Important Update About My Bipolar Blog


How’s it going?

Yesterday I took my mom out to brunch (which is something
they have between breakfast and lunch for our international

Unfortunately yesterday I was really annoyed.


Before I tell you why, make sure you
download this document (I will talk more
about it later on):

Well it wasn’t because it was Mothers Day. I was
telling my mom that there are a few people
that are getting totally out of control.

My mom asked “why?” I said I don’t know.
Maybe it’s because it’s a full moon.

Oddly, I have spoken to several friends in
several different areas–one works at Staples
an office store. Others are teachers. One is
a social worker. One is a sales person.

I swear, all of them have had hard weeks
dealing with nightmare customers, students
and as one said, “crazy people.”

My friend who is a teacher said that in
one day at her school–food fights broke
out, 20 teachers called out sick, there were
regular fights, students painted stuff on
a tree and other very strange things.

Anyway, I was telling my mom that I think
that it’s maybe like a cycle and it will
go away. Also I told her how it’s a super
small percentage but that percentage
creates major problems.

I was telling her how virtually no one
in society wants to deal with people like
this. I am talking about the worst of the
worst. There is one person that actually
called me on my cell phone and does so
repeatedly and is seriously one of the
worst people I have ever had to deal with.

She said, “yea I don’t either. I can’t
believe how much you put up with.” Then
my mom explained how she never ever goes to
support groups and it’s because she went to
one and one person their was really ill and
yelling made her afraid.

I told her, “mom, that’s why I never wanted
this to evolve into other groups online where
you see almost total lawlessness–anarchy.”

She agreed. I told her how people had been
posting terrible things on the blog but I wasn’t
sure what to do.

She recommended that I shut it down for now.
I said, “well I don’t want to do that.” She
said that I should. She said that my own
health is not worth the blog.

I said good point. So then we just had a normal
Mother’s day.

I then called several people who work for me
and told them the problem. One said, “yea that’s
why I avoid support groups like the plague. Your
stuff is so positive, it’s too bad a few people
are going to ruin it.” The person I was talking
to started subscribing years ago and was not
doing well and now is totally high functioning.

This person said that they too went to a bipolar
support group and had the same problem.

I am not trying to beat up on bipolar support
groups. I volunteer at 3 of them and have been doing
so longer than I have been doing this online. I still
do it. But the reality is the reality. Many times
the groups turn super negative. I have seen it
time and time again along with many other people
I know in this field.

So yesterday my mom and others universally agreed
that I should stop allowing the posting of new
comments until a new system is developed to deal
with that small percentage of people who are
posting horrible things.

So yesterday at about 4:00pm Eastern Time, I
asked Andrea for the process to do this and it
was done.

So for now, no more posting comments until a new
system is made on how to deal with it.

Michele Soloway is coming back today along with
a number of other folks that work for me.

We are going to be brainstorming possibilities.

-We may have moderated comments (which means
someone has to approve comments to the blog).
I can’t afford to pay someone to read blog comments
all day so it would have to be a volunteer position.
If you are interested email me at feedbacktodave@mental

-We may never have comments again.

-We might have to have comments tracked by ip
address and then attempt to report people who
make all kinds of threats to various police
departments around the world. Again, this would
require one person handling this and I can’t afford
to pay someone.

-Michele has other ideas well.

I was kind of sad. I was thinking in my head about
the expression, “A few bad apples spoil the bunch.”

It personally makes me mad that a few people, some
of which I know and absolutely know they should be taking
their medication make all kinds of threats and cause
all kinds of problems.

Then I got to thinking why so many mental health organizations
just shut the door. People like this are one reason. I got
to thinking why police don’t want to deal with those with
a mental illness. People like this are one reason. I got
to thinking why people at the hospital don’t want to
deal with people like this. I got to thinking how so
many people in society no matter how good they are,
do NOT and I repeat do NOT want to deal with a person
who has a major disorder like bipolar disorder and
is not undergoing proper treatment.

As one police man put it, “I’ll do anything to not have
to take those calls.” Those calls meaning a call with
someone who is an a major episode and has bipolar disorder.

In my courses/systems below:




I talk about comprehensive systems to not only get
a loved one into treatment, but help the loved
one understand they need treatment.

Getting treatment is just one thing that needs
to be done in a long list of things.

If you or your loved one aren’t doing well with
bipolar disorder, I would urge you to take
action and do something positive. Either spend
a concentrated amount of time for a long time
to learn what I learned or get my material.

My material isn’t a cost, it’s an investment.
I know people will say, “oh Dave, of course you’re
going to say that.” I am telling the truth.

It’s like anything if you want to master it,
you have to get knowledge. You either learn on
your own or you make an investment in books, manuals,
guides, seminars, college courses, etc. It’s shocking
to me how people don’t understand this in the mental
health field.

There are people I have talked to that will think
that buying a bigger car, taking a vacation,
buying new clothes is more important than investing
in themselves or information for their loved one
or a doctor or a therapist.

I use to get into arguments with my dad about my
mom’s therapist. My dad called it “expensive.”
I would tell him a million and one times that it’s
not a cost it’s an investment. He would be like, “that’s
easy for you to say.” Then at one point my mom stopped
going and guess what happen? My mom went into an episode
and if you took the small cost of her therapist it was
LESS THAN and I repeat LESS THAN the cost of being
a bipolar episode for 2 weeks.

If you know anything about bipolar disorder episodes,
things happen so fast and tremendous damage can be done
over night.

Tomorrow I am going to be addresses a comment
I got from a women who basically says that my emails
have spelling errors (which I doubt since I do run
spell check), grammar errors (which is absolutely true)
and typos (which true as well) and that I basically
disrespecting my mom because I post in this women’s
opinion negative things about my mom.

If you have been on my list, you know exactly what
I am going to say tomorrow about all of this. Because
you know others have said this in the past and you’ll
know how I am going to respond.

Also, I work really hard at this. It’s obvious that
I don’t run this through editors before I send it
out? Well let’s think about it. If I write it every
morning and have no more than 1 hour, how could I
get it to an editor I sent it out? The answer is,
I couldn’t.

I hope you can appreciate the fact I do this every
day and it takes time. I can’t spend more time
getting it to an editor, putting pressure on an
editor to get it back to me and then sending it.

The bottom line is that lots of people like this
entire concept. Positive people like my daily
emails. Negative people hate them and me.

I want to end on a positive note.

Take a look at the positive things people
are saying:

I am reminding people about this document again
because I received a number of emails from people
that said something like, “Dave I saw that blog
post. That person sounds like my wife. I don’t
want to be negative but I think my wife will
ever be right. She’ll never do well like
your mom. My wife will be like that crazy lady
who posted that comment on your blog.”

When I read that, it made me sad. I was sad
because people look at these people who post
insane things and then think there is no
hope for either themselves or their loved

I want to motivate and inspire you to believe
this is TOTALLY NOT TRUE. You or your loved one
with bipolar disorder can do well. Period.

I have over 220,000 people who have signed
up to my list. Many have graduated. They started
off either with themselves or their loved one’s
in terrible shape. Now they are doing great.

I have over I think 7000 success stories or testimonials
which you can see 5000 here:

Do NOT be discouraged with what a few bad apples so
to speak write.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted something
to me.

Catch you tomorrow.

Your Friend,


===>> Great Resources For You <=== Get Your Own Subscription To This Newsletter
Want your own copy of these daily bipolar
emails sent to you for F.ree? If so, visit:

Get More Help On Bipolar Disorder
Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each
one is designed to help you with a different
area of bipolar disorder whether you have it or
you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

View Past Daily Bipolar Emails For F.REE
Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

Get Audio Information On Bipolar Disorder For F.REE
Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

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