Bipolar: If It Were Up To You


What if the war were up to you? I’m sure you would choose peace instead. What if your financial situation were up to you? I’m sure you’d choose financial stability. What if your problems were up to you? I’m sure you’d choose not to have any. What if your loved one’s bipolar disorder were up to you? I’m sure you would choose for them not to have it. Unfortunately, in this life there are some things we have control over, and others that we don’t have control over. Some things we have to trust. You have to trust that our President is doing the right thing to win the war. You have to trust that, even though you’d rather not have them, that your problems have solutions to them. You have to trust that if you work hard enough and are watchful over your finances, that you will have financial stability.

Only there’s something you deal with on a daily basis that you don’t have control over. You do NOT have control over the fact that your loved one has bipolar disorder. But you DO have control over how you deal with it.

If it were up to you, what would your life be like? I’m sure you’d choose that your loved one would never have another bipolar episode. I’m sure you’d choose that you wouldn’t have any problems. And I’m sure you’d choose that your life would be a happy one. But a happy life does NOT mean the absence of problems. It means that you cope and deal with the problems that face you, and you succeed IN SPITE OF them. That’s how it is with bipolar disorder, too.

You and your loved one can still have a happy life in spite of the fact that they have their bipolar

disorder. When the disorder is under control, like when the bipolar symptoms are successfully being managed by medication, for instance, you and your loved one can enjoy long periods of stability. You don’t have to let bipolar disorder steal your happiness. Happiness is a choice. That IN SPITE OF what comes against you, you will still be happy.

Nobody is without problems. Everybody has them. But there is a satisfaction that comes from having solved a problem. And each one makes you stronger. You can choose the same thing with bipolar disorder. You can choose to wallow in self-pity and wish your life were different…OR…

You can choose to be happy IN SPITE OF it. It’s your choice. You can choose to be overwhelmed by all the problems you have facing you right now…OR…You can choose to solve those problems in a systematic way. It’s your choice.

Well, I have to go!

Your Friend,




  1. Still have a choice in this matter, Mr. Dave.

    Bipolar is a real disorder so in this case, one has to acquiesce with the situation.

    As my life is up to me, I have plenty of control over those with “imaginary episodes”. simply don’t tolerate it. perhaps a case of a misdiagnosis?

    If you love someone enough, you endure but if you don’t you can simple change where and with whom are you with at any given time. I learned that from my past 3 boyfriends who were disorder free and I’m still learning this from the current one.

    we all can wear masks – but your uncle’s meow is not your recent boyfriend’s meow if you know what I mean. There’s make believe and then there’s the real deal. no back and forths, no imaginary drama shows just the real thing but I do pray for those that are victims of this disorder

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