Free Book Reminder, 10 tips to goal setting with bipolar

=>PLEASE FORWARD TO FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LOVED ONES <= Hi, Hey, what’s new? I wanted to remind you to get my new
book you can get for f.ree titled:

An Overview of Mental Disorders

To get it, please visit:

Also feel free to forward it to friends
and family members.

Can you believe someone complained
about me giving away my book?

I got a random phone call (no idea
how this person got my number), and
he said that my book ruined his printer
and that he couldn’t believe that I put
a book online that was so many pages.

Amazing. And he was a bipolar supporter
according to his rambling message.
That’s really annoying.

Okay, I wanted to resend the email from
the other day that I messaged up with.

It was on goal setting and here it is…

Let me ask you a question:

What’s the difference between a dream
and a goal?

Goal setting usually involves writing down
your goals, and breaking them down into
long term goals and short term goals, and
then working toward them.

However, goal setting is more than just
scribbling some ideas down on a piece of
Paper. Goals need to be complete and
focused, much like a road map.

In my courses/systems, I go over
specifically how to set goals, but I’ll
give you some suggestions here.




1.Make sure your goals are things you really
want, and not just something that sounds

2.One goal can’t contradict any of your
other goals.

3.Develop goals that will enrich all areas
of your life.

4.Write positive goals.

5.Write out your goals in complete

6. Make sure your goals are realistic

7.Make sure your goals are high

8.Review your goals often to remind
yourself of them.

9.Make sure you set both long term
goals and short term goals.

10.Break down your long term goals
into shorter, attainable short term

If you follow these 10 simple, but
attainable suggestions, you will
find success in meeting your goals.

Your dreams will be your dreams no
matter what. And those, you don’t
have to write down.

Never give up your dreams, and
someday, they will be yours.

Okay that was the message I was suppose
to send the other day. As you may have heard
in another message. I messed up the message
and actually sent half of another message that
I sent before the New Year. Again sorry.

Well I am going to take off and head to the gym.
I think I might actually go to the movies tonight.
I am not sure. I have tons of work to do today

I’ll catch you tomorrow.

Have a great day.

Your Friend,


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  1. does making a goal come from a need? do we define the need to decide a goal-is it ok to wait sometimes, to not stop unfinished.?

  2. Is it really an unselfish act to do something for ourselves, or isnt it selfish in the wanting to…what if we dont care to have or not.

  3. Dave, I try and write a simlpe to do list and if I can do just ONE thing on that list on a day that I am depressed it’s rewarding. It often helps me push myself to try and do another one.


  4. I am not bipolar. I have major Severe Depression. A relative told me to review your website. I am confused…What is this about a $500 book? Obviously, there is no such thing as ‘free advice.’ What can I get from your website?

  5. Dave,
    Thank you for the book that you has send to me.It is a great research in the field of mental desease.I didn’t get to print it, but I get to save it, and I will use as reference material.In relation the dreams and objectives, I think that objectives are more real and possible and that they should be written and repeated.They have relations with our values.The dreams can exist and some times could happen.Lilian P.

  6. Thanks for the free book, Dave. I managed to download and save it after the second attempt. It looks fascinating and I will keep it for reference.

  7. When I was 12, I got a chance to go on the floor of the Republican National Convention and – was hooked! The glamour, the excitement, the “closeness” to power and great ideas, overwhelmed me. I KNEW I wanted to “belong” in politics. But – not as a politician, but the “power behind the throne.”

    I started Teenage Republicans in high school, but they didn’t make me president; I had to settle for secretary (that was pre-feminist, remember). Then, I was VP of college Young Republicans, all the while, volunteering in my Senator’s office, working for his private secretary.

    It was 3 years later that I approached his Legal Assistant, told him I heard his secretary was resigning, and offering my “services.” He took a long look at me, and said, “Manna from Heaven.” I will NEVER forget that.

    I spent a loooong weekend waiting to hear if I had been hired, but that Monday, he called and said the job was MINE. My “goal,” “dream,” or whatever you want to call it, had been achieved, through hard work and focus, at the age of 20! I quit school and went to work.

    Not two weeks later, I had my first “nervous breakdown.” I was saddled with the word, “mentally ill,” and could NEVER work in “that town again.” My ONLY goal had been shattered…

    What did I learn from this painful experience? That when one goal is taken away from you, you make ANOTHER one. Knowing that “stress” triggered a manic episode, I knew I couldn’t work in a high-pressure job again. I subsequently worked, no longer than 3 years in ANY job, for law firms, doctor’s offices, medical records, real estate agent – anything. But NONE of them became “goals.” Just a way to “get by.”

    Near the end of last year, I did develop an idea of a NEW goal – teach “Computer 101” to novices and computerphobes. I even discussed it with Dave. But my physical health has hit me again. I have a NEW worry, and I have to take better care of myself, at least until I find out WHAT is wrong with me.

    The lesson? Make small goals, like Dave counsels, until you’re able to make the larger ones more manageable. Now – I have to live day-by-day, actually one day at a time, until good health returns. It’s hard for me, who used to be sooo ambitious, but I HAVE to slow down and get well.

    Seems like when I’m starting to feel better emotionally, and set goals, something knocks me down. What do I do? Pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again. And THAT’S what YOU have to do to remain stable.

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. I’m glad to report that Susan is doing MUCH better. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. May God hold you in the Palm of His Hand, and give you peace.

  8. Hi David:

    Just wanted to say thank you very very much for the ebook. I am going to be very busy reading this one because it covers more territory than I expected. You certainly give us the best. Thanks again!

    Helen McGinnis

  9. Hi Dave, I just finished the book. I now know why my mom quit talking to me after I told her I was sick. She is my mom I have to love her. Karma is what it is and the wine wont cure the guilt which will consum her. Now goals, my recently changed I wanted to finish three classes at the college here, I am enrolled in las positas already and the transfer hassel was annoying. With that said summer school starts in June( this is a voc rehab hurrdle) I will take two classes tues, thurs nights plus I want to start learning spanish that class is mon, tues,weds, thurs mornings. Then in fall finish the last two classes, get the cert. and go into direct job placement. I have allready stared spanish, I bought the software. I have to be as marketable as I can be since my arms only partial functioning, Plus if the ulnar nerves get trapped again, the repositioning of that nerve and the shaving the funny bone, well- IT HURT! carpal did not really hurt – the 6 elbow procedures were very painfull. I am not understanding why I just cant work now. I love school- I can do both. When I am working I stay on track, I feel better. I have been interviewing- no luck, I know I will have to take a pay cut, I can get back up there again I need a job. Wow I am tired I better take advantage of the feeling. Thanks Dave, Karen

  10. David,

    Is it really fair to ask bipolar people to set goals toward fulfilling dreams? I don’t even know who I’m going to be when I wake up in the morning, how could I set goals?

    Please tell me how a person with severe bipolar disorder sets goals and has dreams. For the past 15 years my life has been taking one day at a time, slowly trying to function and stay out of the hospital. My medications control my life. I’m lost. What could a goal be for someone like me?
    Dana Karson

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