Current Bipolar News


What’s new? Hope you are doing well.

To read this week’s news visit:

Study: Half of mentally ill adults go untreated
DO> This study makes a startling discovery.

Unusual combo reduces health risk from atypical antipsychotic
DO> This study makes a very important point.

Earl Nash, Killed for Attempted Rape, Had Mental Illness
DO> Do you think his bipolar made him do what he did?

Attorney who took $458000 loses license for 2 years
DO> Do you think he should have been disbarred?

Genetic Variants May Account for Poorer ECT Response in Treatment-Resistant Patients
DO> Important study, don’t you think?

Study of 81000 adults examines mental illness, gun violence and suicide
DO> This study reveals some shocking information.

For these stories and more, please visit:

Check out all my resources, programs and information for all aspects of bipolar disorder by visiting:

Your Friend,
