Bipolar: Changes in Latitude



Do you remember that (I think it was) Jimmy Buffett song that had the lyrics, “changes in latitude, changes in attitude” in it? I think that might have even been the title, I’m not sure

(though you might know). I liked the song, but didn’t think too much of it as like a “life-changer” or anything, until recently. I was talking to Michele, who works for me. And she said that song, or those lyrics, specifically, sort of really came true for her. See…She and her husband both have bipolar disorder. And they lived in Tennessee. But they were in sort of a rut there. In a negative situation that their bipolar was reacting to in not a good way.


Well…They say a “geographical cure” is never a good thing. But that’s if you’re running away from your problems, and not dealing with them. Because they’ll just follow you. So I agree with not doing geographical cures. But when I talked with Michele about her situation and the “changes in latitude, changes in attitude” thing, I agreed with their decision to move to Florida and start over. Because it worked for them. They made the move…Got away from the bad influence…Their attitudes changed…Their bipolar disorders got better…And they’re living “happily ever after” in Florida now. So what can you say?


You have to do what you have to do to get stable with your bipolar disorder, whatever that takes. You do whatever works for you. In their case, it took moving. Now…I’m not saying you have to move in order for your loved one to get stable. Although…If you face a situation that warrants it, moving may be something you may need to consider if it will help your loved one get stable with their bipolar disorder. You just have to make sure that it’s not a “geographical cure…” And you have to be absolutely sure that it won’t make them worse. Because sometimes people with bipolar disorder move as part of the impulsiveness of their disorder. So you have to make sure it’s not that. You would have to think real carefully about it, like Michele and her husband did.

It certainly was NOT an impulsive decision for them. In fact, they have family in Florida, so that was one of the things that influenced their decision to move.


But you don’t necessarily have to move to experience “changes in latitude, changes in attitude.”

You could plan a vacation, or even a mini-vacation, and get the same results. If the problem is simply stress, then this would work for you. Just plan something fun and relaxing…And it will relieve the problem (the stress) in your lives and help your loved one’s bipolar disorder get

better. This might be a better solution for you than totally moving. So you might want to consider this instead.



Well, I have to go!


Your Friend,




  1. TODAY I DEDICATE THIS to my favorite “twin” (A HUSBAND AND WIFE) WHO ARE BOTH BIPOLAR and were born on the same exact day– a good vacation does wonders for stress!!!!!!

    And sometimes you aren’t exactly “up.”

    In fact…

    Sometimes you can FEEL PRETTY “down.”

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