Is Your Loved One With Bipolar Trying?


You’ve heard the expression, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again,” right? Most people have. It means to not give up after the first time you try something and fail at it.

Sometimes we don’t get what we want out of life. Or sometimes we don’t get it the first time
we try for it. Sometimes it’s because we need to wait for it. Sometimes it’s because we need to try harder. Sometimes it’s because we need to try a different way to get it.

Sometimes it’s because we need to change our approach. Sometimes it’s because we need to change ourselves. Sometimes it’s because we need to change our outlook. Sometimes it’s because we weren’t realistic to start with. And sometimes it’s because it just wasn’t meant
to be.

There are times when you just have to compromise. No matter how hard you wanted something to begin with, you may have to compromise and settle for something less.

In science and in math, the saying goes that the shortest distance between two points is a straight
line. But sometimes you can’t just go from point A to point B directly.

Just like when I go hiking, sometimes the path meanders and takes you around curves and bends
that you didn’t expect in the beginning of your journey.

So what does this have to do with bipolar disorder, you’re probably asking yourself by now, wondering if I’ve meandered off the path myself (LOL)?

I’ll tell you…It has to do with your loved one trying and failing. That’s right. What do you do when you see that your loved one is trying as hard as they can to cope with their bipolar disorder, but they still keep having problems with it, like getting depressed?

Well, first of all, you have to remember that you can’t change your loved one or make them do anything they don’t want to do. No, you can’t change your loved one. But you can help them change how they cope with their bipolar disorder.

How? Well, first of all, being a good supporter means being a good example. So you first have to show them that you cope with your own problems well, which hopefully you do.

And, hopefully, that you handle stress well, as that can be one of your loved one’s triggers to a
bipolar episode. So if they can learn from you how to handle stress, it will help them to avoid it.
And of course, you need to be loving and supportive, that goes without saying.

The way to do that is to act as you would with any other friend. In other words, be your loved one’s best friend. Be kind, be a good listener, be there for them if/when they need you, and don’t be judgmental.

They need you. They may act like they don’t need you, but they do. Just being there for them is very important. Don’t dismiss this.

They do need to keep trying, though, no matter how hard it is, no matter how many times they fail. So you need to continually offer encouragement to your loved one.

Reminding them that bipolar disorder is NOT a death sentence and that although there is no
cure, there is treatment and hope for recovery (stability) might help.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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