISAS NOR WANTS ANY. BUT please note where this problem is coming from JC PENNY CANTON IL 61520 ……I HOPE THAT MANAGER OF JC PENNY SEES THIS. Especially when I file A suit for HARRASSMENT OF A SENIOR CITIZEN WITH WOMENS CHRISIS. WHICH I DO INTEND TO DO.
This is Patsy, please excuse my spelling and typing errors in a couple places. But Womens Chrisis is a very good thing to have on your side when help is needed. And the Better Business Bureau LOVES THESE CASES as do our local congressmen, senators, and general public. My mom is very upset. If I must have a talk with an idiot I think I’ll take a witness or carry a tape recorder. I think I will be just as honest as he has been to my mother for the last 3 months they have been harrassing her. Now an original $ll.00 is $35.00. I believe that is over 300% interest in my language. check it out.