Bipolar? It is Better to Do This

Hi, how’s it going? Hope you are doing well.

These past few days I have been emailing a friend about a few things. But here’s the funny thing: I wasn’t getting anything in return. After a few attempts, I began to think that for some reason they didn’t want to talk to me.

But I decided I had better call them, just in case. It ended up they hadn’t gotten my emails at all! Something must have gone wrong with the sending process, or something. It was a good thing that I double-checked. Otherwise, I would have assumed something that wasn’t true. And that wouldn’t have been fair to my friend.

It is always better to double check things.

In the construction business, they say “measure twice, cut once.” Basically that means that if you double- check what you are about to cut, you won’t make mistakes. Now, this may not be a flawless system. But it certainly helps you know you are right or wrong if you double-checked.

This is true of several things when you are dealing with bipolar disorder. Take, for example, medications. If you are unsure about anything to do with medications, it is better to double- check. For instance, if you are unsure about how many pills to take, at how many intervals a day, then you should double- check just to be safe.

Or if you are unsure if your symptoms mean that your medications might need to be changed, then it is better to double- check with your psychiatrist to be safe. Can you see how these things are important? When something is important, you have to be sure.

Another example of how double-checking can help a person with bipolar is double-checking when their important appointments are. Simple enough, right?

Here’s one that’s even more important: How about double-checking whether you are going into a manic or depressive episode by asking for feedback? That’s a big one. It may seem hard to do, but with a little work on communication skills and a little effort to remember to do so, it’s not so bad.

Now, how about bipolar supporters? There are certainly times when we need to double-check things, also. Some things we need to double-check about our loved ones. Like, for example, we sometimes need to double-check that they took their medications. Or we may need to double-check that they are going to their doctor appointments when they are scheduled.

Some things are so obvious that we don’t need to double-check them. For example, the speed that they are talking at, or the amount of sense they are making when they explain things. But other things we do need to double- check about, like whether they are sleeping in an amount that is good for them.

There are things we need to double-check about ourselves, too. We may need to double-check that we are scheduling in time for ourselves. This may seem like it’s optional, but if we are going to be healthy enough to take care of our loved ones then it is really mandatory.

We may need to double-check that the information we just learned about bipolar disorder is accurate. This is especially true if it is something that is controversial, in which case we might not be able to determine which side is “right.” But we can get more facts and opinions on the subject and get a more rounded opinion on it.

There are many things that we can double-check on, and they are all things that can benefit from it. The nice thing about double-checking things is it (usually) doesn’t hurt any. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

What are your thoughts on this?

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,


  1. Thanks for all your letters…They are ALL helpful as Mom with a son with Bipolar…….I look forward to receiving them. Thanks for all your help Mrs. E. Jeske

  2. I have been receiving your messages and have found them very informative. I have learned a lot from them

  3. Dave,
    What a great subject! Being bipolar I’m learning to slow down long enough to double check my feet in front of me, cuz I’m going so fast I knock or spill things over. If I move slower I will see what’s in front of me. Double checking and slowing down my physical speed seems to be helping me be less clumsy. Double checking helps me find things I didn’t initially see. Taking time out for myself and loved ones, simply communicating a little, makes us know we still like each other. A little more room, helps us a lot. Double checking can save a whole lot of hastles that could come up later, and do if you don’t do it. That’s life for everyone. Bipolar is just a little more chance you won’t always do the right thing. And I know!!! Love, Jeanne

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I totally agree with the fact of better to double check and be safe than sorry. Keeping ourselves in check is a full time job.

    Thanks again, Ce

  5. I doublecheck my appts and put the appt cards on the frig. I have both therapy and meds appts each month. My therapist will be on maternity leave soon so she wants to see me every couple weeks because she won’t see me for a while. I couldn’t say no. I’d rather never go. I don’t think it does any good. She even gives me notes. It all sounds good in the meeting and then I can’t follow it. It’s hard for someone who is so together to understand that I can’t even move let alone clean my house or even take a shower sometimes. I have now forgotten (really) my therapy appt for the 3rd time this past week. She told me if you don’t notify office within 24 hrs 3 times, you are kicked out and you go on a waiting list all over. She says there are a lot of people waiting to get in. I’m scared. I can’t live without my meds.

  6. I double check my appt cards but I have multiple appts a month. I have every intention of going but I keep forgetting my therapy appts. I think it’s because I can’t put the suggestions to work. My therapist even writes notes for me but I can’t do it. One day I might be able to accomplish something,then I’ll have several bad days and it’s like nothing was ever done. I have never forgotten my meds appts. She’s said after 3 missed appts you get kicked through the system again because people are on a waiting list to get in. I have now reached 3 and I don’t know what will happen.

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