Bipolar? Sometimes You Have to Wait for These

Hi, how’s it going? I hope you’re having a good day.

You know there’s research going on about bipolar disorder all the time, right? Sometimes theories work and sometimes they don’t. They say that researchers need to have the patience of a saint! Do you know why? Because they have to wait for their results. And sometimes they have to wait for a long time.

It’s the same with bipolar disorder. Sometimes you have to wait for the results, too. When your loved one is on a new medication, for example. You have to give it time to see if it will work for them or not.

For instance, have you ever been on a diet? Weight loss does not happen overnight. You have to wait for the results. But here’s the point about that – You have to be consistent with that diet to get the results that you WANT.

So if your loved one has just begun in therapy, or has switched therapists, it will take time for you to see the results of it.

Sometimes you do get the opportunity to see results quicker, though. For instance, if you have talked with your loved one about the finances, and have decided that you should handle them, then those are quick results.

Some results your loved one is responsible for. Like the results they will get from consistently going to their doctor and therapist.

But some results you are responsible for. Like the fact that your loved one can depend on you. That’s a big responsibility, but a crucial one. You need to take your role as a supporter very seriously. And you want the things you do to have results. Positive results, at that.

So what do you need to do?

You need to keep the lines of communication open with your loved one. As long as they feel they can trust you, they will open up and talk to you when they’re not “feeling right.” Then you can get them help sooner than later. And the results will be that you can avoid a full-blown bipolar episode.

What else can you do?

Try to keep your home environment as stress-free as possible. This is something you need to be

consistent with, as well. The more stress-free the environment, the less chance of a bipolar episode for your loved one.

Some results you will see right away. But other results you need to wait for – like stability.

But if you and your loved one both stay consistent in what you have to do, stability will be the positive result from it.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


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