Bipolar lessons and Response to reader’s comments

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I actually have to get going fairly

I can’t wait until next week when 3 of the really
smart people that work for me working in this
organization dedicated to helping bipolar supporters
and survivors get back. Three
have been out for the last week either
one vacation or doing personal things.

Yesterday I sent out an email on the dangers
of using the word “why” and bipolar disorder.

You can read it on my blog below again if you

I saw some interesting AND thoughtful
responses (as opposed to responses that
make no sense which you might have seen
a few days ago).

josephine_mamo_17 said…

“Hi Dave,
I am normally a very big follower of yours
and i always appreciate the help that you give us,
whether we have bipolar or are supporters. i do want
to point out the danger to you in saying what you
said in your last email.

i found when i was with my partner, that even when
i was on stable mediacations and a great treatment
plan if i ever felt a normal emotion of anger or
frustration, he would not take me seriously and just
say ‘oh its just your bipolar again’.

in the end i was always so afraid to confront my feelings
because i thought that i was off my nut or having an
episode just because i felt a normal emotion. i agree
saying stupid things like you owe a woman money in a
different state is quite crazy but to say ‘there is no
why’ is a bit extreme alsodont you think?in fact i
think it is unjust and comments like that are what
make people like me feel so isolated and alone in the

no one will take us seriously if we all have
that mentality. i appreciate that you are watching
out for all of those who suffer crazy accusations,
but maybe just be careful with us who dont make
many accusations but still get told we are crazy
all the time.”

Another person wrote something else:

TNJ Fish Enterprises said…
“hi dave,

I just wanted to say bravo! Many people don’t
get it. Josephine I realize your anger but when
I pointed out to my husband how rediculous it
was to blame every emotion on being bipolar He
started looking for when I truely was bipolar.
When he started looking so did I and that was

I realized that alot of times I may not
have been in a full blown bipolar phase but I
did over exaggerate the situation to make myself
right. I want to say to david thank you so much
for all the words of encouragement with your help
I got back on track and started my own internet
b.usiness. I never could have done it without you
and my husband. I am happy that I can see what
is going on in my world(the world of bipolar).
I love feeling like I am back in the real world

I want to clarify something. When I was talking
about the danger of asking why, I was referencing
asking why a person says or does something in
a bipolar episode–nothing else. I was NOT talking
about asking why a person gets off medications,
doesn’t want to go to a doctor/therapist, doesn’t
want to admit they have bipolar disorder etc. That’s
a different why and I am going to write about
that soon. Not tomorrow because tomorrow is the
bipolar news. Probably this coming Monday. I am making
a note.

What I am talking about is this. Okay a person
is in a bipolar episode and he or she turns
into a different person. You are a supporter and
they scream and yell at you. Maybe they throw
a phone at you. Maybe they say you the bipolar
supporter are the worst person in the entire world.
Maybe they (in the bipolar episode), say that
you (the bipolar supporter), have done so many
bad things. They make up things, say horrible

Now, the natural inclination to the untrained
person is to try to figure out why this person
is saying that to you. You may think, “could
I be the worst person in the world?” “Did I
do something wrong?” You start to second guess
yourself. On the one hand, you know you are
working VERY hard to help. But on the other hand
the person who is in the bipolar episode is hurling
negative things towards your way.

You keep asking why. Then you get almost depressed.
You just can’t understand. You search for answers.

This is the danger. This is a waste of time. There
is no logical or rational reason (99% of the time).
It’s just that the person is not themselves. They
need to get into treatment. To have their medication
changed or modified.

This is what I was talking about. Again I wasn’t
talking about the other whys: why someone won’t
take medication, go to the doctor, admit they
have bipolar disorder, etc.

Make sense?

Now to address what Josephine wrote above.

Here’s the deal. Many bipolar supporters
have great difficulty figuring out what’s bipolar
disorder, a normal emotion, or when a person is
in a bipolar episode.

To me, it’s easy. In my courses below for bipolar
supporters, I talk about how to determine this. The
interviews in my course go into this in great depth.

This is a SKILL. It’s like riding a bike. It takes
time to learn this skill. I can tell 95% of the time
when something is a normal emotion of my mom or it’s
something related to her bipolar disorder.

My dad struggles with this. Why? Well it’s because he
never had to learn it. He just counts on me telling him.
He uses me as a crutch.

My brother absolutely positively never understands that
people with bipolar disorder have normal emotions. For
example, one time someone cut off my mom, screamed and
yelled at her for NOTHING. For nothing. She did not
one single thing. How do I know? I was there. I was
SUPER MAD! I was ready to get his license plate and
repot him to the police and have his license taken
away for the rest of his life (which you can’t do
by the way). Anyway, I was super mad. 100 times more
mad than my mom.

My mom was kind of mad. Not that mad. She told me to
calm down. I get mad at that kind of thing. That’s the
way it is on the east coast. You cut someone off and
you can trigger world war 3 LOL.

Anyway, back when my brother was talking to us,
my mom mentioned it. She did so in a calm way
but expressed how she couldn’t believe someone
would be so mean. I was still mad. My brother
made the comment to me, “oh there she goes
again with her bipolar.”

I was like, “huh?” He said, “yea it looks
like she is going into an episode or whatever
it’s called again.”

I was super confused. I was like, “why?” He said
because she is mad about someone cutting her off.
At that point I realized how unfair my brother
was being to my mom and how clueless he really
was. I tried to explain to him but he never listens
to anything.

At that point, I realized I had to train myself
to know what’s bipolar and what’s normal reactions.

The bottom line Josephine is that it seems that
your supporter needs more training in this area.
He has to realize it’s a skill and he has to
learn it. He has to be willing to do so.

That’s the bottom line. The hard part is,
many bipolar supporters are too lazy to learn
the skill (half of my family). Know what I mean?

In my courses/systems below I cover how
to learn the skill of knowing what’s a
episode and what isn’t.

In my bipolar success course below for those
with bipolar disorder, I have a f.ree report
titled “How to get people to believe you.”




Why do I have that report? Years ago I found
that for many with bipolar disorder it’s hard
for them to get those around them to believe
them when something is serious. So I created a
system for my mom in case I wasn’t around. The
system is outlined in the f.ree report.

I think that everyone should read TNJ Fish
Enterprises response above a few times.

It contains some great information. I don’t
have time to go into it right now. But it’s
all there.

Finally I want to say one last thing about the
danger of asking why.

There was a post on my blog where some had
some suggestions as to why someone who I don’t
know, has never bought a thing from me, who lives
thousands of miles away would call me and say I took
a plane last night and stole $400 from them and the
flew back home.

The person wrote:
“maybe she felt influence in doing something
that probably cost her $400 and she regrets it,
so she has to blame someone.”

I appreciate the suggestion but this is an example
of what I mean. There is no logical thing or reason
we could come up to explain what the person did.
She was not in her right mind at all. That’s it. We need
not even spend one minute thinking about why a person
would do or say such a thing. They are not thinking
straight. There is no, “maybe she accused you because…”

Do you agree or disagree?

Your Friend,


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one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Reminder-The danger of “why” and bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, What a day yesterday. It was really strange. Okay, a few days
ago I was thinking how well my mom was doing.
I was thinking well what if this that or the
other thing happen related to bipolar disorder.

I said to myself, “wow we have a system a solution
for everything.”

I felt confident.

Then yesterday morning it started.

I felt like I was getting attacked by people
far worse than my mom had ever been.

There was something that made no sense posted on
my blog. A person called my cell phone and demanded
that I take down all my websites because it “all
was a lie.”

Another person said that I ripped them off 2 years ago
and they want m.oney from me.

This is on top of the woman who said that I broke into
her house stole $400. This woman lived thousands of
miles away, I didn’t have her address and the cost of
flying to her state was $600. I asked her, “why would
I spend $600 to steal $400?” She said she didn’t know
but she wanted $400 from me and she said I stole
her rent money.

Finally I got her to stop calling me after hours.

Some ask why I am frustrated sometimes. Others
wonder why I am rushed in my emails. When you have
all these things to do, when you have limited time,
you are frustrated and rushed sometimes.

Yesterday was seriously one of the worst days
ever. I am just being honest. Dealing with 3 people
who swear they are right and saying things that make
no sense is difficult. Especially when those people
start attacking everyone in the company.

But back to my stories. In all those cases, you could
ask this dangerous questions–“Why?” Why would someone
say that I stole their c.redit card and shipped
things to their house. Why would someone say I broke
into their house and stole $400 when they live thousands
of miles away. Why would someone demand for me to
take down all my sites and say that I am part of a
conspiracy to eliminate all people with bipolar disorder?

There is NO answer. The people that say these things
are not in their right minds. They are generally off
their medication or not following their treatment plan.

As a result, they can say and do absolutely anything.

Over the last year you may have seen “crazy” things posted
on my blog. I allow free speech and sometimes ill people
post things that are incomprehensible. I NEVER ask
why they do. I already know why–they are off medication
or not following their entire treatment plan.

The big mistake that many bipolar supporters make is
to ask “why did he/she do that or say that?” Did I
cause it? Why? Why? Why? Many supporters spends so
many hours trying to figure out the why. There is no
answer. Remember bipolar disorder is a mood disorder
and a person who is not following a proper treatment
plan can say or do absolutely anything.

The focus has to be getting someone on a good
treatment plan. Getting someone to a doctor who
is good. Etc.

In my courses/systems below I teach exactly
how to do this. It’s complicated but it can be




In my courses/systems I have spent a lot of time
figuring out how to counter what happens when
a person gets off medication.

Most of the ideas have come from people with disorders
themselves. You can never find or get this kind of
information from anyone but me.

For example, I have someone on my team that has gotten out of
many psychiatric hospitals and been off medications
for years.

Finally after wasting more than 25 years “gaming”
the system, this person finally accepted bipolar
disorder and followed a treatment plan and has
done great.

This person is one of my “go to” people to create
complicated systems to combat a person who
refuses to take medications and is on bipolar

Anyway, this person volunteered to help me
develop a system for my customer service and myself
to deal with people I was dealing with yesterday.

I must say the system is amazing. It’s currently
being refined. In addition to this person, 4
other people are helping to look at, improve
upon a system to deal with the worst of the
worst that we have recently encountered.

It’s sad but when people do and say crazy things
that have a mental illness it undermines all
those high functioning people or functioning
people in society doing well. It makes them
look crazy as well.

The people who work for me get super mad when
people get off their medications and do crazy things
or say crazy things.

They feel that it makes it harder for them to
say that they have a mental illness.

This is true.

If I look at this organization. EVERY TIME there is
an event that has to do with a someone who has a mental
illness anyone connected to my organization contacts me
fishing around to see if I deal with the same type of

Many times, many people don’t even want to do business
with an organization that has people that work for it
that have a mental illness. Why? Because of all the
bad stories they have heard. Because of the people
who get off their medications and create all kinds
of problems in society. Is this fair? Of course not
but this is reality.

If the world saw all the stable and high functioning
people who are super smart, creative, etc. people
would want to hire those with a mental illness
not avoid them. The problem is, the people who
get off their medications and don’t follow a treatment
plan do so much bad that they draw scrutiny which
causes people to be afraid. See the problem?

Yesterday some how my accountant found out what
happen with all the people I was dealing with.
He called me and tried to persuade me to not
work in this field. He said that the people
are dealing with are “dangerous.” He doesn’t
know much about mental illness except the bad
things he hears.

Anyway, I have to run but be careful about “why.”
If your loved one goes into an episode, goes
off his/her medications they are capable of
doing anything. It won’t make sense. You can’t
have a reason. It’s not your fault.

Don’t spend time trying to figure out why.
Just like I didn’t spend one second yesterday
or last month wondering why someone would accuse
me of things like I took a plane, flew to another
state broke into their house to steal $400 which
was less than the cost of the ticket in the first

There is no why. The person is out of their mind
because she was off her medications. That’s the bottom

The person off their medications is capable of
doing anything or saying anything. Don’t ever
forget that.

Your Friend,


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different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
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mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Sorry again, people wanted, Bipolar disorder and deadly mistake

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I hope you are doing well. WANTED Really quick, I am looking for
success stories of those with addiction
and bipolar disorder.

If you are a recovering addiction AND have
bipolar disorder and are doing well, please fill
out this form.

Okay now….

I have to say sorry again (I had to say it yesterday
as well).

Yesterday we just discovered that
some of the phone calls that we have received
in the last month were not being sent to
the right area.

This meant that some people didn’t
get a return call.

I am really sorry about this. We fixed the problem.
Actually Michelle H (I have 4 people that work
for me with the same first name), fixed it.

Barbara is working hard to return all calls
she has logged.

If you called in, still have an issue and need
a call back, please call us back and someone
will get back to you.

I must say, I have learned a ton. I have never
had anything grow so fast and become so
big. It’s required hiring lots of people,
investing in lots of technology.

It’s been really fun however and I really like
doing it. The reality is, everyone on the team
loves what they do. If they didn’t we wouldn’t
do well or have a great site like we do.

Someone wrote yesterday or the day before
that some of my emails look “borderline bipolar.”

It’s really funny when I read that stuff. First, I challenge
anyone else to take on all that I do and do it without
being rushed someone days. There’s a simple reason
why some of my emails come across being rushed.

Know what it is?

Well it’s because I am rushed. I have 4 different
businesses and a lot going on. I have to send these emails
out and it takes at least an hour a day.

Imagine subtracting an hour a day and having to
do something like type of an email, send it out,

You probably would have days that you would
be rushed, right?

It doesn’t make any sense to me when people write
stuff like that.

If you sit back and think about it, logically a person
can see that I put in a whole lot of work into this
but I have other stuff going on.

We try really hard to get everything right but
me have made mistakes. We have bought wrong
things. Make some errors. BUT, I have a phiolosophy
of you can’t be perfect. I never beat myself up when
a mistake is made. I never get mad at anyone on
the team.

I see with bipolar disorder however, some people
make a deadly mistake and believe other wise.

This may come as a shock to you, but


Too many supporters have this
misconceived notion that they have to
be perfect, at least in the sight of their
loved one. They’re afraid to “upset the
apple cart” if they share any negative
feelings with their loved one, or if they
even express their feelings at all. They
think that if they even offer an opinion,
that that’s a no-no, because everything
centers around their loved one and their
bipolar disorder.

Boy, is that wrong!

I don’t even know where that notion came
from, but it is very wrong. NOBODY is
perfect! And thinking that you have to be
perfect is setting yourself up to fail.
Nobody can live up to that kind of expectation.
All you can do is the best you can do, and
that’s all!

I know some supporters have written to me
and told me that their loved one expects
them to be perfect, but that doesn’t make it
right. They say that if they say or do anything
wrong, that their loved one screams or yells
at them, until they’re scared to say or do anything,
for fear of upsetting their loved one. I know,
this happens in some households where the loved
one has bipolar disorder. It’s true, but that
doesn’t make it right.

These are the cases where you (the supporter)
have to sit down with your loved one
between episodes and express how you feel
in the most loving, supportive way possible
and talk about acceptable and unacceptable
behavior, and set boundaries, and then stick
to those boundaries.

Your loved one will be more receptive
to listening to your feelings and opinions
when they are between episodes. Don’t
even try to talk to them when they are in
an episode, because they will not listen to you.

But let me ask you this – Is it your loved
one who is expecting you to be perfect, or
is it yourself?

Expecting yourself to be perfect will only
lead to burnout. You can only keep it up for
so long. You still have to meet your own needs
while you are meeting your loved one’s needs.

You can’t keep stuffing your own feelings, or
one day they will erupt and you will find
yourself very angry and in a fight with
your loved one. Stuffing your feelings is
not the answer.

In my courses/systems, I have several
teachings on how to deal with your feelings,
especially the negative ones:



Trying to be perfect is not an ideal
you can live up to, no matter how much
you want to. You are trying to be
someone you can’t be. It will cause
you to secretly resent your loved one,
and will lead to a strained relationship.
There will be tension between you.
Eventually it will stress you out.

Supporters who do this will take on
too much responsibility – including
responsibility that should be their
loved one’s – in their quest to be the
perfect supporter. They will hide their
concerns behind a mask of “Everything’s
ok” (even when it isn’t).

Unfortunately, this “perfect supporter”
will try to be Superman (and fail miserably).

Eventually their systems will break down,
and they will run out of steam. Then they
will be no good as a supporter for their
loved one. Remember – no one is perfect.
So stop trying to be!

You need to accept your flaws. You need
to know that you’re going to make mistakes –
that’s just a part of learning how to help your
loved one manage their disorder. And if they
do go into another episode, well, that is NOT
your fault! Just like it’s NOT your fault that
they have bipolar disorder in the first place!
You couldn’t stop them from getting the
disorder, and you can’t stop it from flaring up
at times, either. It’s not under your control.

If you’re expecting perfection from yourself,
chances are you’re expecting perfection
from your loved one as well, and that will
be a dismal failure, because they’re not perfect
either. Especially if they’re newly diagnosed
with bipolar disorder. Their flaws are probably
glaring right now. They’re probably struggling
with this diagnosis, and looking to you for help.
And you won’t be any help to them if you’re
trying to be Superman.

If this has described you, then take a break
from perfection. Give yourself permission to be
human. It’s OK to NOT be perfect! Join
the rest of the world of NON-perfect people.

You can only do the best that you can, and
that’s all right!

Your Friend,


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emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
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different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Instant Oatmeal and Bipolar Disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, You know, sometimes I get my topics
from the weirdest places. Like today,
I was just making my oatmeal, and it
gave me an idea for today’s topic.

Well, my oatmeal tastes terrible, because
it’s NOT cooked and in water. It’s part of
my very sad and bland diet this week.

It took me time to get used to eating a
certain way. I was thinking about this
and then thinking about instant oatmeal
and how it took me time to be able to eat
like this.

I was thinking about how some people
want instant success with bipolar disorder
and want to figure it out all right away.
It takes time to learn how to manage bipolar
disorder and to be a good supporter.

Yet some still want instant success.
Maybe it’s because society itself is spoiled
and pushes instant everything:

We live in an “instant” society:

We have instant drink mix.

We have instant lottery (scratch-off

We have instant pictures (from cell

We have instant cash (from ATMs).

We even have instant weddings
(from drive-through wedding

The whole country’s young people
have been raised in an “instant”,
have-it-now society.

Bipolar disorder is normally
diagnosed between the ages of 17-21.
So is it any wonder that these newly
diagnosed people want to have instant
stability and success as easily as my
instant oatmeal (bland though it might

I teach that nothing concerning
bipolar disorder is easy – you have
to have systems in place – it all takes
time and effort. That’s what my
courses/systems are all about:




The point is that nothing is easy.
You just don’t get instant success with
bipolar disorder. You have to work at
managing the disorder, and it takes time
to learn everything you have to learn,
to practice the systems you have to
develop, to work through the issues
surrounding your bipolar disorder, etc.

You don’t just fly through the medications,
expecting nothing to go wrong, to find the
right doctor right away, to get stable in
just a couple weeks, to expect the bipolar
disorder to go away on its own
without any effort or time on your part.
That just isn’t feasible, no matter how
deep the impression of “instant”
anything is in your brain!

You need to retrain yourself to believe
that nothing is easy in life, especially
when it comes to bipolar disorder.

You have to take the time to learn
everything you can about the disorder.
You have to take the time to get your
medications right, especially if you
have side effects from them. You
need to work with your doctor on
dosages and sometimes have to
switch medications to find the ones
that are right for you.

If you are supporting a loved one
with the disorder, you don’t just
jump right in and expect them to
be better overnight, thinking that
all you have to do is be there if
they need you. You have a very
active part in the management of
their disorder, and in whether they
get better sooner rather than later.

You help them with their medications.
You help them get to their appointments.
You be supportive, understanding and
caring. If they do go through an episode,
you have to help guide them back to
stability. That alone takes a lot out of you.
That most certainly is NOT instant.

You have to watch for patterns, watch
for triggers that might set off a bipolar
episode. You have to do quite a bit.
And you still have to take care of
yourself in the process. Because if you
don’t take care of yourself, you can’t
take care of your loved one.

So, in this society of “instant oatmeal,”
you have to remember that some
things take time. Like recovery
from bipolar disorder. That takes
time, and a lot of patience. But
it’s worth it, if it leads to long-
term stability.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Truth about Good friends and bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, What’s going on? How are you. I hope you are doing well. You know Michele who works for me,
well, we were talking about how you can
tell who a real friend is, and, well… I’ll
just let her tell you herself:

“I think a real friend is someone who will
stick by your side no matter what, and
will never hurt you. I know how simplistic
that sounds, but it really is a big deal.

See, I have bipolar disorder. And I used
to go into manic episodes a lot. And when
I would, I would talk. A lot! And to who-
ever would listen, about whatever I would
think of to talk about. It didn’t matter, I
thought I was just being friendly. Very

I used to think these people were my
friends. But then I got really hurt by one
of them – she stole my car, $2000 from
my bank account, and some of my
prescription medication.

It was a hard lesson to learn. I really
thought she was my friend.

Here’s the difference. Bill and I were
best friends for 5 years before we got
married. He’s been through all my
episodes with me, manic or depressed.

He has listened to me talk his ear off
when I’ve been manic, and held me when
I’ve cried when I’ve been depressed.

He’s never once taken advantage of me,
even when he had the opportunity to,
many times.

He’s just always been there for me.

Bill would never do anything to hurt
me. Now, I’m not saying to marry your
best friend or anything – our friendship just
kind of worked out that way! But he has
proven himself to be the best friend I’ve
ever had.

It’s been hard to make other friendships,
though, because he’s a hard act to follow.
He’s a high standard to weigh other
potential friends against.”


In my courses and systems, I talk
about having a good support system
and who should go into it; including
friends and loved ones:



I think it’s important to learn from Michele’s
story. Not to say that everyone should marry
their best friend, of course not!

But that everyone should have a standard that
they should follow in choosing their friends.
Especially with bipolar disorder. That’s when
you know who your true friends really are –
like when Michele said that even in her bipolar
episodes, Bill stuck with her. Now that’s a
good friend.

Your friend,


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Shocking attack on David Oliver about bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, What’s new? I hope you are doing well. I wanted to tell you about how someone
verbally attacked me about a major
issue related to bipolar disorder.

Before I tell you, I wanted to tell you
what’s going on with me.

I finally have got almost caught up
from my trip to California. Yesterday
I worked from 7:00am to 1:00am with
just a few breaks and this morning I got
up at 6:00am and have been working until

Why do I do this? Well it’s because I have
a lot to do and I really like working in this

Speaking of working in this field. Someone
called me yesterday and said that I hadn’t
mentioned that I wasn’t a doctor in about a
week. He was making a joke.



I am NOT a doctor, therapist, financial
advisor, lawyer and nothing I say should
be taken as medical or legal advice.

Okay, today I am going to contact
all the people who have been trying to contact
me. For some reason I have people who are
writing me and it’s confusing.

I got a certified letter in the mail from someone
who had a sheet of paper with their name and
address. Nothing else. I have no idea what this

I have many letters that are really hard to follow.
I am going to write everyone back and ask for more

Also, we have some really big plans on things
that are going to help you with bipolar disorder.
Next week I will be sending out an update. Lots
of great things. Many of them totally f.ree.


I was talking to someone the other
day, and he said, “Doctors suck.”

He said that I was a bad person
for promoting doctors. He said
that I was misleading people.

I waited to hear what else he was
going to say.

Of course I was interested, because you don’t
just come out with a comment like
that out of the blue without having
something else to follow it with.

So I asked him about it and it turns
out he was talking about doctors
who treat patients for bipolar disorder
(no great surprise there, figuring he
probably had bipolar disorder).

I asked him why he felt that way,
and he said that they messed him
up with his bipolar disorder.

I asked him how. That was my
mistake. Because what followed
was a 25 MINUTE explanation
of exactly how they did this.

After 25 minutes of talking to me, I
came to discover that:

1. This person didn’t take his
medications consistently.

2. He did “a little” drugs.

3. He drank “every now
and then.”

4. He didn’t follow a plan.

5. He wants to blame it all
on the doctor.

So now the truth comes out. Is this
really all the doctor’s fault?

He does all this wrong behavior,
and then says, “Doctors suck.”

Now I don’t believe him, where
I might have believed him at first
BEFORE I knew all the facts.

See why it’s so important to know
ALL the facts before jumping to a

Even if he was right, I still would
have taken everything with a grain
of salt, because I’ve spent a whole
bunch of time researching this very
topic, and included it in my courses
along with a whole system on
how to find a good doctor:




Yes, there are good doctors and
there are bad doctors.

But you have a responsibility, too,
in whether your doctor is a good one
or a bad one towards you.

Part of it is how you act towards
your doctor. Your attitude.

Like this guy said his doctor
“messed up” his bipolar disorder.
But he didn’t really say how.

How can your doctor “mess up”
your bipolar disorder?

Well, first of all, he can’t do it
if you’re actively managing your

Because if you’re actively
managing your bipolar disorder,
(if you’re helping your loved
one to mange their disorder), then
you’re including your doctor as a
part of your support system (team),
and you should be working hand-
in-hand with him, with a good

Second of all, if you go into doctor
appointments with your loved one,
and your attitudes are good ones,
and you don’t go in with a bad
attitude, or a negative one,
expecting a negative attitude
back from your doctor, the
visit should be a positive one
and he’s definitely NOT going to
“mess up” your bipolar disorder.

The reason this guy thinks his
bipolar disorder got “messed
up” was not his doctor’s fault –
it was his. HE was the one
doing all the things he shouldn’t
be doing, and then blaming them
on the doctor.

One of the most important things
you need to do to establish a good
relationship with your doctor is to be
HONEST. At all times. Whether it’s
about your medications and its side
effects, or your bipolar disorder and
its mood swings, triggers, and/or
patterns you might be seeing that
might indicate an episode coming on.

Your doctor is NOT a mind reader.
He can only help you if you help
him to help you. This guy was just
an accident waiting to happen. He
was doing all the WRONG things.
And, like I said, then he was
blaming his doctor for it.

You don’t have to do that. If you
do all the right things, you should
have no reason to blame your doctor
for anything. You should have a
good relationship with your doctor;
therefore, you should have a good
doctor, one who is part of your team
of medical/mental professionals who
will help you to manage the bipolar

So don’t drink, don’t do drugs,
take your medication, and follow
your plan. All the things that this
guy DIDN’T do. And you should
be ok.

Do you think I am a “fool” like this
person suggested?

Hey, I have to go to the gym. I just looked
at the clock. I have to do an hour of low intensity

Catch you tomorrow. Let me know what you think.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

Current Bipolar News



How’s it going?

I hope you are doing well.

Here’s the current bipolar news.

To see the news visit:

Here are some of the headlines:

Bipolar disorder: ‘It’s nothing to be ashamed of’
DO> This is totally true. In my company it’s an

‘Trip’ an involving look at mental illness
DO> Hmm. What do you think of this?

Coping with bipolar disorder
DO> Pretty good article.

Friday walk raises suicide awareness
DO> This is great.

For these stories and more, please visit:


==>Help with ALL aspects of bipolar disorder<<== Check out all my resources, programs and information
for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,


Make sure you do this with bipolar disorder

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, How’s it going? I just got back from the gym. Sorry for getting this out so late to you. Speaking of the gym, tons of people have
written me about how they can lose
w.eight with bipolar disorder.

I actually have some great strategies.
I might send some stuff out on this.

Anyway let’s jump into today’s topic, there
is a philosopher who said that to a
great degree the measure of our peace of
mind is directly proportional to the amount
of time we are able to spend in the present

I like this philosophy because, of course,
I like equations. So if something is in
proportion to something else, I would like

So you’ve got peace of mind on one side of
the equation, and you’ve got time spent in
the present moment on the other side of
the equation.

Ok, I can see that, can’t you? Kind of like
the balancing scales of the astrological
sign Libra, or the sign we have for law.

And you can tip these scales either way.

So, say you start worrying about tomorrow.

Well, first of all, tomorrow isn’t here yet,
and like I say in my courses a lot, you need
to re-train your emotional self to live in
the moment, not to dwell on the past or
to worry about the future, because it
will make you as sick as your loved one
with bipolar disorder:




But the point is, if you tip the scales
heavy on the side of worrying too much
about tomorrow, you are not living in
the present moment and the other side of the
scale is going to tip lighter, meaning that
you will LOSE some of your peace of mind.

And, well, it goes to follow that you just
can’t have TOO MUCH peace of mind,
so the scales will never tip too much on
that side!

But what you want to do is to have a
balance, so that the scales just won’t
tip at all on the side of worrying,
or any other negative thing that will
cause the side of peace of mind to
lessen, or for you to lose any of your
precious peace of mind.

So how do you do this?

First of all, like you learn in my courses
and systems, you try to be a more
positive person. And you can do this
through practicing positive
affirmations, replacing negative
thoughts with positive ones, all the
ways to practice being in the present
moment (and making that moment
a positive one).

But the point is, you have to do
Something! You can’t just expect
that the scales will always remain
balanced if you do nothing.

Remember back when we learned
to be PROactive instead of
REactive? You have to do something
positive to keep your peace of mind
scales in balance.

Do things that make you feel good
about yourself. Eat right. Exercise.
Practice good sleep habits. Do the
Mirror Exercise. Use positive

Practice relaxation
and stress-relief exercises. Do
hobbies and fun things in your life.

Make this present moment an
excellent moment to be in!

Hey I have to run and get some work done.
Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


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Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.