Problems vs. Challenges


I read the most amazing quote the other day: “When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge
to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending
that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait.
Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to
accept our destiny.”
― Paulo Coelho

Isn’t that cool? I like the part about testing our courage and willingness to change. I think they are both great concepts. But especially willingness to change. Because change is inevitable. But we don’t always think that we do have a part in it. Like that we can do it willingly.

But it is inevitable that you will face challenges when you have a loved one with bipolar disorder. That’s just the way it goes.

But that’s the attitude you have to take, by the way – as you approach anything new – that it is a challenge. If you think of it in terms of “problem” instead of “challenge,” you will be doing both you and your loved one a disservice, as that is a negative way to approach it.

Challenges are opportunities to provide solutions and growth. Think of the last challenge that you had. Ask yourself if you handled it in the best way that you could. If the answer is no, then it might be as simple as just changing your perspective.

One thing constantly preached to people with bipolar disorder is to keep a positive attitude. This will help them regulate their moods and become stable. Well, that advice is just as sound for a supporter of a loved one with bipolar disorder.

When anyone reviews their current circumstances in a negative way, they can become overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed out – maybe even depressed. This is true whether you have bipolar disorder or not.

One of the ways that I deal with it is to take only one thing at a time. Otherwise, yes, it can be too overwhelming for me, and that overwhelming feeling can lead to discouragement, and discouragement to a possible depression.

You (as well as your loved one) can adopt a positive attitude just as easily and, hopefully,
avoid stress for you and episodes for them.

One day at a time – that’s the key. Another key is to think positively. Some people who are spiritual find comfort in the expression, “Nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.”

Knowing that God is still in charge is a comfort to them, and they don’t feel alone in their attempts to get rid of their obstacles.

Still, an optimistic attitude can go far in keeping you positive and giving you the right attitude
to solve your problems (i.e., overcome your challenges).

First of all, you must believe that the challenge can be overcome. Then you need to believe that you CAN overcome it. Sometimes it’s just a matter of letting it “stew” for a while until a solution presents itself.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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