Bipolar: Stop Wearing an S on Your Chest


Remember how Superman always wore a big S on his chest? Well, some people might say that some bipolar supporters wear a big S on their chests, too. It could be because they try to do everything themselves. They don’t accept help from anyone else. They don’t have their own support system. They put too much time and energy into their loved one and not enough time and energy into themselves. They don’t take care of themselves. They aren’t balanced. They are usually stressed to the max. They don’t do things that bring them pleasure.

They don’t do anything outside of their loved one. They don’t have any hobbies. They don’t take care of their own health. They’re always busy trying to please their loved one. Everything they do is for their loved one, and nothing is for themselves. They try to be perfect. Everything they do has to be perfect.

Does this sound like you? If so, take the S off your chest! You are NOT perfect! Nobody is. Your loved one should not expect you to be perfect, and you shouldn’t expect yourself to be, either. Trying to be perfect is only going to exhaust you! To say nothing of the stress that it will bring upon you.

All you can ever do is just the best you can do. And you can’t do everything by yourself, either.
You need to have your own support system, just like your loved one should have their own
support system. You can’t keep holding everything in all the time. And sometimes even journaling your thoughts and feelings just isn’t enough – you need a real person to listen to you.
Like a close friend or family member, or maybe a clergy person. Some supporters even go to a therapist of their own.

Taking care of yourself should be a priority – if you’re not in good emotional and physical
health, then you’re no good to yourself or your loved one. Having outside interests will help to keep you emotionally healthy and well-balanced. You need to do things that make you happy and bring you pleasure, whether that is working at a job, having a hobby, or just reading a good book or going to the movies or lunch with a friend.

You need to keep yourself balanced – mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. You should have an exercise program in place – even if it’s just walking (30 minutes at least 3
times a week). Just remember that you are not Superman – don’t expect too much from yourself.
If you do, you will get into trouble. Just ask yourself if what you are expecting from yourself is more than you would expect from someone else. If it is, then you need to lower your expectations.

Or ask yourself if what you are expecting of yourself is more than other people would expect
from you. If it is, then again, you need to lower your expectations.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Mr. Oliver,
    Your newsletters are a God send! I have a son with Bi-Polar/SchizoAffective Disorder; I always forward your information to him which he seems to appreciate.


    Deidra Aubrey Gwyther

  2. WOW!….. I sure don’t feel like Super Mom anymore! Raising a Bipolar Teen can take all of your strengh,with their the Highs, the Lows,going Back and Forth,Forward and Backward, they can really weaken your system… The Devil Is A lie! Thank you Dave for your All Support… THANK YOU!!

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