How to ask for help and do I like getting yelled at?

Someone asked me why I do all this. I really like to. I like helping people. Another person
called me today and asked me if I like getting yelled at and insulted. I told this person
that for everyone complaint, I get around 100 testimonials. I think I have only had 25
really mean emails sent. Maybe 26. Many people write one thing one day and then
write back and say they are sorry.

It takes a big person to say sorry. That makes me feel good.

I do however get a lot of emails. Some are a waste.

They are a waste of time for both the people
sending them and for me when I read them.For example, I got one that
said “My husband is driving me crazy. I can’ttake it. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!”

Or another one I got:”My job is making me sick. Help me.”

Here is my problem with these. I understand the genuine distress
behind them, and I sympathize with their pain, but there is nothing
I can do with that kind of “non-information.” If I wanted to help, you
know how much more info I would need to help!I really wish people
would be serious about asking for help.

I am a huge believer in asking for help. It’s the main reason that I
was able to helpmy mom. When she was sick, I asked everyone
for help. I had SPECIFIC questions.I asked the money people specific,
money-related questions. I asked thedoctors specific questions.
I asked the therapists specific questions.

I didn’t say”My life stinks, my mom is sick, help.” When asking questions,
ask specific questions. Don’t just make vague statements and attach the
word help and expect to get it.

I got another email from someone today saying my grammar is terrible and so is my
spellling. I don’t think my spelling is bad thanks for Microsoft. As for my grammar, who

I am really confident that people understand what I am writing. And when it counts, I get
everything edited. I don’t have things like my blog edited.

  1. David I sent a large blog of information that I think was lost. Or I cannot find it and my internet is very low right now. I did get bumped off after I sent the long one with the other 2 comments that I made to try and get through. It may be my internet company neglect again. Please try and find the large one it had some quotes in it and told about how good you were at the way you were handeling things.

  2. David, Thank you for your information about Bipolar disorder. I have found your mini-course and newsletters very helpful and informative. As for those who say you are a scammer – tell me one person on the internet who isn’t trying to make a buck – myself included if I could. Don’t worry about them, God helps those who help themselves. There are a lot of people out there expecting others to do their work for them because they can’t get off their backsides and do some work, even an hour or two.

  3. David, you’re doing a fantastic job. As far as your spelling and grammar, no one is God and no one is perfect. The most used key on my keyboard is my backspace.

  4. To Patsy Mccleary,

    Hi, I can’t find your post. I think you might have to retype it. I have a lost a number of things myself. I now, always save my message frequently so if I do, I don’t have to start from scratch. I am sorry about this.

  5. first what is a blog? second, thank you for everything you do. i couldnt put all that energy into something like this. three can you let me know how my blog looks, im not sure i know what im doing and i have a question for you there.

  6. okay nevermind i guess ill ask here what happened with your mother as she got older. i am bipolar and i worry about my mental stability especially as i get older and with the medications that i have to take.

  7. Hi David,
    Can you comment on Bi-Polar Disorder and Alcohol abuse? I am dealing with this currently with my wife and it is causing big problems.

    Thank You, Mike

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