Bipolar? Keeping Up Your Enthusiasm

Hi, how are you? I hope you’re doing well.

Have you ever been around an enthusiastic person? It’s hard not to catch their enthusiasm, isn’t it? If they get excited, usually you will get excited as well. It’s hard not to!

But it may be hard to stay enthusiastic if your loved one gets depressed around this time of year.

I know you can’t force them to be enthusiastic if they aren’t, but maybe you can do some things to at least encourage them.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Encourage them to get involved with holiday planning

Activity and productivity are always good for someone who has bipolar disorder. Try to get them to give you some ideas, and get their own creative juices flowing!

2. Have them do the Christmas cards this year

You want to encourage them to think of others and to get their mind off themselves and the way they are feeling, and doing the Christmas cards will be good for them.

3. Have them help you with the holiday baking

Even if you didn’t do any holiday baking last year, do it this year and have your loved one help you with it.

4. Have your loved one make up the Christmas shopping list

Even if you have traditionally been the one to make up the Christmas shopping list every year, let your loved one do it this year. Again, it will (hopefully) get their mind off themselves.

5. Encourage them to help you put up the Christmas tree

Have fun with this – put on some pretty Christmas music to get them in the mood, and then put up the tree together.

6. Have them choose and buy for a child off the store’s Christmas Angel Tree

This will remind your loved one that there are people who are struggling this year, and it might make them feel better to buy a present for a needy child.

Hopefully, your loved one will “catch” your holiday enthusiasm this year

  1. Your newsletter today is better suited for December, not the end of May.

  2. You kind of goofed up, sending a Christmas message. I would like to see more of your messages speaking to the person with bipolar disorder, instead of so much to the caretaker. I need all the help I can get!

  3. Did you really mean to send this mailing now? All of the stuff about the holidays and Christmas are so out of place at this time of the year! Also, did you ever stop to consider that some of your readers are Jewish, or Muslim, and don’t celebrate Christmas? Maybe something a bit more generic next time?
    Thanks. And keep up your good work. I know you are sincere in it, and your mailings are often very helpful.

  4. I’m a little confused by your latest post. Although your suggestions are good you talk about Christmas and the time frame around it. This is the middle of May. Why would you post that know? But keep up the good work. Love what you do.

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