Bipolar: Being Well-Balanced



You know, we hear a lot about cholesterol these days. You may even have a problem with your cholesterol, or have to take medication to control it. Many people do, so you’re not alone. It’s getting to be in epidemic proportions. But did you know…If you’re trying to control your cholesterol – That there are actually two types of cholesterol. And that it’s not enough to lower your “bad” cholesterol… You also have to try to raise your “good” cholesterol at the same time.

The good news is that you can do this through medication, diet, and exercise, so it can be done and you can stay healthy. The important thing is BALANCE. Treatment is a BALANCE between the medication, diet, and exercise. It takes all three. When it comes to bipolar disorder, you need a BALANCE as well. When I teach about bipolar disorder, I talk about some of the elements that make up a good BALANCE in managing bipolar disorder for your loved one.


For example: Most importantly, they need to take their medications religiously and as prescribed.

They also need to go to all their appointments with their doctor, psychiatrist, and therapist, and any other professional on their treatment team on a regular basis. It’s good for them to have a structure and a routine, and to have productivity to their days, such as having a To-Do List of things to accomplish. They should have a good strong support system that they can depend on.

They should stick to a regular sleep schedule as well, going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning, and getting 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. A good, healthy, nutritious diet is very important, too. They should avoid caffeine, and they definitely should avoid alcohol, as this could interfere with their medication (as well as other possible problems).


Exercise is very important for your loved one. They should exercise at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes, enough to raise their heartbeat. Even walking is good, as long as it’s regular and they stick to it. If they can’t work a full-time job outside the home, maybe they can work a part-time job, or a job with flexible hours. If not, perhaps a work-from-home job, or a business you can start from home. If they can’t work, they should at least do volunteer work. The important thing is to do something productive with their time. They should also have projects that they work on, and creative things that they do, like working in a garden, or building things.

Hobbies are important as well. They also need to do things that they enjoy. That is really

important for their emotional well-being. The important thing about all these things is that they create a BALANCE for your loved one. Your loved one needs to be balanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


But don’t forget yourself! You need to be balanced as well. Pretty much all the things that I listed for your loved one could apply just as easily to you. If you do all those things…You will be balanced as well, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And it’s just as important for you to be well-balanced as it is for your loved one to be well-balanced, even though you don’t have bipolar disorder. It’s actually important for all of us to be well-balanced in general.

So all of this is actually just good advice to follow. But one thing I would add for you: You need to take breaks from your loved one. If not, you will burn out. Make sure that you have your own support system as well, just as your loved one does.



Well, I have to go!


Your Friend,




  1. Hey all!

    Yes, B A L A N C E! for you and loved one, and basically for the everyone in this earth. That is most important key to live healthy good life..

    -Pekka, from Oulu, Finland

  2. like scales (the libra sign) it’s an equalizing balancer. Ooops that’s what most caretakers usually do forget – themselves!

    thanks for reminding us loyal caretakers of how much life pays off in the end.

  3. i spent time with my girlfriend (a rekindled friendship) and i was talking to her last night about 20 years ago an incident that occurred between the two of us (apparently an unwanted ex of hers called and I didn’t pay attention to the road and I burst my tires so I “talked to her like a small child” needless to say, a grown attractive 22 year old “kissy chick”, which is another nickname for her as she likes to make kissing sounds, doesn’t take lightly to that – so she stormed out of the vehicle and she walked all the way to a relatives’ domicile. Fireplace and marshmellow and hot cocoa were waiting for the weary beautiful. As i told her this story, i became teary eyed that she had to foot the bill just to get away from my overbearing “presence or tone”.

    Moral dave, my friend balance in conversation, food, topics, concerns, insecurities are the true key of life and lead to healthy living. Thank you so much. As I awoke today, fresh new “shared” memories come up and we dont argue about these petty exes as much because we’ve balanced our expections of each other!! by the way her name is Raphaella (the name of an angel) a true Gift God sent back intto my life to remind me that God still cares about my happiness and thinks I deserve to be with one of his loveliest daughters so I am grateful for this opportunity to keep her happy and secure. My name is Michael and i alos possess thte name of an angel a powerful one which was Sent by the Creator as his 1st born son. We both need to balance out the monumental gift God has entrusted in us when dealing with our work (she works with the sick but I dont. and since she is the one that works with the sick on a daily basis and her day is 18 hours, I need to alleviate “reminders of psychos to her. I’m very pleased by your article

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