Bipolar Warning-Do you know this?

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How’s it going?

What a day yesterday was. I had a ton
of things to do. I actually had to volunteer
last night at a bipolar disorder support
group. I drove all the way there through
the snow and the meeting was cancelled.

Sometimes I really scratch my head at
these groups in the mental health

Anyway, I have to volunteer again tonight.
Hopefully I won’t waste 1.5 hours driving
there for nothing.

I actually have to take off pretty
quick today so I am going to have
to make this short.

Oh that’s right. If you need to
lose weight and have bipolar
disorder tomorrow (9:00am EST) I am
launching a new program. I am taking 50

Read about it here:

Okay, I wanted to write you an important
email today about the following.
Before I tell you, I want to see
if you can guess.

I am going to give you a hint.
There was an old commercial that

“It’s 9:00pm, do you know where
your children are?”

This use to come on TV at about 9:00pm
and basically it was designed to prompt
parents to say, “Hey, where the heck
are my kids?” and then get them
to look for them if they weren’t

As a total side note: I use to hear
this when I was a kid. My best friend
Frank would always be in his house and
SCREAM to his mom,
“MOM I AM RIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!” over
and over again and laughing.

His mom would get so mad. She would be
like “shut up, I know where you are.”


Okay, on to the lesson.

Today I am going to ask you
if you know where your XXXXX

What’s XXXXX?

I want you to guess what XXXXX is
and then scroll down for the

Take a guess than scroll…

Keep scrolling….

Keep going on LOL………….

You’re almost there :)……………

The answer is, your doctor and/therapist are
going to be during the holidays. This is REALLY

Right after you read this, everyone should
call the doctor/therapist and see what their
holiday schedule is. Where are they
going to be BEFORE, DURING and AFTER

Also, don’t forget about New Years.

I don’t know why, but THREE years in a
row, we had a super difficult time getting
a hold of the doctor and therapist during
Christmas. My mom has started to go into
a bipolar disorder episode THREE years in
a row during the period between Christmas
and New Years. (Not this year SO FAR but
it looks good).

Each time we scrambled to get a hold of
the doctor and therapist. 3 years ago it
was a TOTAL nightmare. That’s when my
mom went into “the mother of all bipolar
disorder episodes.” 2 years ago it
was a nightmare when I was totally
caught off guard.

Last year it ALMOST turned into a total
nightmare but I didn’t some advanced things
to get a hold of the doctor. I learned from
years prior and I was ready. I was able
to get her doctor but I could never
reach the therapist however.

My mom needed an URGENT change to her
bipolar medication last year. I mean URGENT.

This year my mom is doing great but
we have a complete plan in place
that’s been updated in my courses/systems




I am ready this year.

Heed this warning. Make sure you know what
is going on. Many doctors/therapist take off.
Bipolar disorder knows this and it strikes
when the defense systems are down so
to speak.

It’s funny to me how bipolar disorder is like
a cunning person. It waits around and strikes
when you least expect it. I know that some
people think I am totally out of my mind when
I talk about “bipolar disorder” as a person
or thing but I know you get it.

Anyway, call right away and make sure if they
aren’t’ t going to be around you find out
who are the backups.

If you hear, “oh, I won’t be around, don’t worry
about it, someone will be here.” Push to find
out who and get all the numbers. Don’t
let anyone blow you off.

Okay I have to run. Catch you tomorrow for
the bipolar news. Also don’t forget if you
have bipolar disorder and need to lose weight,
I have a new program that I talked about

Oh one more thing, make sure you have enough
bipolar medication because most pharmacies
will be closed.

Don’t wait, call right now and find out.

Hey catch you tomorrow. Oh, tomorrow I will
be sending out the Bipolar Disorder weekly news
probably later around 3:00pm EST instead of in
the morning.

Your Friend,


P.S. Don’t forget to take a look through the
different programs I’ve put together… each one is designed
to help you with a different area of bipolar disorder whether
you have it or you are supporting someone with it.
You can see them all and get the details by visiting:

P.P.S. Check out my F.ree blog with copies of emails
that I have sent in the past and lots of great
information for you:

P.P.P.S Check out my F.ree podcast. Hear me give
mini seminars designed to teach you information
you can’t learn anywhere else.

  1. The doctor I have now is really good…. if he is not around to help then he has another doctor on call to cover his patients. The pager numbers to reach them are always on his office answering machine and the machine also tells me what to do if I am in crisis such as going to the hospital.

  2. I always make sure to refill all my meds before the Holidays. The security of doing that really helps. Also I really try not to over-indulge in alcohol just because it’s the Holidays. That helps too. All the best to everyone for a safe and comfortable holiday.

  3. It is good think ahead to make sure your stocked with your meds etc. and to make sure you have back up if your Dr. is out of town and not available. I have to admit at first when I was reading I could not help but think of that movie “What About Bob”

  4. Hi Dave,

    Todays news letter is the best advice.

    A wise person once told me and it stands true time and time again. Be prepared, then you won’t need it. It is always, always and again always when one is not prepared that they needed to be.

    I think it one of Murphy’s Laws. 😉

    Murphy lived in my house a long time. Murphy is no longer welcomed there. so…y’all listen to David, prepare, prepare prepare.

    Have a good one.

  5. Good, common sense information. It helps SO much to hear it again and again, Dave. Don’t get tired of reminding us. I like the way you refer to bipolar as a cunning person. I get that concept! It helps. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  6. The last thing my therapist told me before I left her office this week was, “You know how to get me if you need me, right?” That felt so good!! I feel like I won’t be forgotten over the holiday. My daughter and I are going to have a joint session after Christmas. I hope it will be good for us.

    Blessings to all,

  7. Oh, Dave, I’m reading your email at 10PM, so it’s too late to find out WHERE my doctor OR therapist will be during the Holidays! However, I spoke with my shrink yesterday and got a good report on my blood tests, and spoke with my therapist today (she will be out of town ’til after the Holidays). However, the Region X Mental Health Clinic is staffed 24/7/365, so there’s ALWAYS a human at the other end of the phone who can GET me the help I need IF I need it. This is VERY comforting, especially since I have terrible Anniversary reactions during Christmas, and you never know when “the bipolar” will strike! (I lost my first husband to a heart attack at age 35 the day after Christmas 1989, so it’s hard to celebrate – but I’m a “survivor,” as my therapist would say…).

    As for having my medications, I receive a “medicine box” every Wednesday, so there are no refill or prescription problems to worry about. Now – what if Christmas falls on a Wednesday??!! Just pick it up on Tuesday!!

    For those of you with medicine boxes, ALWAYS check the boxes BEFORE you leave the clinic; I have missed my Valium AND/OR my Paxil occasionally, and have had to wait until the next day to go to the clinic for the missing pills. NEVER be in such a rush that you don’t COUNT your meds in the box!!

    I’ve lost 4 pounds since my last post, so I will let someone else take my place on the sign-up tomorrow morning. I still have to lose about 3 pounds to be comfortable, but that’s NOT an excessive amount…

    I wish each and every bipolar survivor and those who love them, a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, and may you all have a PEACEFUL and QUIET celebration. Stay sane, and party responsibly!!

  8. Hi David, Yes snuck up on me 2 days ago, like I wasnt taking my meds. I went home there was dishes in thye sink, went to my sons room, he was asleep, got right in is face screaming get down there and get the cus cus cus dishes, my little one said something I screamed at her , her eyes got real big like who are you. I realized my brain was roaring! I called my doctors, left a message with the nurse, she called me back , she said I hear it in your voice, I will have the doctor call you. He called thus- ( THE TUNE UP ). It happened so fast. It is a monster. Thank you DAVID!!

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