What’s Good About Bipolar?

I notice that a number of people are negative about having bipolar. I want to challenge everyone to list at least one good thing about having bipolar. How can you look at bipolar in a positive light?

I really am a positive guy so I like to stress this. I have thought of many things but I don’t want you all to cheat. Let me know what you think. Write me so comments.

  1. Being manic is very, very productive. At times, when my family is having financial troubles, I have worked as many as 4 jobs at a time, while keeping up with two children and a house.

    And I never get tired!

  2. well I am very happy often..excedingly so..far more thought and concern i can give that noone else can…and this makes me a complete natural at anything i place my mind to..and have a childishness and innocence that is impossible for a normal person even at their most jpyful times..there how’s that?

  3. I find that being manic – I haven’t exactly been “diagnosed” as such, I was told thirty years ago that I was manic depressive however I haven’t been on any medication for more than the first couple of months. I find I get restless and can keep going till all hours at times and still get to work for an 8-hour shift. After about two-three days though as I’m getting older, I just want to sleep for most of a day or two, but I achieve a lot in the those active days.

  4. David, I am sorry but I can find nothing good about being bipolar.Rose being in that high a manic state is not *a good one* David but a very sick woman who obviously isnt on her medications. Any Doctor will tell you that what goes up must come down. In other words a manic episode is always followed by a depression, the higher the manic the lower the depression. Unless Rose is a unapolar instead of a bipolar she is in for a horrible time and yet you said that what she had to say was *a good one*.
    Bipolar is a mental illness and I dont know of any good thing that comes from mental illness.
    I am a creaive person who draws and writes, I have been published, but that is not due to my bipolarness, it is my own creative nature.
    Being manic is a fun thing I agree but it is also a bad thing, because as Katy said she has to spend a day or two in bed after a few days of manic.
    I know that you are trying to do a good thing David but I suggest that you get the aid of a Dr. to assist you. I have never heard of a bipolar that doesnt know that *what goes up must come down*. That is practically the first thing that a doctor will tell you.
    As far as what djl said, I dont know where he gets the idea that bipolars are childish and innocent. You yourself have mentioned how hard it was for you to grow up the child of a bipolar, the yelling and screaming, the anger, there was no innocence or childish behavour from you mom nor is there from most bipolars.
    I know this response isnt what you want but I am writing about reality here.
    I dont expect to see this published in your comments section because it isnt what you are hoping for but what I have written is the truth.
    David, I know you are trying to help but I honestly feel you are hurting people when they write to you and tell of how much fun a manic state is and you tell them that it is good.
    Sincerely, Beverly Thomas

  5. This has got to be a joke, right? There is not a thing good about being bipolar. For a person such as myself, I don’t go through weeks or months of being a “even” person or a “manic” phase. I am a rapid cycler. I can wake up a certain way and be at the other end of the spectrum in a matter of an hour more or less time given. Being bipolar is a crap shoot for me. Either way is just way too difficult. I am taking medication, but it is a new one because the last one gave side affects that were not suppose to happen. Now I am back at square one. In the time I have been off the other medication that was terrific, I have tried to drink myself and medicate my self into death and at the same time I slit my wrist twice on the same arm. Needless to say I ended up in ER. I then was transported to a inpatient “looney bin” for one day convincing the doctor that I was fine. Only to 3 weeks later burn my arm with a cigarette (as a diversion, to get my mind on something else for a moment…that moment was pain), and I do not smoke…I just wanted the thoughts to racing around in my head to stop, to stop the headaches, to stop the misery, to stop, just to stop. The same evening I then proceeded to wander around at 10pm along the road hoping someone would not see me and hit me. You ask what is good about being Bipolar, I say nothing. I am always in a mixed state, sometimes more one than the other…but it is always there haunting me, taunting me. I feel like the writer Virginia Wolff, a very odd person…slowly going mad. I try to go shopping to help my depression, which as we all know will only max out the credit card causing more anxiety and depression. David, there is nothing good about being Bipolar, nothing at all. Not for me. My bipolar disorder dictates my life, not the other way around. Meet Dr. Jekyl/ Mr. Hyde….

  6. i love the hypomanic and the manic of my bipolar, just like i love being a libra. i hate the depressions just like i hate, just like i hate the stigma that can be associated with being bipolar. its a dual world.

  7. wow reading some of the comments can really make you rethink your answers. but you know there are several types of bipolar and i am grateful for my type because my depressions are few. and because my mania is more of me i have learned to control it in a liveable way. my whole family is in family therapy because i know that my bipolar do affects my entire family and that hurts me but that the cards we were dealt and i can say i have a very interesting family and life. i could write a book one day on the things that i have taken myself and my family through. its not fair in some respects but who said life was? the sad part is for me, my children will grow up and move away and live their lives. i will be bipolar forever, on medications forever, forever? right?

  8. well, on a positive note, my bipolar diagnosis that was being untreated helped me to leave my abusive husband. I tried so many times to leave, and then i was diagnosed with bipolar, and I have 2 kids, so it was just time to move on and heal and work on fixing my disorder.

  9. There is nothing good about any illness. However you can’t allow all bad things in life to make you a negative person. Yes I have Bipolar. Yes my teenager has Bipolar. Do I like it? NO. Is it good? NO. Am I going to let it ruin our lives? NO, not just no but HECK NO. A positive outlook I have with my having Bipolar is that I understand more of what my daughter is going through and for that I am thankful for, my Bipolar has given me the understanding I need to help my teenager. I know that if I take my medication that I can function more normal, think on a more even level. Most important I know that in order to help my child I have to help myself. That in order for my teenager to see that having bipolar isn’t a death sentence, I have to show her that she can live a life to her fullest by seeing her Mom live life, after all, actions speak louder than words.

  10. Beverly,
    The truth? You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ASS. Its people like you, with your negative attitude, that makes society treat us the way we do.

    And for the record, I take my medication every day just as prescribed…and yes I do come down, which I wrote every 8 or 9 days (which I believe I did write in my comment). And every 8 or 9 days I sleep.

    And if you would go back and read what I wrote, no where did I indicate that being “manic” is fun, I SAID ITS PRODUCTIVE and it benefits my family when we are broke. If you want to be a shrink, visit another website. But the rest of us are trying to cope with ours and still lead a productive life. Unlike you… who apparently is sulking in your self pity.

    To quote Jack Nicholson: Go sell crazy somewhere else…we’re all full up here”

    NOBODY, especially me is trying to make BP anything great to have.. the only thing I PERSONALLY try to do is make the best out of what life dealt me.

  11. What par to “WHAT’S GOOD ABOUT BIPOLAR?” did some of you not understand. Haven’t you ever heard the ol saying…If you have nothing good to say, then don’t say anything. Some of you are sooooooooo depressing.

    And yes Jacque, our chances for bipolar for life are pretty good. As shitty as it is, we have to deal with it, like it or not.

    We have TWO choices with it, make the best of the hand your dealt, or sulk in your own self pity. The choice is yours.

    Ive made my choice, and IM GOING TO LIVE. Bipolar or not.

  12. To Anita And Rose,

    I really appreciate your attitude. I just love your comments.

    You are a people that take control of the illness and don’t let it control you.

    Here’s one thing no one has said. You can control bipolar. There are other illnesses that are TERMINAL and you can’t control them. My aunt can’t walk. She can’t get around to well without a whole lot of planning. At least with bipolar, you can walk and work in a regular job.

    I understand bipolar is a terrible illness. BUT, you have to start to look for the positive. I have MANY friends that have bipolar and the ones that do well are the most upbeat people around. They look for the positive.

    Rose I like what you said, “make the best out of…” That is so true.

    One of the reason that I started this site was because I was thinking, “how can I make something good out of what has happen to me with my mom?” I thought of starting a site to help others.

    Everyone should try to look for the positive first instead of just focusing on the negative.

    Read any self help book and this is always one of the key components.

    Finally, I don’t know how someone could really say there is nothing good that can come from a mental illness.

    Do you know that nothing is absolute. This is not possible. The obvious good thing that can come is creativity that could build something tremendous, help someone, create something that people in society love, etc. That’s just one thing of many. You know many inventors, business people, leaders, artists, singers have bipolar? Do you know how many great things this small group of people have done for society? A ton.

    Imagine how many people there are in the world that have bipolar doing great things in all areas of life and society. I bet there are tons.

    As you can tell, I am a persont that is REALLY REALLY REALLY big on positive thinking.

    It’s what got me through all the hard times I have faced. And I have faced a TON.

  13. I think that Anita said it all without rambling like the rest of us did….

    “Yes I have Bipolar. Yes my teenager has Bipolar. Do I like it? NO. Is it good? NO. Am I going to let it ruin our lives? NO, not just no but HECK NO.”

    It will ruin you if you allow it.

  14. I’m newly diagnosed BP II, but I’ve been on a variety of meds since 7th grade and I’m now 56. My daughter struggles with BP, anxiety, agoraphobia and depression. I think 2 of my 3 grandkids are BP. All 4 of my siblings have BP to differing degrees.. some in denial… some not. Like Anita and Rose I refuse to feel sorry for myself…. do I like having BP… heck no… nor do I like that I’m a sexual abuse/incest survivor, or that I have debilitating osteoarthritis but I choose to fight it all and LIVE the best I can. My goal is to teach my daughter and grandchildren that we can make our own lives better with personal effort. No it isn’t easy… sometimes it’s pure hell and I want to give up… I’ve been in psychiatric hospitals 3 times…. attempted suicide 4 times and I still refuse to give up…. I keep on fighting. I am NOT super human… I have extreme moments of weakness when I want to give up… when I’m hypomanic I accomplish lots of stuff and I’m “strange” but a good strange and people rather like me and I like me…. I AM a bit “child like”… unafraid to be like a child… not care whether others look at me like I’m weird or not… my grandkids like me and so do a whole lots of people…. I am a trusted person because I am straight out honest… like a child. Yes… I am a bit much to deal with when I’m depressed and I’m blessed to have people who love me enough to stay by my side in spite of it. Thank you David for this site… keep up the good work and don’t be discouraged by the attacks… BP’s get frustrated by simply not being able to be “normal” whatever the heck “normal” is.

  15. My artistic abilities. I am and always have been a very creative person. I have also written a few poems that came from the bottom of my soul, they are very deep and I have made a few people cry while reading them. My ability to read other peoples emotions, I can tell if someone is hurt and I like do something or say something to make that person feel better, I’ve been that way since I was a little girl. I worked as a nursing assistant for a year once and enjoyed every minute of it, I always came home feeling fulfilled.

  16. I have always been a fighter but it has forced me to fight harder, and therefore has made me a stronger person. I always refer to myself as a rock on the outside to the world but inside I am as fragile as glass only you wouldnt know it if you met me. I do not let people see my weaknesses.

  17. David,
    I thought that you might be interested in these two links to a great website that offers a tremendous amount of support to people suffering with mental illness and their families/and or friends.
    I discovered it back in December when I was going through a MAJOR depression. I found it to be a great help to me, I made many friends, I received so much encouragement and support that it was at times overwhelming.

    I think that it would be a great thing for you personally to become a member. Not only can you offer your insight and maybe share your own personal story but you can read countless others personal stories and learn so much.

    You are not reading a book here, you are dealing with real people with real problems and real lives. We are not all the same and inspite of our own difficulties we (the bipolar community on about.com) have managed to offer support to one another.

    Im ashamed to say that I have not been to this website in a while, I was posting like a maniac there at one point but I do not have the time now. My screen name there is angelofdarkness94, maybe you could learn a little about me for instance and what I’ve been through in my life.

    I shared ALOT about myself with these great people. Alot of personal stuff, it felt safe for me and I found it to be extremely therapeutic. Alot of bipolars would disagree with a statement stating that mania is a productive thing.

    Yes, I have done a million things while hypomania, I have become superwoman, well…im always superwoman, just because im not working now doesnt mean that I sit on my a** all day doing nothing. I always have a ton of s**t to do,

    I also have worked full time with hours upon hours of overtime only to come home to a home and 3 kids that i raise alone with no help. I will not get into my family history because I could be here all day but I will say that I have come from He** and back countless times.
    I have never had anything handed to me in life, nothing has ever come easily for me but I never give up, I am determined to live my life and I am determined for my children to have a better quality of life then what I had growing up and so far so good.

    I’m doing a d** good job when it comes to my 3 sons. They are smart, respectful, sweet kids. The greatest kids in the world if you ask me lol.

    Anyhow I got sidetracked there about mania. What I was trying to say is that although I can get a million and one things done, I have damaged countless relationships, I have lost jobs, I have done some extremely impulsive and self destructive things, especially ages 13-15.

    I will not go in depth with what I did but I will say that I am ashamed today for the person that I was back then. At the time I did not care what happened to me, I just wanted to d**. I acted out in more ways then one, I had nobody that cared about what happened to me etc.

    I felt alone in this world, and in reality I was. I have come a long way from that insecure/low self esteem girl. I know that I AM worth something in this world and that I deserve so much more out of life then what I have allowed myself to settle for and I am doing something about it now.

    Check out those websites david, I think that you will really really like them website. I found it to be addictive lol. There are SOOO many members, some that are up and some that are down. It’s just a really great place to be, I need to visit again soon.

    Again my screen name is angelofdarkness94. I picked that when I was in a depression….can ya tell????



  18. Why are people allowed to attack other posters here and then be slapped on the back for it??? Who knows why some people are not so positive on life? How can you judge when you do not know the circumstances in that individuals life? Have you walked in that persons footsteps? Didnt David himself post in a different comment of his that words hurt? So then why david are you slapping people on the back for being cruel to other posters that are voicing their opinions. I did not see anyone attack you in this post, I saw sadness from people that can not find anything good with their illness. Why make them feel worse then they already do? That’s just not right.

  19. If I was cruel to another poster it was very unintentional. I try to choose my words carefully as not to offend anyone. I may attack myself on occasion but I won’t deliberately attack anyone else knowingly.

    I read again what David posted and still didn’t see him attacking anyone. I only saw him praising positive, not praising negative. Same as my therapist does, praise for positive. Same as I do for my teenager, praise for positive. If enough praise for positive is given, the more we start thinking positive in life. We have to be consistent with giving praise, that is children want, and we as adults want to be praised for good things. Sometimes it’s hard to find any positive things in life, but if you look hard enough and you do it everyday and make it a habit, it becomes second nature and soon you begin to see positively. Try it for a month just to see how it works.

  20. Anita, I was not saying that you or David attacked anyone. It was someone else. I was simply stating that it was not right. We are all different and we all handle this illness differently. The people that are negative about their illness probably have reason to feel so. I am not one of them, I am just stating that it’s not right for anyone to judge anyone else for how they feel about their own person feelings on mental illness. How do we know that that person is not struggling with depression right now? How do we know what that person may have been through in their life dealing with this illness? We dont know. I sensed sadness in the posts that were considered negative and I feel for those ladies and we should pray for them not be cruel to them. God loves us all. Judge not lest ye be judged. Again, I was not talking about you I was talking about another poster. Someone that was supposedly positive but yet it was ok to be negatively cruel to another human being that is suffering. Thats not being positive to me, that’s bringing someone else down that is probably already down in the dumps in a dark place or maybe someone that has given up on life. How about some words of encouragement????

  21. To Anita,

    You are VERY perceptive. I would like to interview you for one of my success profiles. Please fill out this form:


    You’ve really said some great things.

    And you are right, I praise the positive. I am not even going to bother with the negative. There’s enough bad things going on. Why not focus on some good things?

    I have found that one has to develop this skill–the skill of looking for the good or looking for solutions.

  22. To Carmen,

    I think you really misinterpret many of the things and points I am trying to make.

    Like I told you the last time, I am on your side and the side of people with mental illnesses.

    I know that some people just don’t want to hear the things that I say. I have many friends for example that lost their job, not from a mental illness but because of a bad economy. They were laid off or fired. They come to me and I say “let’s make a plan.”

    They want to complain. I will listen for some time but then I want to take action on a plan.

    They want to complain. I want to make a plan to help them. They get mad because I won’t go along with their “well you don’t understand it’s not that easy to make a plan so let’s just talk about how bad it is for me.”

    There are a lot of people that will throw they “you just don’t understand what’s it’s like.”

    Maybe I don’t but I sure know how to think of solutions. There are many people that simply don’t want to hear solutions and they get mad at people who want to try to look for them.

    Go back and read some of the posts from some people. There are certain people who I bet manage their bipolar tremendously just based upon their attitude they have.

  23. One last thing and then I have to go.

    I think everyone should invest in or borrow this book:

    The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

    This is an EXCELLENT book. Positive thinking is something that works great and it’s “natural.”

    I hope everyone does get and read it.

    If you change your thinking, you’ll change your life.

  24. I am a positive thinker, if I were not a positive person then why is it that I still have dreams and goals???? I have many dreams and many goals. When I say that I am going to do something I do it. I’m not a talker, nope, that would be my mother. I am even more determined to be successful and to reach my goals BECAUSE of the fact that I was raised by a *talker*. I used to get so mad when she would go around telling people…I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do that….and then never follow through on not one thing that she said that she was going to do for her life and for herself. I was failed all my life and I refuse to fail my children. I will do everything in my power to see to it that my children grow up to be successful young men that are also caring of other peoples feelings. They already do great in school, they get good grades, they are popular among their peers, they are respectful to their teachers, they say please and thank you, they love the lord our god, they play sports and I am there cheering them on, I have the kind of kids that will hold the door open for someone and they have. I dont need to read your books. The books that I have read recently were about borderline personality disorder. I want to learn more about that and about bipolar disorder. I am educating myself as much as possible. I am not going to be a failure to myself or to my children. I do not need to read about positive thinking because I already am positive about my life and where it is going. The book that I read for inspiration and for positive thinking is my Bible. The only reason that I am the strong woman that I am is by the grace of God. He strengthens me and loves me. That is all I need. Maybe your books would be of value to someone else but they are of no value to me. I will check back in with you a few years from now and I guarantee you that I will be married with possibly one more child and a career. If all goes as plan I would like to go to school by next January of 2006 and at least get myself a 2 year associates degree to start with. I have many many many dreams and I will fulfill them all in Gods time. The End.

  25. I believe it is my comment(s) that Carmen is perceiving as cruel, and if they came off that way I do apologize. That was not my intension, to be cruel or to judge anybody.

    Quoting Carmen, “I am not one of them, I am just stating that it’s not right for anyone to judge anyone else for how they feel about their own person feelings on mental illness”

    I don’t believe I have read a more true statement about BP to date. And maybe my comments probably came off aggressive, but I completely disagree with other poster telling me how negative I should live my life because I am BP. I will never judge another BP because of how they choose to deal with their BP or what kind of attitude they chose to have over it.

    But I cannot accept statements that “the truth” is BP has to be the end of your life and that you have to live in complete misery because you have BP.

    In this blog, several times we have been compared to cancer patients. Ask any oncologist the most important factor that decides a cancer patient’s survival rate – it’s a positive attitude and unwillingness to give up. Why should we be any different?

    I agree 100% with David’s post about positive thinking, it is crucial. To BPs, it means the difference between living as close to “normal” as we can or living in misery for as long as we are here. Positive thinking (or lack thereof) will make you or break you.. in any aspect of life. BP is no different.

    Again, I do apologize if I offended anybody. I think that we are all here for support and that is what we need to give one another. HOWEVER, sometimes part of coping is dealing with what you NEED to hear not necessarily what you WANT to hear. That was my only intension.

  26. Carmen,
    I have borderline PD also and my understanding of it is that it is NOT a mental illness per se, but a learned behavior due to trauma in your life (especially as a child). From a child of a bad (to say the least) home myself, it appears (correct me if I am wrong) that the only person you have EVER been able to depend on is YOU, as I have.

    I had terrible parents and like you, strive that much harder to be a great parent to my kids, to always be there for them, raise them to be good, descent people and to make sure that they succeed in life. Keep up the good work, and don’t let a “label” from a shrink bring you down.

    The most important thing I ever learned from my therapist is that when you get to Heaven, God isn’t going to care what you were called on earth, but what you did when you were called! You have the right attitude, don’t let anything change that.

  27. I have had this disorder most of my life, starting in my teens. Just for the record, I have been fortunate to be able to stay employed. When I say that, I truly do mean that I am blessed. There are so many who have this disease that are almost totally incapacitated. Their suffering is very great.

    Let’s deal with some facts, shall we? Bipolar is a progressive mood disorder. It never goes away. People with bipolar have a much higher rate suicide and/or suicide attempts. Some stats. show as many as 1/3.

    Let’s have a real look at what it is. I have not read anything that has defined this disorder properly,

    “Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. It’s a serious illness, one that can lead to risky behavior, damaged relationships and careers, even suicidal tendencies — if it’s not treated.
    Bipolar disorder is characterized by extreme changes in mood (poles) — from mania to depression. Between these mood swings, a person with Bipolar disorder may experience normal moods.
    “Manic” describes an increasingly restless, energetic, talkative, reckless, powerful, euphoric period. Lavish spending sprees or impulsive risky sex can be irresistible. Then, at some point, this high-flying mood can spiral into something darker — irritation, confusion, anger, feeling trapped.
    “Depression” describes the opposite mood — sadness, crying, sense of worthlessness, loss of energy, loss of pleasure, sleep problems.
    But because the pattern of highs and lows varies for each person, bipolar disorder is a complex disease to diagnose. For some people, mania or depression can last for weeks or months, even for years. For other people, bipolar disorder takes the form of frequent and dramatic mood shifts.
    “There’s a whole spectrum of symptoms and mood changes that have been found in bipolar disorder,” says Michael Aronson, MD, a clinical psychiatrist and consultant for WebMD. “It’s not always dramatic mood swings. In fact, some people seem to get along just fine. The manic periods can be very, very productive. They think things are going great.”
    The danger comes, he says, when the mania grows much worse. “The change can be very dramatic, with catastrophic results. People can get involved in reckless behavior, spend a lot of money, there may be sexual promiscuity, sexual risks.”
    The depressed phases can be equally dangerous: A person may have frequent thoughts of suicide”

    I have read this and several other descriptions of this disease and see nothing positive about it. I personally have suffered greatly and it has affected every aspect of my life, from relationships to finances.

    I am happy to report that with therapy and medications that I am doing much better. The only good thing that I can say about this disease is, every day any of us can get out of bed and face the day, we are winners.

    One more thing, consider the links that Carmen has posted. It is a really good and supportive site.

  28. Rose,
    First off let me tell you that you are a very big person. Secondly, You are correct, Borderline is not a mental illness but an emotional illness. A quote from a handout I received in my DBT group: “The core disorder in Borderline Personality Disorder is emotion dysregulation. Emotional dysregulation is viewed as a joint outcome of biological disposition, environmental context, and the transaction between the two during development. The invalidating environment appears to be the crucial developmental circumstance in producing BPD.”
    My second meeting in my DBT group this was read allowed. I was already teary eyed and emotional but when they read out loud the word “invalidated” I bolted out the room in tears. It was an extremely emotional experience to listen to this out loud in a group. But I’m learning alot. I’m sorry to hear that you also deal with this disorder. Good Luck to you rose. You are also a strong person. Thank you sooo much for validating me as a human being when you said that I have the right attitude. Just remember that we are all in this together.

    let me just say thank you sooo much for your last statement to me

  29. Rose,

    I totally agree with you and what you said. Especially about Cancer patients. I saw a special on that, and people who have the will to live do better.

    I also like what you said about not being told what you want to hear rather what you need to hear.

    Many times, I tell people things the need to hear but not what they want to hear. As a result, some get mad at me.

  30. David:
    OK, here’s the problem with positive thinking. It is easier to be positive when you are stabile on meds or when you are manic or hypomanic, but when you are in a deep dark depression that sucks the life out of you how can you be positive then?

    Depression is weakening, lets face it. David doesnt have a clue because he does NOT have bipolar his mother does. It is one thing to have a love done with the disorder but it is another thing to actually suffer from it.

    You have NO clue david what it is like. Why do you think we have to take meds? Because it is BEYOND our control, it is a chemical imbalance.

    I’m sorry but if you talked to me about positive thinking while I was in a depression I would have laughed out loud at you or just thought “what is he kidding me” When I go through a depression it literally sucks the life out of me to the point where I feel like I can not move.

    Bipolar disorder: mania and DEPRESSION. Maybe you need to do more studies on depression David because you havent got a clue whatsoever and you need to go find one. If this sounds like a personal attack then so be it.

    I had a different opinion of you until you started this blog and I saw what you really think.

    I want you to go to the mental ward and tell a suicidal person to “think positive” and it will be “all better” get a clue man.

    If it were soooo easy then why would we need to try a dozen different meds just so that we can function in society and why would

    we have to be hospitalized at times, and why would we need to see a therapist and a psychiatrist if it were sooo easy to just “think positive”.

    It’s one thing to think positive but its another thing to tell someone they are wrong for feeling depressed.

    I mean who exactly are you trying to help here? The people that need it or the people that are already helping themselves?

    If you were trying to help the ones that need it then I think that you would be a little more knowledgeable then you are about the depression aspect of the disorder and the dangerous behaviors associated with mania. Get a clue ok.

    Personally, I think that YOU have bipolar disorder. You can deny it all you want but I’m not buying it buddy. Maybe you are a scam artist, I’m beginning to wonder.

    You’ve got alot of the signs of mania, euphoria, you are a “positive” guy, all of the home businesses you do…..makes me wonder.

    Maybe you should change your blog to “Bipolar Judgement” because I do not see you supporting anyone but the people that pat you on the back.
    Furthermore I think that you are enjoying the drama that you are getting from this blog. Maybe you get off on it, I dunno. I for one will no longer feed into it. Get help David. Seek psychiatric help immediately ok.

  31. I totally understand why people have called you a scammer (no offense).
    But that kind of support/information should be free.
    Why should you be profting off it?
    Your not a psychiatrist.
    Yes i know you are a carer.And you have put up with a lot.
    But you are acting like Bill Gates, when you should be acting like Linus Torvalds.

    Also a lot of us who have bipolar, have used a search engine to gain more information about it.
    And found you.
    What happens if a family really needs information and support and has no money???

    This kind of information should be discussed openly,so ideas and methods can be spread around the world freely,
    to help save lives.

  32. The feeling i like most about being manic is being able to go up to anyone and talk to them.It takes away the shyness,makes u feel overly confident.
    Generally i have social phobia/anxiety.
    Being manic can make you feel like you can do anything. But it also makes you annoyed when no one else is happy. During manic times i’ve read a lot of books,felt the need for lack of sleep,mind had been overactive,felt full on energy and only needing about 2 to 3 hours sleep a night/morning or not sleeping at all.
    And the aftermath the depressive downside is the worst.

    Now that i’m on medication, i’ve been able to focus and concertrate more on tasks without the need to stop and lose interest in what i’m doing.
    and or not being able to focus long enuff to understand it.

    It’s difficult to remember to take medication when i’m depressed.
    I’m not allowed to take anti depressants because they cause Hyper Mania for me.

    About a month and a half ago i had my 1st manic episode.Which wasn’t triggered off by anti depressant medication,as i haven’t been on any in over 6 months.

    I don’t miss mania thou.because i was a rapid cycler.it was hell to be inbetween,and i could feel that i was hurting people and myself.
    as well as my anger was out of control.roughly it would change moods every 10-20mins.it was hard to understand and bare.going from sad to happy to angry to normal to depressed and back again.

  33. Carmen,
    I agree with you on your point that someone (including David) who does not have BP will never know what it is truly like and to be honest with you, I hope he never does. I wouldn’t wish this on anybody.

    I agree with you 100% that someone who is in a depression or suicidal cannot think positive; it is out of their control. Like you said its a chemical imbalance, its not a choice that we live with.

    However, even in a depression I have always been able to find SOMETHING that is positive in my life. If nothing else, it is my children. And I can tell by the way you speak of your boys that you love them very much and are very thankful for them. When you are down in a depression, look into their eyes and it will give you the strength to get back up!

    All you have to do to survive is find ONE thing worth living for, and you have 3! Your boys!

  34. Rose, you never mentioned the fact that you come down and have to sleep every eight or nine days. In fact you wrote that you never ger tired.
    You said:
    (which I believe I did write in my comment). And every 8 or 9 days I sleep. : That is not what you said in your comment.
    As far as I dont know the truth, exactly what truth were you referring to, the truth that what goes up must come down or that David should seek the advice of a doctor when it comes to bipolar. I feel that I was completely honest in what I wrote. I believe that the deep well of darkness that a depression puts you into outweights any benefit you can get from being manic. And if you will reread what I wrote Rose you will see that in no way was I putting you down, it was David that I was questioning. I am bipolar too so why would I put someone else down for being the same thing I am. It wasnt you Rose, it was David and his responce t your comment that I objected too and even then I repeatedly said that I knew he was trying to help. I am sorry if I offended you in any way, that was never my intention. To be honest Rose you sound like me when I am off my medication. I have read every single comment here, and I am not the only person that feels the way I do. Just because I am not in the same mood as you doesnt mean that I wouldnt know the truth if it bit me. I have been bipolar for 50 years and I have survived, I worked and took care of my children, I watched them grow into wonderful men and women of God, and I feel very blessed that I made it in spite of being bipolar, cetainly not because of it. Again, I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else for that matter. Rose, I didnt just sleep for a couple of days after a manic episode, I cawled into bed and stayed there for a week. I was in such a depression sometimes that I couldnt even force myself to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I have tried suicide many times because to me the situation seemed so helpless. And that depression always followed a manic episode so Rose I dont see anything good about being manic. It is good to know that I am not the only one that feels that way.
    Jamie, if you need someone to talk to please email me at oma@wavecable.com. I know what it feels like to be alone, to be shoved from one *looney bin to another* Anyone that is bipolar that needs to talk to another bipolar please feel free to contact me. We should be reaching out to one another, not throwing hurting words like darts at each other.

  35. I am not sure why people think that I think you should think positive when you are in a depressive state and that is a magical solution. This all started by me simply saying that a person should try to think positive. I am not sure how it came around to I said positive thinking is all you need for depression????

    I am not sure why Carmen is talking about me having bipolar disorder. How does that have anything to do with my original post???

  36. David, I know you are trying to help, and I know that you must realize that when someone is in a depressed state there is nothing (short of electric theropy)that is going to ge them out of it. It has to run it’s course. I think we all know that you are only trying to help us but we struggle every day to act as *normal* as we can, and when life is a struggle on a daily basis there is little to find in the illness that is positive. Most of the time we, in general, get along pretty good. We work, we take care of our children, we interact with people, we survive. Mosy of us have great sences of humor, we can carry on an intellegent conversation with the best of normal people. We keep up on the news and definately have an opinion on politics. All of these are positive qualities but none of them are due to being bipolar. The manic and depressive episodes are due to bipolar and it is those mood swings we try to avoid by taking medication or even sometimes by medicating ourselves on alcohal or marijuana. David, I know you are trying to help and I believe you are doing a lot of good but you are dealing with bipolars and there are many different moods that go along with that. So while one person is going to agree with you another will disagree. If you are going to continue with this than you need to get a tougher skin, dealing with us is not an easy job depending on our mood. I hope you are not too discouraged to continue. A chat room might be nice for us, then we could argue with each other (and while arguing know that in a few minutes we will be agreeing with them). Please dont take offence at anything we might say, and keep up the good work.

  37. How right you are about mood changes. Even on medication if a trigger sets me off my mood will change in a split second. I can’t handle stress at all and right now I am dealing with alot of family stress. I’m having to go out of state next week to attend court for shoplifting for my teenage daughter (who is bipolar). Two weeks later I have to go out of state again for another court date for the same daughter. Every time the phone rings my trigger is pulled.

  38. Beverly,

    Thanks for your kind comments. I don’t mind getting beat up on this board for posting various things. I know you and others know I am only trying to help. I obviously don’t make money sitting here any typing all this stuff up. I do it because I really like to help people.

    My mom asked me today why I have this blog since I get attacked so much. I told her that many people write me thanking me for it and to keep it up, so I do.

  39. I take my frustrations out on the keyboard. It’s better to sit here and type than to go out and spend money which is what I really want to do right now. I have ebay blocked through my firewall (I tell myself NOT to unblock it, that would defeat my purpose of blocking it). I don’t have credit cards. My credit is so bad I don’t get pre-approved cards, so I guess that could be a positive? (Laughing here). Better to laugh at myself so I don’t get mad at others that laugh at me. I have a very odd sense of humor at times.

    Carmen, my kids are the only reason I haven’t killed myself with all my suicide attempts. It seems each time I left to kill myself (not telling anyone what I was going to do) one of my kids would follow me out the door to Kiss me and tell me they Loved me…. hearing that always stopped me. The last attempt I did everything to not allow my little one to hug me and kiss me, but she demanded. Thank GOD she was stubborn. Now I know that she is my teenager with bipolar and I have to be there for her, fight for her. I will, because I too am a fighter. NO ONE messes with my children.

  40. You know its amazing that if you go back and read the comments about “whats good” that we have all written, responded to, and even argued over….the same POSITIVE keeps coming up. Our children keep us alive!

    For so many of us, God continues to use our children to make us feel loved and WANT to go on, despite the horrible card of hands that life has dealt each and every one of us.

  41. Hi
    I have been reading all of your posts. I am a borderline bipolar person and do not medicate. So I really do not think I fit the bipolar disorder in any way like the rest of you. I am mostly managable on my own. How ever my oldest son has rapid cycling bipolar disorder. I have seen him be very positvie during the manic phases. He also is very delusional at these times. Yes it is nice to see him so upbeat at these times, but they are so disaterous as most of the time reality is not with him. I see nothing good about bipolar disorder, but that is coming from a parent not a real sufferer. It is difficult to say the least. Wspecially now that he is on his own and does not listen to much I have to offer. I love you all for your posts. How nice to visit and learn.

  42. Sadly i sleep a lot to advoid going out and spending money.

    which is not good,as i’m ready to go out and find a payed job.
    As I’ve been doing volunteer work for past 7 years or so.

    I hate the feeling of not wanting to socialise or even answer the phone at times.
    I force myself to socialise.Both online and offline in reality.

    past few months i’ve been actually paying off a brand new laptop.which has been difficult for me.as i get really impatient.
    If it wasn’t for my partner then i would of taken the laptop off layby and spent the money.
    got about another 6 weeks till it’s fully payed off yay!!!!

  43. I am like some of the others, I sleep alot to keep from doing things I shouldn’t do, like shopping, meeting people I shouldn’t. And I don’t like being this way. But it is a part of Biplor and I have to learn to deal with it.

  44. whats good about it? hey talk about living for instance… lots of things that happened in our life dont happen to other ppl…We gained a life’s worth of experience in a couple of years… yeah its stressful… it hurts ppl… but i find it gives me the passion to go on living…. sane or insane? i dont care just that I am here to stay

  45. you know after my email I would have expected so sort of comment, whether it be good or bad. this is confusing. I thought that is was a place to sound off about “what’s good about bipolar” when in reality most people detest it. My comment was very real and very serious. Are we all so wrapped up in feelings of our own that we can not have room for any other person. Frankly, I am one of those people….my mind feels like mush a lot of the time and it only able to function on tasks that have to be done. so I guess I answered my own question. there will be no comment.

  46. There ARE good things about being bipolar. Sure, they get harder to see when you’re trying to explain to your husband why you started a fight and “ran away from home” two weeks ago, or you’re slicing yourself open trying to relieve the pain inside…but I’ve known a lot of bipolars (lots of hospital stays, you know), and predominantly, they are spectacularly creative and…they see things through unusual eyes. It’s been my experience that bipolars FEEL everything at an incredible depth others never realize. This is a blessing and a curse, of course…we feel the bad with a keeness that can kill us, but we feel joy and good things with an indescribable elation. We are more empathetic to the plights of others, we are more compassionate. I consider bipolar a disease…but it is a disease that has shaped who I am, and most often, I really like that person.
    I still lose my mind a few times a year: I still get suicidal, and manias are devastating to my health (another story all together), but all that craziness gives me a perspective few others have. There is a spirituality to being bipolar. There are doorways open to us alone, if you can hang on long enough to look at yourself calmly and objectively. This “disorder” also seems to allow its bearers a particular naivete…a particularly enduring innocence, for lack of a better word.

    Our minds are NOT broken, they simply feel the world with an intensity we sometimes cannot handle.

  47. There ARE good things about being bipolar. Sure, they get harder to see when you’re trying to explain to your husband why you started a fight and “ran away from home” two weeks ago, or you’re slicing yourself open trying to relieve the pain inside…but I’ve known a lot of bipolars (lots of hospital stays, you know), and predominantly, they are spectacularly creative and…they see things through unusual eyes. It’s been my experience that bipolars FEEL everything at an incredible depth others never realize. This is a blessing and a curse, of course…we feel the bad with a keeness that can kill us, but we feel joy and good things with an indescribable elation. We are more empathetic to the plights of others, we are more compassionate. I consider bipolar a disease…but it is a disease that has shaped who I am, and most often, I really like that person.
    I still lose my mind a few times a year: I still get suicidal, and manias are devastating to my health (another story all together), but all that craziness gives me a perspective few others have. There is a spirituality to being bipolar. There are doorways open to us alone, if you can hang on long enough to look at yourself calmly and objectively. This “disorder” also seems to allow its bearers a particular naivete…a particularly enduring innocence, for lack of a better word.

    Our minds are NOT broken, they simply feel the world with an intensity we sometimes cannot handle.

  48. Well Groovers !!!
    I’m feeling much better since I last posted on Michelle’s blog & it was largely due to my enormous courage,strength,positive thinking & reading all the post’s that you all here have written.
    And I’m in know way attacking anyone but I gotta have a big belly laugh we can be very cranky,stubborn & not at all interested in being positive little Vegimites when we are depressed.

    And if you carnt look into the eyes of your beautiful children & try & be a little bit positive then try again & again & again…

    Binx your on the Money!!!

    I just received in the mail a CD, “How to Meditate Deeper than a Zen Monk” it’s from over your end of the World by a Dude named Bill Harris from Holosync,check it out…

    And if there is anything remotetly good about BP it’s that I’ve come into contact with like minded people who are all as Beautiful as I am.

    “We are Each of us Angels with only one wing & we can Fly only when we embrace each other”

    Some Souls see things as they are & say WHY.
    My Gypsy Soul Dreams things that never where & say WHY NOT…

    BY:Gypsy Soul
    Blessed Be!!!

  49. I don’t think it is a good question to ask, “What’s Good about Bipolar”. I’m a rapid cycler, there is nothing good, mainly because I never know if my emotions are real or if it’s a phase. Am I really enjoying painting this ugly birdhouse? No, I’m manic. Am I really upset about breaking up with the boyfriend who didn’t make time for me or am I just depressed? The better question would be, what is good in your life EVEN THOUGH you are bipolar? Share on my blog bipolarprincess.blogspot

  50. Oh yeah, the good things in my life are that I lost 67lbs in the last year (got off Zyprexa), got a really good job (got fired from the last one for telling my boss that she had no balls while in a manic phase), and on a whim I started selling Avon and I’m planning on making money after I stop buying myself makeup with my profits. 🙂

  51. David,
    You want positive—the positive is that we care more, we love more, and please understand this—it is a REAL LOVE AN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. It has to be. Oh and by the way Love is not just SEX, it is care, touching, hugging, sending a card, writing a poem, you name it.And if all you bipolar people think you are of a creek without a paddle in one sence we are, but WE LEARN and we do not forget, not to say that we will not make another mistake after all we are Human too and that is a HUMAN quality not just bipolar. Most bipolar people are more ARTISTIC—- let it SHINE you can do more than you thought. We are good writers, I have not met one who once realizing they are bipoilar and accepting it, are not totally honest about everything even to the degree of sometimes working against themselves. We do have some good qualities and if you are bipolar and cannot think of anything that you can do you are at a place where you need some help. We all go up and down the ladder, so do others, it just hits us harder, and some peole like to take advantage of that. That is our real test, keep up some defences. Oh and while you are at it all you bipolar people who can do nothing look out your window and listen. See what you cannot see, listen to what you cannot hear and guess what you will find another YOU, and when you do since you know all that you have been through you can help or atleast offer to help them. Helping does not mean you are a Dr. it means that you realize your own idiosyncracies and that you accpt them and see them in some one else who has not hit bottom yet, who maybe you can at least talk to. Talking is a wonderful thing try it and don’t give up cause you think no one is listening, cause they are, they just haven’t figured out how to respond and that is OK. IT IS ALL OK, YOU ARE ALL OK. When myfather knocks my feet out from under me I stay down for a while maybe a day or two cause it hurts me deeply, but when I get up. I get up to help.
    Do you know what yesterday I went to the DR. and I knew that my DR. was not going to like what I was doing—I bought a DONER BRACELET. (My DR. does not like peole donating their bodies to science, I do not know why except maybe working with kadabers in medical school bothered him, but that is how he learned, not from a book.) and here is another quote hebrew”Avrei Kadaber” means I WILL CREATE. He said to me what is that for? I said it is for LIFE. IT IS MY GIFT OF LIFE. GOD GAVE ME A GIFT, I MUST GIVE IT BACK SO THAT SOMEONE ELSE SOMEWHERE WILL LIVE. THAT IS NOTHING ELSE IS WHY WE ARE BIPOLAR AND WE ARE NEEDED. Remember that, if you can remember that you will make it through all those attempts at suicide and will stop cause you don’t want to give someone a body that will not help them.
    “Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything,That’s how the LIGHT gets in” Good Luck to you All and remember that put each and everyone of you here to give something, for some reason, find your reason and give.

  52. Jamie———–Read what you have written,in your writing of saying that nothing good, you are showing that there is good, you are teaching, you are showing someone reading your words your pain, they, we, must all know that pain to know and understand what and who we are and that we can make it. David is trying to teach each and everyone of you to learn from one another. I used to belong to CODA that is CoDependent Anonymous. And this right here is what it was about. Learning from one another, learning from anothers mistake, learning from our own. God never promised YOU A ROSE GARDEN. take what you have and honor it. AH Listen to Me. How many times Jamie did you try to commit suicide? I am 58, I have been trying since I was 13, you name it I have done it. But for some reason God kept me alive, I am supposed to do something and I finally also realized that when I die I go to God not this shell that I have been loaned for a short time. This shell was a gift that goes to life. My soul goes back to where I was so very luckly to have been given life, I will go to help again. be greatful Jamie, how old are you.You have a long way to go. Jamie are you a girl or a boy? You want to help yourself through those times when I say I am hanging on to my chair for life, I really am—when the meds are not working or I am trying to break off something you will often find me sitting and holding on to the arms of my chair digging my fingers into the fabric. Here are some ways to help: gender does not matter—go to an auction buy less than $10.00 worth of goods–some will not be good or atleast not to you some will be. I buy at auctions (OH by the Way with what I do sometimes I am jokingly called a Bag Lady–that is OK) There may be a box of towels, sheets, Christmas junk, I watch it, it doesn’t sell so the auctioneer adds another box of whatsit, and another and another(Now I give you a warning make sure that he says everything in the pile) Then put up your number but let him run his mouth a while first and he will try to get you to pay a high amount but BID $1.00 only one dollar. Now he is going to keep running his mouth to try and get $2.00’s or $5.00’s but no one bid. Guess what you got a whole bunch of junk for $1.00. Now as you go through the boxes, (and my advice is to put everything in a clean plastic garbage bag with a moth ball or 2 in it) look at what you have a table cloth, Hmm! its fabric-heavy linen maybe I don’t need a heavy big white table cloth, but I could use some nice dish towels so take that table cloth home and wash it and dry it and cut it up and sew the edges by hand or with machine and now you have 6-10 beautiful nice dish towels THAT YOU CREATED, then there are all those books–look closely at them, everyone, at every page, you may find a beautiful poem, an old old letter, even a $100.00 bill it has all happened before to someone, And books never ever loose their value. Some one will bargain with you for some of them, who knows you spent one dollar someone may buy 3 of the 25 books that you have for $5.00, now you are $4.00 ahead,Oh by the way if you by chance find a few phone books don’t give them up, they ar eworth their weight in GOLD. Antique Deelers sell telephone books old used ones some very old some just a few years but getting $30-40.00out of one is easy. You will learn to recognize the right ones. keep looking you will find tools for the kitchen, a pot a pan, a nice bowl that someone did not see and guess what it is one of those Jewel Tea collector bowls worth about$30.00, keep going cause you are going to find tools and no mattter who we are or what we do we can always use tools for something somewhere. then there are those old ugly throw rugs and make sure they are the type that are washable, take them home and wash those ugly things in soap and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of bleach you will be amaized, they are pretty and even useful. Comfortable to walk on, do you have a pet? Your best friend sure would like to lay on one of them. These are just a few things . You can spend the whole day at an auction and it will take you all next week to clean everything up and make it into something and if you don’t need it sell it or trade it with someone else. But empty every box cause the best things are often found in the very bottom. You in the past were running from tree to tree now you are in one place thinking about all these things but doing ONE THING and you have a WHOLE WEEKS WORTH h of Doing and Thinking about what to do about this. You are learning–!!!!!!, BUSY YOUR MIND……BUSY YOUR HANDS…..ALWAYS MAKE IT CONSTRUCTIVE……And a very good safe guard against all that shoping that we like to do is only take $10.00 with you, so then you have to bid and bargain to the best of your ability. I GUARANTEE Happiness and Contentment, at the end of the day, at the end of the week. And you may even find a gift in there to give your best friend. I DARE ANY OF YOU TO TRY THIS, THIS WORKS 100% EVERYTIME. I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE THIS AND DARE ANYONE TO TRY IT. IT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY, YOU WILL KEEP BUSY, YOU WILL HAVE SOMETHING, YOU HAVE LEARNED SOMETHING. AND THE LIST GOES ON. But Most IMPORTANT YOU DID IT.

  53. Dear All,
    I’ve read these messages, and have found some useful and some boring. I, too, am BP, and a rapid cycler, every two or three hours at times. I do not see much positive about being bipolar. The best thing is the unending love and support of my wife, without whom my life would not be as good as it is. She has endured much, in dealing with the manias and depressions, the unfettered spending, bad decisions I’ve made for the family, and various other unfair actions against her. I know that she is only human, and do my best to be understanding when she gets frustrated, angry, and despairing. I am blessed to have a good wife, because I am hard to live with at times, just as every BP is.
    Be encouraged, David; I have benefitted from your work, and thank you for your time and dedication.

  54. My son told me that for me being Bipolar that it can be a postive and productive life for me, if I would get on my meds and take them like the doctor has written them for me to take. Aslo, I have a family to love and they in return love me. My son just as of today started learning about my illness and it took him 10 years and all that I have gone through for him to finally what to really find out if is mom is sick and thank God he did. Now with their understanding this type of illness then maybe I will be more postive about being ill.

  55. Patsy McCleary,

    I am a girl your first question answered, secondly my name is spelled JAIME. Thirdly, you talk about God and I am an Atheist. So that says pretty much says a lot about me in a nut shell. To answer your other question of how many times had I tried to commit suicide. It should not matter, trying to commit suicide is not about how many…it is about actually really trying to do it.

  56. So newly diagnosed it’s not on pape yet……i have rapid cycling bipolar to the worse degree, i have yet to find anything positive about it, i may be buying land in the am, buying a house in the pm, moving to the cayman islands and the next day i’m applying locally, i am half way through my masters degree and have decided i don’t want to be a nurse anymore,, but wait an hour or to that will change as well. the man i love and want to be with, well i kicked him out7 x in the last two weeks, he’s had enough and can’t deal with me. i hit highs during the day where i have 5 projects on the go but i don’t even bother starting them because i know i will get half way throu a, skip on to b, nothing will get done, or i’ll have changed my mind completely, ec…..i want to crawl within my sel and stay there for an eternity, i have a son i don’t want to die, i just don’t want to deal with the fast track of societies expectations, actually i can’t deal. my mind doesn’t work that way. i’m scard of my own thoughts constantly, i have anorexia with bulimeic features and am eventually going to die from it. i am tired of never being happy, i am tired of expectations, i am tired of society, i am tired with time, i am overwhelmed with life and i need the wind to stop me so i can just nreathe, who ever would have thought there worst enemy would be there selves and the one thing they couldn’t control would be the contiuosly racing thoughts that take over mind, body and spirirt..if by at this point you have any left. i need help

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