Bipolar: It Can Make You Stronger


There’s a saying that goes, “Anything that doesn’t kill you just makes you stronger.” Now, here’s the thing about bipolar disorder that I tell people all the time: Bipolar disorder is a lifelong disease with no cure (yet), but it is not a death sentence. Some people feel like it is. I feel sorry for these people, because they just “roll over and play dead.” Then they don’t learn about the disorder or how to manage it. It manages them instead. They think having bipolar disorder is the worst thing that could have ever happened to them. I get quite a few negative responses like that.

But here’s one that encouraged me:

“Dave, I never asked for my husband to have bipolar disorder. Of course, he didn’t ask for it, either. It wasn’t his fault. Nevertheless, there it is, right smack dab in the middle of our lives, with no escape. But you know, I’m actually grateful. It could have been worse, it could have been cancer or something. At least bipolar disorder won’t kill him, and I still have my husband.

I think it’s how you look at it. We choose to look at it like the glass is half full, and try to find the positive things about it. Like, he is much more aware of his health because of his bipolar disorder. We make sure he eats a healthy diet, exercises, and keeps a good sleep schedule.

We go to a support group, so he can be with others struggling with the same things that he is (and so can I). We are close with our families, so they are part of his support system too.

And we both monitor his moods, are careful of his triggers, and watch for signs and symptoms of an episode. And of course, he sees a psychiatrist and a therapist who can tell, too. We’ve been able to avoid much more serious episodes this way.

I can’t really say we’re used to his bipolar disorder, because how can you ever really get used to it? But we have learned to accept that this is something he has and will have for the rest of his life, and it’s something we battle together.

I think my husband’s bipolar disorder has actually made him stronger. With his medication, he is very stable, and is very productive. He helps me around the house, and he also does volunteer work, which makes him feel good about himself. We also believe that the disorder itself makes him more creative, so that really helps with us solving problems and other stuff.

I’m not saying that we like the fact that he has bipolar disorder, but it has united us, and I do believe it has made us both stronger, fighting this battle together. Anyway, thanks for listening. Barbara.”


Wow. What a testimonial about the positive side of bipolar disorder. Bet you didn’t think there was one, huh? I usually hear the opposite, people talking about how difficult it is, but that’s why I wanted to share this with you. Bipolar disorder can make you stronger, just like Barbara was saying in her comments. It’s all in how you look at it – You can look at it as something that ruins your life and makes you miserable, or you can do like she said – You can accept it. How you or your loved one looks at the disorder has a lot to do with whether they will get stable.

When you accept something, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you just lay down and take it. Especially when it comes to something like bipolar disorder. But acceptance is necessary when it comes to the disorder and the fight for stability. Here’s the thing though – Just because you accept it doesn’t mean you have to like it. I’m not saying that. Obviously, nobody is going to like having the disorder. But if you accept it like Barbara and her husband do, you can do things to battle it. I think they have the right attitude.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,





  1. It;s very simple bipolar people should marry bipolar people. They under stand what the other is going through and can help each when things get tough. shraght [eople have no ideal what bipolar is.

  2. I’m very grateful to read this testimonies.I being diagnose with bipolar disoder but not everthing is. Not bad.I love reading this blog it helps me a lot..thank you david oliver and all of you who made this possible

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