Don’t Let Bipolar Disorder Do This To Your Christmas


I hope you’re doing well today.

I had trouble sleep so I figured that I would write the daily email super early. It’s 3:15am now.

Christmas is coming soon, and I wanted to tell you this story about a couple I know:

I know of a couple who let bipolar disorder actually steal their Christmas last year!

It’s true!

They are married, and both of them have bipolar disorder.

And the holidays were so overwhelming to them, the shopping, the crowded roads and stores, the “crazy” people…

(You know how everyone gets a little “crazy” around Christmas time)

Well, they were so overwhelmed that it made them anxious and stressful…

Which made them both very depressed.

So they just cancelled Christmas!

They didn’t put up a Christmas tree.

They didn’t put up any Christmas decorations, no stockings, no carols sung by a fire, no candles, no lights up outside, no anything.

And no presents.

They didn’t even go to the traditional Christmas dinner at their family’s house.

They just sat home and watched TV on Christmas.

Like it was just another day.

They were so depressed that they both almost went into bipolar depressive episodes!

They told me it was one of the most miserable times of their lives.

In fact, they know I write these emails, and they wanted me to warn you:


Like it stole theirs last year.

In my courses/systems I talk about how certain situations can be more stressful than others:




But this year, for this couple, you wouldn’t believe the difference!

They told me that they weren’t going to ever let bipolar disorder steal their Christmas ever again.

This year, Christmas is back, with ALL the trimmings!

They said their house looks like a Christmas wonderland, even though it’s only for the two of them (their kids are all grown).

And they made plans for the “overwhelming” part of Christmas in advance this year – they did their Christmas shopping early, sent money instead of presents to their children and nieces and nephews, and bought presents for only each other!

As far as the stress of visiting relatives for Christmas dinner, they are ready for it.

They have decided to only stay for as short a time as possible, and everyone else will have to understand.

They are not going to be pressured into being a part of all the festivities just because everyone else expects them to – not if it means that it affects their bipolar disorder.

What about you?

Has this happened to you?

You’re not going to let your bipolar disorder steal your Christmas this year, are you?

I remember many a Christmas was stolen through the years for me. You have to work hard to make sure this doesn’t happen. Start TODAY.

I actually think I am going to try to go back to sleep. But, before I go, I wanted to ask if you have any stories of BP stealing your Christmas OR you making sure it didn’t.


David Oliver is the author of the shocking guide “Bipolar Disorder—The REAL Silent Killer.” Click Here to get FREE Information sent via email on how and why bipolar disorder kills.

  1. Just wanted to say that you do not have to have bi-po to get depressed or experience SAD or SADD, depending on the Psych doing the eval. It is a proven fact that the less time of Sunshine with the shorter days of Winter does cause a lot of depression. And a lot of people, who are “normal” the rest of the year experience what I like to call the “Hibernation Effect” and would like to stay in bed all the time just as all the other animals that hibernate in the winter. I do agree that winter seems to be very difficult for people with Bi-po to get through too, meds and therapy or not!

  2. Hi, Dave. I hope you got back to sleep. I’ve been up all night.

    I have been doing very well for a long time, but there are a couple of things that are going on. First, my mother died on Friday, Dec. 12. I was doing fine at first , but now am having a “delayed reaction”, I think.
    All I want to do is sleep all day, stay up all night, and i want to isolate myself from everyone.

    The holidays have always been hard for me, since childhood. The only time when they were good was when my children were little, and I enjoyed decorating the house, wrapping all their presents, going to their Christmas choir and band concerts at school… But since they’ve gone to college and left the house, I don’t get excited about Christmas. I ignore Thanksgiving altogether. I do like to pick up little gifts for my family and friends, but I don’t like to go to family dinners or even spend time with my boyfriend, who is my supporter.

    One of my sons wants to come home for Christmas, but we’ve had some problems this year, and with my Mom dying, I don’t want to chance another unpleasant encounter. I think he just wants to borrow my car and visit his friends, anyway. I’m a little confused.. I’m not sure what to say. I don’t want to cause any problems, but I really don’t want anyone here over the holidays.

    So, I guess a combination of bipolar and losing my mother have “stolen” my Christmas this year. I want nothing to do with the holiday whatsoever.

  3. Hi Dave:
    Last year BP stole my Christmas, I had no money–but I have tons of decorations and I didn’t even decorate. That couple wasn’t the only one sitting around watching TV last year.

    This year because of a change of medication; I am full of the Christmas spirit. I am able to buy Christmas presents for my family–did it all on line, avoiding the annoying crowds, and having to park a mile away from the store. I haven’t put up any decorations,because I am celebrating at my family’s. But when I come home I’m decorating for a New Years Eve Party. I will invite friends from work, and other friends. I plan on making appetizers and having a potluck. It’s a wonderful time of the year. time for resolutions, even short term ones about your bipolar. One of my resolutions this year is to tell my boyfriend I have Bipolar Disorder and hand him Dave’s pamplet. We are getting more serious and it’s time he knew, We have dated for over a year, and I haven’t had an episode for 2 years. That’s because whenever I notice a slight mood change that lingers or my family notices–I head off to my doctor. So no episodes for me. I’m on Abilify, Cymbalta, and Lithium (small amount.) This “cocktail seems to work great for me.
    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all those who are celebrating it and those who feel they just can’t.

  4. “They are not going to be pressured into
    being a part of all the festivities just because
    everyone else expects them to – not if it means
    that it affects their bipolar disorder.”

    I’m going through this now. I’m expected to be there when they don’t contact me all year. They EXPECT. They don’t invite. So, I don’t really see the point in getting all bipolar about it or going just to satisfy a select few. It is ruining it for me and I’d rather not go and just see the people who give a rats ass which is what I do every year. THAT is what can be expected of me. I’ll go where I’m wanted and that’s the end of it.

    Sorry, trying not to let this get to me but you know how it goes.

  5. MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS!! Although my “stressors” are “starting” to get me “down,” I don’t understand WHY I am so cheerful and upbeat. I have a total of $4,000 to live on (besides the Disability check that comes every month); have NOT rented the room; haven’t closed on the refinancing; and have NEVER felt this POOR EVER!

    In the past, my adopted Mom would bail me out of financial difficulties, and I had the rents from the apartment house to fall back on. Now – I spend more every month than I take in – that’s what the $4,000 is for. But even THAT is dwindling by the day. My shrink has even suggested bankruptcy as a solution! Right now, I don’t feel THAT is the way to go. If I can hold on for 1 more year, I can get a reverse mortgage, and be free and clear. It’s this next year I have to keep my chin up financially. I have cut up all my credit cards, and only use my bank card for groceries.

    But – good news! I have a new boyfriend who, I think, is a WINNER! Plus, the Christmas Spirit has bitten me on the ass, and all I want to do is CELEBRATE!! Listening to Christmas music on the radio; decorating my little “Charlie Brown” tree; going to my other boyfriend’s Mom’s house for a family Christmas – all these make me VERY merry!!

    To think about it – I can’t recall when my Christmas has ever been “stolen” by my bipolar – except for the year I was in the State Hospital. But, even then, my Mom and family came and celebrated with me! Sure – there have been “blue Christmases,” but nothing significant. And – I plan to have a very Merry Christmas this year!

    BIG HUGS to all bipolar survivors and those who love us. May God bless you real good. And may EVERYONE “try” and have a BLESSED and MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!!

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